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AWS/GCP accounts/projects and users management.

First time deployment procedure

When Sky9 application is initially deployed, SSO needs to be configured in 3 places: frontend (directory client in this repo), backend (directory server) + Cognito, and Azure AD. There are two SSO's happening during authentication&authorization:

  1. Azure AD application <-> Cognito
  2. Cognito <-> Sky9 application

Here are the steps to deploy everything for the first time and configure both SSOs:

  1. Start adding configuration for new deployment to AWS Parameter Store. At this point you should prepare the following configuration properties: organization, organizationDomain, cognitoDomain, adTenantId. If available these two as well: adRunbookUrl and adRunbookKey.
# expected values are prod and test
export stage=prod
aws ssm put-parameter --type String --name "/sky9/$stage/organization" --value "<organization>"
aws ssm put-parameter --type String --name "/sky9/$stage/organizationDomain" --value "<organizationDomain>"
aws ssm put-parameter --type String --name "/sky9/$stage/cognitoDomain" --value "<cognitoDomain>"
aws ssm put-parameter --type String --name "/sky9/$stage/cognitoOrganization" --value "<cognitoOrganization>"
aws ssm put-parameter --type String --name "/sky9/$stage/adTenantId" --value "<adTenantId>"
aws ssm put-parameter --type String --name "/sky9/$stage/adRunbookKey" --value "<adRunbookKey>"
# longer format of command is required because the value is URL
aws ssm put-parameter --type String --name "/sky9/$stage/adRunbookUrl" --cli-input-json '{ "Name": "/sky9/$stage/adRunbookUrl", "Value": "<adRunbookUrl>", "Type": "String" }'
aws ssm put-parameter --type String --name " /sky9/$stage/gcpAccountKeys" --value '<gcpAccountKeys>'
aws ssm put-parameter --type String --name " /sky9/$stage/gcpParentFolderValue" --value '<gcpParentFolderValue>'
aws ssm put-parameter --type String --name " /sky9/$stage/gcpOrganization" --value '<gcpOrganization>'
aws ssm put-parameter --type String --name " /sky9/$stage/gcpBillingAccountId" --value '<gcpBillingAccountId>'
aws ssm put-parameter --type String --name " /sky9/$stage/gcpBudgetPubSubSubscriptionId" --value '<gcpBudgetPubSubSubscriptionId>'
aws ssm put-parameter --type String --name " /sky9/$stage/gcpBudgetPubSubTopicId" --value '<gcpBudgetPubSubTopicId>'
  1. Deploy infrastructure for the client. This will create S3 bucket and CloudFront distribution. Interesting values to pick-up here is CloudFront distribution public URL, which will be used to configure client build, Cognito's redirectURL config parameter, and AD application Home page URL.
aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name website-$stage --template-file client/website.yml --parameter-overrides Environment=$stage

# Get CloudFront public URL:
aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
  --query "Stacks[?StackName=='website-$stage'] | [0] | Outputs[?OutputKey=='CloudfrontEndpoint'].OutputValue" \
  --output text \
  | cut -d'/' -f2
  1. Create Azure AD application. Value assigned to Application (client) ID should be noted in server/config.json -> adAppClientId
  • Under Overview -> Managed application in local directory ->
    • Properties -> User assignment required = true
    • Users and groups -> Assign group (this requires admin consent when logging in for the first time) This will limit who can login to Sky9 application to people who are part of the assigned group.
  • Under Branding -> Home page URL = CloudFront distribution public URL
  • Under Authentication add platform (Web):
    • Redirect URI = https://{cognitoDomain}-{stage}
    • Implicit Grant -> Access tokens = true
    • Implicit Grant -> ID tokens = true
  • Under Certificates & secrets create two client secrets: for Cognito integration and access to GraphAPI, and add them to AWS Parameter Store.
aws ssm put-parameter --type String --name "/sky9/$stage/adAppClientId" --value "<adAppClientId>"
aws ssm put-parameter --type String --name "/sky9/$stage/adAppClientSecretSso" --value "<adAppClientSecretSso>"
aws ssm put-parameter --type String --name "/sky9/$stage/adAppClientSecretGraph" --value "<adAppClientSecretGraph>"

Ask Azure administrators to give this App Group.Read.All and User.Read.All permissions, as well as admin consent for using this app as SSO for Cognito.

  1. Deploy backend. This will create APIs and Cognito. Cognito should be configured for both SSOs: Cognito <-> Sky9 and Azure <-> Cognito.
cd server
npm install
sls deploy --stage $stage
cd -
  1. Deploy frontend. First, populate client/config.js. The following values should be obtained and updated:
  • apiUrl is API Gateway endpoint
  • baseUrl is CloudFront distribution public URL
  • cognitoUrl, cognitoClientId, cognitoUserPoolId should be taken from Cognito user pool Data in this file is not sensitive and can be commited to Git. After preparing config file you can build and deploy the client application.
cd client
npm install
npm run build

export bucket=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
  --query "Stacks[?StackName=='website-$stage'] | [0] | Outputs[?OutputKey=='BucketName'].OutputValue" \
  --output text \
  | cut -d'/' -f2)

export distribution=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
  --query "Stacks[?StackName=='website-$stage'] | [0] | Outputs[?OutputKey=='CloudfrontDistributionId'].OutputValue" \
  --output text \
  | cut -d'/' -f2)

aws s3 sync build s3://$bucket --delete
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id $distribution --paths "/*"
cd -
  1. One SNS topic for alerts is created as part of the backend, without any subscribers. Any interested parties should be manually added to listen for alerts Sky9 application emits.

Non-First time deployment procedure

According to deployed instances, atm we have 6 accounts where Sky9 app is deployed (AWS Serbia, AWS Ukraine, AWS Romania, AWS ThoughtLeadership, AWS Levi9, AWS Recruitment). For any of it, you should fetch access token for particular AWS account and then you can proceed with further instructions.


cd server
npm install
sls deploy --stage $stage
cd -


First Step

Go to client/src/config and choose which configuration should be used during deployment. There are 6 different configuration according to different AWS accounts and their deployment parameters

Second Step

After Step #1, proceed futher with these following calls according to desired AWS account

AWS Serbia

cd client
npm run build
aws s3 sync build s3://sky9-website-test --delete
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id EB6AE5K4KLR16 --paths "/*"

AWS Ukraine

cd client
npm run build
aws s3 sync build s3://sky9-website-prod-b141fb50 --delete
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id E1LRFWN7MA2OXD --paths "/*"

AWS Romania

cd client
npm run build
aws s3 sync build s3://sky9-website-prod-5f159470 --delete
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id E2RV99PYZ38HX --paths "/*"

AWS ThoughtLeadership

cd client
npm run build
aws s3 sync build s3://sky9-website-prod-67cbb2b0 --delete
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id E2X4HZ6EFKE93J --paths "/*"

AWS Recruitment

cd client
npm run build
aws s3 sync build s3://sky9-website-test-47f069b0 --delete
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id E1OXLHXIJM9QF0 --paths "/*"

AWS Levi9 (should not be redeployed, it stays on the previous version without GCP creation possibility)


AWS accounts and users management






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