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Anki REST Helper

This is my personal Anki CLI helper. I use it to generate/enrich my Anki notes.

It interacts with Anki using REST API exposed via AnkiConnect plugin.


How to use it

  1. Install AnkiConnect plugin.

  2. Download the latest release of the tool for your platform or build it from source code using go build . command.

  3. Create your configuration file following documentation below.

  4. Run Anki with AnkiConnect plugin enabled

  5. Execute path/to/anki-helper -config path/to/anki-helper.yaml in your command line.

If you don't want to pass config file path to the tool at every execution, rename the file to anki-helper.yaml and put it to one of the following locations:

  • current work directory.
  • your system's user default configuration directory, as defined by UserConfigDir.
  • your user's home directory.

Configuration format

To see real and up-to-date example of a working configuration, check out anki-helper.yaml.

For full list of supported configuration fields, see ankihelperconf/yaml.go.

Configure text-to-speech

Prerequisite: in order to use text-to-speech (TTS), you need an API key to access Microsoft Azure text-to-speech service. As of 2023-01-04, you can create a free Azure Account and create a TTS resource using freebie quota. This quota is more than enough for a personal use, so you can use TTS free of charge. To generate the API key, follow the official documentation.

Once you've created a TTS resource, and chosen the voice to use, put this information into a configuration file:

  # Relative path to a file that contains Azure API key.
  apiKeyFile: azure-key.txt
  # Endpoint URL you can find in your Azure Console. 
  # Voice you want to use for TTS
  voice: es-ES-AlvaroNeural
  # Requests throttling. With freebie quota, TTS requests are heavily throttled on the Azure side,
  # so parameters below can mitigate this Azure-side throttling.
  # Feel free to remove them.
  minPauseBetweenRequests: 2100ms
  retryOnTooManyRequests: true

Now that you configured Microsoft Azure TTS, configure what text in what Anki notes you want to convert to speech and where you want to store that speech:

    - noteFilter: 'Word:_* WordVoiceover:' # (1)
      textField: Word # (2)
      textPreprocessing: # (3)
        - regexp: '\s+'
          replacement: ' '
      audioField: WordVoiceover # (4)

In the example above we told the tool to

  1. Find all notes that have a non-empty field Word and an empty field WordVoiceover. You can learn search syntax in the official documentation.

  2. For each note, extract Word field.

  3. Replace all substrings of the field that match \s+ regexp with a single space character. Check out regexp syntax here

  4. Convert this processed text to speech and store tha audio in WordVoiceover field of the note.

Note: noteFilter in the example is the default filter, so it may be omitted (the tool will automatically asume it).

Configure note processing

You can write a custom script that processes an Anki note, and run that script against all notes matching a filter:

    - noteFilter: Gender:_* -(Gender:femenino OR Gender:masculino) # (1)
        command: ./ # (2)
        stdin: "$$ .Note.Fields | to_json $$" # (3)
          - "$$.Note.Fields.Gender$$" # (4)
      # Fields below configure command execution throttling and timeouts.
      # These fields are optional and may be omitted.
      minPauseBetweenExecutions: 1200ms
      timeout: 5s

The configuration above tels the tool to

  1. Find all notes that have a non-empty Gender field that is not masculino or femenino.

  2. For each such note, execute the ./ program. Relative paths starting at ./ or ../ are resolved against configuration file directory.

  3. All note fields are passed to the program via stdin as a JSON object like {"field": "value"}.

  4. Gender field of the note is passed as a first command-line argument to the program.

  5. Apply note modification commands that the program printed to its stdout. Sample program stdout:

        {"set_field": {"Gender": "f"}}, 
        {"add_tag": "gender_normalized"}

    Supported modification commands (full list is defined in Modification struct):

    • {"set_field": {"field": "value"}}
    • {"set_field_if_empty": {"field": "value"}}
    • {"add_tag": "tag"}

Stdin and args may be plain text or go templates with $$ used as a delimiter.

Configure note type definitions

To be documented... See a working example in anki-helper.yaml.

Configure static media files upload

To be documented... See a working example in anki-helper.yaml.

Configure cards organization

To be documented... See a working example in anki-helper.yaml.

How to build the binary

To build the tool, you need to install Go 1.17 or beyond. Simply run go build . to get a binary for your platform. If you want to get binaries for different platforms, check out

If you don't want to install Go on your system, try building the tool using Docker:

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/projects/anki-helper -w /projects/anki-helper golang:1.17  ./
chown -R `whoami` build/
chmod -R +x build/