React Native Theo is an implementation of Theo for React Native. Due to the use of tools that RN doesn't provide during runtime (like fs and path) I decided to create a CLI to handle Design Tokens before packaging.
yarn add react-native-theo
yarn theo-native --help
First of all, start the project with yarn theo-native init
. This command generates a default config file. If you want to create your own config file, try yarn theo-native init --create
. You can also use the --force
flag to change configurations.
Before linking, you will have to set up the react-native.config.js to link fonts properly. If you already have it set up you can skip this step.
To link the fonts, run yarn theo-native link-fonts|link
Note: I highly recommend you to use Google Fonts links
This part is pretty straightforward. Just run yarn theo-native convert-tokens|convert
input: ./tokens/tokens.yml
output: ./src/tokens.ts -->
export const borderStyleDefault = "solid"; export const borderWidthNone = 0; export const borderWidthHairline = 1; export const borderWidthThin = 2; export const borderWidthThick = 4; export const borderWidthHeavy = 8; export const opacityLevelSemiopaque = 0.8; export const opacityLevelIntense = 0.64; export const opacityLevelMedium = 0.32; export const opacityLevelLight = 0.16; export const opacityLevelSemitransparent = 0.08; export const borderRadiusNone = 0; /* ... */
Since React Native has a limited support to external fonts, I created this simple function.
Note: Mainly on Android, the output of the function has to be the same as the file name
const { renderNativeFont } = require('react-native-theo')
const styles = {
foo: {
fontFamily: 'Roboto';
fontWeight: '600';
italic: true;
}) /*
output: {
fontFamily: Roboto-SemiBold-Italic,
fontWeight: '600'
// react-native-theo.config.js
module.exports = {
// All required if you are going to use 'theo-native convert-tokens'
styles: {
files: ["./tokens/tokens.yml"],
output: {
dir: "./src/tokens/",
// .js | .ts
extension: ".js",
// module.js | common.js
format: "module.js",
// You can declare both files and urls, but you cannot declare
// 'fonts: {}' if you are going to use 'theo-native link-fonts'
fonts: {
files: ["./tokens/brand-01/typography/index.yml"],
urls: [
// react-native.config.js
module.exports = {
assets: ["./assets/fonts/"] /* you will need to add this line */,