This is a blog application where users can sign up and create a username so they can comment on the blog posts.
This application only allows the Admin to create, edit, and delete new blog posts. The code to create a new Admin user has been commented out, but it can be found on the register file and on the index route file. Please keep in mind that you will need to create an environment variable for your own ADMINCODE.
Deployed with Heroku. If you'd like to preview the live version, please click here.
Responsive web design with Bootstrap 4
Manage comment posts with basic CRUD functionalities:
- Create, edit and delete comments
- User login with username and password
- If user knows admin code, they can register their username and password with it
- A user cannot edit or delete posts and comments created by other users
- If user is an Admin, they can delete and edit other people's comments.
- Admin users are the only ones that can create new blog posts
Flash messages responding to users' interaction with the app