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Chess and chess variant rules written in dart for native platforms (does not support web).


  • Completely immutable Position class
  • Read and write FEN
  • Read and write SAN
  • Chess rules:
    • move making
    • legal moves generation
    • game end and outcome
    • insufficient material
    • setup validation
  • Chess960 support
  • Chess variants: Antichess, Atomic, Crazyhouse, KingOfTheHill, ThreeCheck
  • PGN parser and writer
  • Bitboards
  • Attacks and rays using hyperbola quintessence


import 'package:dartchess/dartchess.dart';

final pos = Chess.fromSetup(Setup.parseFen('r1bqkbnr/ppp2Qpp/2np4/4p3/2B1P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNB1K1NR b KQkq - 0 4'));
assert(pos.isCheckmate == true);

Additional information

This package was heavily inspired from: