Refactoring of iterative queries (``) to improve both
correctness and performance (for larger DHTs):
1. Queries no longer terminate prematurely due to counting results
from peers farther from the target while results from closer
peers are still pending. (libp2p#1105).
2. Queries no longer ignore reported closer peers that are not duplicates
just because they are currently not among the `num_results` closest.
The currently `max_results` closest may contain peers marked as failed
or pending / waiting. Hence all reported closer peers that are not
duplicates must be considered candidates that may still end up
among the `num_results` closest that successfully responded.
3. Bounded parallelism based on the `active_counter` was not working
correctly, as new (not yet contacted) peers closer to the target
may be discovered at any time and thus appear in `closer_peers`
before the already active / pending peers.
4. The `Frozen` query mechanism allowed all remaining not-yet contacted
peers to be contacted, but their results were discarded, because
`inject_rpc_result` would only incorporate results while the
query is `Iterating`. The `Frozen` state has been reworked into
a `Stalled` state that implements a slightly more permissive
variant of the following from the paper / specs: "If a round of
FIND_NODEs fails to return a node any closer than the closest
already seen, the initiator resends the FIND_NODE to all of the
k closest nodes it has not already queried.". Importantly, though
not explicitly mentioned, the query can move back to `Iterating`
if it makes further progress again as a result of these requests.
The `Stalled` state thus allows (temporarily) higher parallelism
in an effort to make progress and bring the query to an end.
1. Repeated distance calculations between the same peers and the
target is avoided.
2. Enabled by libp2p#1108, use of a more appropriate data structure (`BTreeMap`) for
the incrementally updated list of closer peers. The data structure needs
efficient lookups (to avoid duplicates) and insertions at any position,
both of which large(r) vectors are not that good at. Unscientific benchmarks
showed a ~40-60% improvement in somewhat pathological scenarios with at least
20 healthy nodes, each possibly returning a distinct list of closer 20 peers
to the requestor. A previous assumption may have been that the vector always
stays very small, but that is not the case in larger clusters: Even if the
lists of closer peers reported by the 20 contacted peers are heavily overlapping,
typically a lot more than 20 peers have to be (at least temporarily) considered
as closest peers until the query completes. See also issue (2) above.
New tests are added for:
* Query termination conditions.
* Bounded parallelism.
* Absence of duplicates.