Star rating view, often used in vote. Easy to use, and flexible configurations.
- Grab the source file into your project.
- Or use cocoapods. Here is an example of your podfile:
pod 'StarRatingView'
StarRatingView *ratingView = [[StarRatingView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 100, self.view.frame.size.width, 20) configuration:configuration];
ratingView.rating = 4.0f; // rate range:[0,5]
Configure the view if you need it:
StarRatingViewConfiguration *conf = [[StarRatingViewConfiguration alloc] init];
conf.rateEnabled = YES;
conf.starWidth = 40.0f;
conf.fullImage = @"ic_starwhite.png";
conf.halfImage = @"ic_starwhitehalf.png";
conf.emptyImage = @"ic_starwhiteept";
StarRatingView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.