This repository is an aggregator for various
R, make
and git
material. Most of the courses are taught at the University of
Cambridge, UK, and some have been adapted and exported outside. We
would also like to acknowledge contributions from
Aleksandra Pawlik,
Software Sustainability Institute,
Raphael Gottardo, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center and Karl Broman,
University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Each material subdirectory has its own repository; TeachingMaterial
aggregates a snapshot as a central entry point. Aggregation is done
using git-subtree
(see the
administration page
for details). The local copies linking to external repositories are
prefixed with an underscore.
Unless otherwise stated, all material is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. This means you are free to copy, distribute and transmit the work, adapt it to your needs as long as you cite its origin and, if you do redistribute it, do so under the same license.
See also the
for meta-information about the repository and general R
material and links.
If you like this material and/or this initiative, do not hesitate to let us know by starring the repo, tweeting about it and sharing it with your colleagues.
- Description: In this course, we will use R/Bioconductor packages to explore, process, visualise and understand mass spectrometry-based proteomics data, starting with raw data, and proceeding with identification and quantitation data, discussing some of their peculiarities compared to sequencing data along the way. The workflow is aimed at a beginner to intermediate level, such as, for example, seasoned R users who want to get started with mass spectrometry and proteomics, or proteomics practitioners who want to familiarise themselves with R and Bioconductor infrastructure.
- Direct link: (see also this 3-days workshop)
- Author: Laurent Gatto
- Original repository:
- More details: README
- Description: This Visualisation of biomolecular data course is aimed at people who are already familiar with the R language and syntax, and who would like to get a hands-on introduction to visualisation, with a focus on biomolecular data in general, and proteomics in particular. This course is meant to be mostly hands-on, with an intuitive understanding of the underlying techniques.
- Direct link:
- Author: Laurent Gatto
- Original repository:
- Learning GitHub and a bit about git using a pancake recipe as an example.
- Blog post:
- Author: Laurent Gatto
- Description: The WSBIM1207 course is an introduction to bioinformatics (and data science) for biology and biomedical students. It introduces bioinformatics methodology and technologies without relying on any prerequisites. The aim of this course is for students to be in a position to understand important notions of bioinformatics and tackle simple bioinformatics-related problems in R, in particular to develope simple R analysis scripts and reproducible analysis reports to interogate, visualise and understand data in a tidy tabular format.
- Direct link:
- Author: Laurent Gatto
- Description: The WSBIM1322 course is teaches the basics of statistical data analysis applied to high throughput biology. It is aimed at biology and biomedical students that are already familiar with the R langauge (see the pre-requisits section below). The students will familiarise themselves with statitical learning concepts such as unsupervised and supervised learning, hypothesis testing, and extend their understanding and practive in R data structures and programming and the Bioconductor project.
- Direct link:
- Author: Laurent Gatto
- Description: A two-day course taught on the 3-4 April 2017, teaching advanced techniques in writing reliable, robust code in R.
- Author: Laurent Gatto, and Robert Stojnic.
- Original repository:
- Content: The material provides the opportunity to gain experience and understanding of object-oriented programming, packaging your code for distribution, advanced approaches for data visualisation, unit testing, and debugging.
- Description: A 2-day workshop taught on the 25-26 February 2016 at the EMBL, Heidelberg. The course aims at teaching participants debugging techniques and good practice in writing reliable, robust code.
- Author: Laurent Gatto, based on previous content by Laurent Gatto and Robert Stojnic, and Advanced R, by Hadley Wickham.
- Original repository:
- Content: Part I: Coding style(s), Interactive use and programming, Environments, Tidy data, Computing on the language. Part II: Functions, Robust programming with functions, Scoping, Closures, High-level functions, Vectorisation. Part III: Defensive programming, Debbugging: techniques and tools, Condition handling: try/tryCatch, Unit testing. Part IV: Benchmarking, Profiling, Optimisation, Memory, Rcpp.
- More details:
- Description: Software carpentry R bootcamp, Jan 7-8, 2014, Cambridge, UK and 6-7 Nov 2014, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Authors: Stephen Eglen, Laurent Gatto, Robert Stojnić and Aleksandra Pawlik
- Original repository:
- Content:
programming, plotting,git
(via software carpentry),make
, profiling, testing, debugging.
- Description: Scientific Programming with
, MPhil in Computational Biology - Author: Stephen Eglen with contributions from Laurent Gatto
- Original repository:
- More details: README
- Description: Bioinformatics for Big Omics Data
- Author: Raphael Gottardo, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- Original repository:
- More details: README
- Description:
guide - Original repository:
- Author: Karl Broman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- View it here:
- Description: minimal tutorial on
- Original repository:
- Author: Karl Broman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- View it here:
- Description: Two brief overviews of
package creation - Author: Laurent Gatto
- Original repository:
- More details: README
- Download the QuickPackage and QuickPackageAndMore slides (pdf)
- Description: Developing, documenting and testing an
package - Author: Laurent Gatto and Robert Stojnić
- Original repository:
- More details: README
- Download the pdf
- Description: Benchmarking, profiling and optimisation
- Author: Laurent Gatto
- Original repository:
- More details:
- Read the material
- Description: A introduction to
for knowledgeable bioinformaticians. Used asR
intro lecture for the CSAMA workshop. - Author: Laurent Gatto
- Original repository:
- More details: README
- Download the pdf
- Description: A 1 day introductionary course, developed specifically for Microarray Analysis using
and Bioconductor. - Author: Laurent Gatto
- Original repository:
- More details: README
- Download the pdf
- Description: Material for the 2-day
introduction taught at Cambridge's Graduate School of Life Sciences Training. - Authors: Robert Stojnic, Laurent Gatto, Rob Foy, David Molnar and John Davey, based on original slides by Ian Roberts and Robert Stojnic.
