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Gloo docs

Deploying to a test site

make serve-site

Deploying to a versioned test site

To test the versioned docs locally:

eval $(minikube docker-env)

Run docker pull to get the appropriate gloo-docs images (e.g. docker pull

kubectl apply -f docs-staging.yaml

Then run glooctl proxy url to find the address to go to (e.g. http://some-ip-address:30357/gloo/latest).

Notes about the build process

  • we want documentation to be available in the form of and also as<some_version/...

    • during the release process, we will replace the prior "latest" build with the new build
    • if we want to make a particular version of the docs available for a longer timespan, we can host the version-scoped image
  • we currently emit two images for each Gloo release

    • a version of the docs that is served under
    • a version of the docs that is served under[version]/
  • the two images are built in the following temporary directories

    • site-latest/
    • site-versioned/
  • in the Dockerfile, we copy the appropriate directories to a nested directory corresponding to the prefix path

  • all urls are scoped relative to the prefix path

  • if you want to run locally, do: make serve-site which will build and serve the site from the site/ directory, with no prefix

Push images

Normally, CI will handle docs image pushes. If you want to force an image push, you can use this command from the repo root directory.

GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID=<project-id> TAGGED_VERSION=<some-version> make publish-docs -B

Shortcode/Hugo tips

  • Shortcodes cannot be embedded in other shortcodes
    • This means the "readfile" shortcode does not interpolate shortcodes embedded within the file
    • "Nesting" is different and allowed: you can "nest" short codes in the same manner that you can nest html tags