All dotfiles can be installed or recovered via Makefile commands simplely. See helps below.
WARN: the dotfiles must in user home, depth 1
cd ~
git clone
cd dotfiles
make all
(default command)
publish dotfiles to systempush
push system updated files to dotfiles folderivim-depends
install vim dependsivim
install viminstall
exec all Makefile commandsall
same as commandinstall
vim-conf base on amix/vimrc. But use junegunn/vim-plug to manage vim plugins,
and so many things to be changed, just get some helps from amix/vimrc
and read the sources from files .vim-basic.vim
& .vim-plugins
Step 1: clone the files and install.
Notice: it will overwrite the files '.vimrc', '.vim-basic', '.vim-plugins' if they exists in home folder
git clone cd dotfiles make ivim
Step 3: Test it, it might need something other program like (ack, ag, install-markdown-d).
It works well on platform ubuntu, and works well in windows too if you do something change.
muticursor plugins need something other to do. If muticursor plugin works bad, just put these codes below to
(if you use zsh)# => vim-multiple-cursors must do this for doing well. stty ixany stty ixoff -ixon