- Original repository:
- Course page:
- Download the slides for day 1 and day 2 in pdf.
- Description: A short topic section on functional programming in
- Author: Laurent Gatto
- Original repository:
- More details: README
- Download the pdf
- Description: A short topic section on vectorisation in
- Author: Laurent Gatto
- Original repository:
- More details: README
- Download the pdf
- Description: A short topic section on debugging in
- Author: Laurent Gatto and Robert Stojnić
- Original repository:
- More details: README
- Download the pdf
- Description: A short topic section on parallal computing in
- Author: Laurent Gatto and Robert Stojnić
- Original repository:
- More details: README
- Download the pdf
- Description: Covers S3, S4 and S4 Reference Classes OO programming using DNA/RNA sequence data manipulation as a working example.
- Author: Laurent Gatto and Robert Stojnić
- Original repository:
- More details: README
- Download the pdf
- Description: A short 1-day course about R object-oriented programming, package development and various other topics (C interface, unit testing, debugging). See also other more recent and detailed lessons about these topic on this page.
- Author: Laurent Gatto and Robert Stojnić
- Original repository:
- More details: README
- Download the pdf
- Description: A practical S4 object-oriented programming tutorial using microarrays as a working example.
- Author: Laurent Gatto
- Original repository:
- More details: README
- Download the pdf
- Description: A tutorial on R programming of intermediate level, focusing on some aspects of functional programming, profiling, testing, debugging and parallelisation. Used as more advanced
programming lecture during the CSAMA workshop. - Author: Laurent Gatto
- Original repository:
- More details: README
- Download the pdf
- Description: Writing and calling
code for/fromR
- Author: Laurent Gatto
- Many examples from the Rcpp gallery and from Dirk's slides.
- Original repository:
- More details: README
- Download the pdf
- Description: visualising data using
(more to come soon) - Author: Mark Dunning
- Original repository:
- Download the pdf
- Description: Educational package used in
to illustrate OO programming and package development - Author: Laurent Gatto and Robert Stojnić
- Original repository:
- More details: DESCRIPTION
- Installation from CRAN:
- Installation from github (requires
building tools):
- Description: A short course for a Bioinformatics minor at the University of Cambridge. What is open science (data, source/code, access), and how can we enable it? What is reproducible research, and why do we need it and how can we implement it? The objective is to familiarise students with concepts and tools of open science and reproducible research.
- Author: Laurent Gatto
- Original repository:
- Description: A 2.5 days introductionary course focusing on R and basics statistics for proteomics scientists. The R intruduction material is based on the Data Carpentry R analysis lesson and leads to the introduction and application of basic uni-variate statistics using proteomics data. The course was developed and taught as part of the May Institute, at the Northeastern University, Boston, MA in May 2017.
- Authors: Laurent Gatto and Meena Choi, with material from the Data Carpentry R lesson.
- Original repository:
- Description: A short course for a Bioinformatics minor at the University of Cambridge. Introducing basic concepts in statistics: experimental design, randomisation, technical and biological variation, power analysis, hypothesis testing, confidence interval, what is a p-value, false discovery rate, multiple testing adjustment, dangers of uninformed statistical practice. The objective is familiarise students with basic statistical concepts and initiate them to statistical thinking. They should be able to critically assess an experimental design and the reporting of a simple statistical analysis.
- Author: Laurent Gatto
- Original repository:
- Slides on experimental desing, significance testing, and practical.
- Description: A discussion I lead in the frame of the Quantitative Proteomics and Data Analysis Course.
- Author: Laurent Gatto
- Original repository:
- Slides ( and reproducible vignette (
- Description: Material for the 2-day R/Bioconductor Proteomics Workshop at Stellenbosch University, October 2016
- Author: Laurent Gatto
- Original repository:
- Description: This introductory workshop on machine learning with R is aimed at participants who are not experts in machine learning (introductory material will be presented as part of the course), but have some familiarity with scripting in general and R in particular. The workshop will offer a hands-on overview of typical machine learning applications in R, including unsupervised (clustering, such as hierarchical and k-means clustering, and dimensionality reduction, such as principal component analysis) and supervised (classification and regression, such as K-nearest neighbour and linear regression) methods. We will also address questions such as model selection using cross-validation.
- Author: Laurent Gatto
- Original repository:
- Direct access to the material: bookdown formatted
We try to only aggregate material that is openly available, generally under Creative Commons Attribution license, which gives you the right to share and adapt the material as long as you credit to original author(s). Please refer to the orignal repository for details.