Android Development without Android Studio IDE. Why should usethis approach? In my opinion it's much faster then startup the code environment. Two steps only.
./start-emulator # ready within: ~ 1-2s
./gradlew installDebug # install up: ~ 1s
Our starting point will be installing the command line tools (around 100MB). The Android SDK isn't delivered in the command line tools.
NOTE The Android SDK Command-Line Tools package replaces the deprecated SDK Tools package.
Use a fast editor e.g. Atom (with kotlin support: apm install language-kotlin
What about logging in console?
With logcat (platform-tools) you can watch the logs of an app. More about logcat:
# example show only debug logs with tag # (#:D) and silent all others (*:S)
android_sdk/platform-tools/adb logcat #:D "*:S"
What about android sources?
You can just install the sources package you prefer with sdkmanager.
android_sdk/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager "sources;android-30"
The following scripts will download, setup the android sdk, create virtual device and starts the emulator.
All artifacts will be downloaded in current path under folder android-sdk
. No ~/.android
is used. Because of environment variable usage.
You want to uninstall the sdk?
rm -rf android-sdk/
Script: download cmdline-tools, install buildtools, install platforms.
# android-sdk folder structure after script.
tree -L 1 android-sdk/
├── build-tools
├── cmdline-tools
├── emulator
├── licenses
├── patcher
├── platforms
├── platform-tools
└── tools
8 directories, 0 files
Script: download system image, create virtual device, start emulator
# android-sdk folder structure after script.
tree -L 1 android-sdk/avd/
├── pixel_5
└── pixel_5.ini
tree -L 1 android-sdk/system-images/
└── android-32
1 directory, 0 files
# start the emulator
# copy this template: cp -R ...
cd boilerplate
./gradlew build
# deploy
./gradlew installDebug
./gradlew uninstallDebug