We chosed to create an application in relation to housekeeping. Keeping track of our food/products stock at home is already a tedious task but also geting all items we put on our shopping list is another one. Dans ton placard goal's is to bring the level of headlock to 0 by an ergonomic user interface.
Nous avons choisi de concevoir une application en rapport avec l'entretien de la maison. Gérer notre inventaire de nourriture/produits est déjà une tâche fastidieuse, faire ses courses en magasins sans oublier d'articles est une toute autre histoire. Le but de Dans ton placard est de réduire le niveau de prise de tête à 0 par le biais d'une interface utilisateur ergonomique.
- Android Architecture Component - A collection of libraries that help you design robust, testable, and maintainable apps.
- Glide - An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling.
- CircleImageView - A circular ImageView for Android.
- Barcode Reader - Android Barcode Reader library using Google Mobile Vision.
- Number Picker - A simple customizable NumberPicker plugin for Android.
- Toasty - The usual Android Toast, but with steroids (Colors).
- CrashLytics - Crash reporting solution.
- Firebase - Crash Reporting and performance solution.
- OpenFoodFacts - A food products database made by everyone, for everyone.
- OpenBeautyFacts - A beauty products database made by OFF team.
- OpenProductFacts - A product database made by OFF team.
Charte de vie privée de l'application ici.
Romain Lamoot
Jean-Jacques Sem
Fouad El Ati