Core functionality (forms, styles, etc) shared by littleweaver projects.
The installation instructions below assume you have the following software on your machine:
- Python 2.7.x
- Ruby
- Pip
- virtualenv (optional)
- virtualenvwrapper (optional)
If you are using virtualenv or virtualenvwrapper, create and activate an environment. E.g.,
mkvirtualenv zenaida # Using virtualenvwrapper.
Then, to install:
# Clone django-zenaida to a location of your choice.
git clone
# Install django-zenaida.
pip install --no-deps -e django-zenaida
# Install python requirements. This may take a while.
pip install -r django-zenaida/test_project/requirements.txt
Modifying Littleweaver Form's CSS files requires SASS, Compass, and Bootstrap SASS. If you plan to make changes to CSS files, but don't have those installed:
gem install bundler # Ensure you have Bundler. May need sudo.
bundle install --gemfile django-zenaida/Gemfile # Install Ruby requirements.
cd django-zenaida/test_project
python syncdb # Create/sync the database.
python runserver # Run the server!
Then, navigate to
in your favorite web browser!
Do not modify any of the files within django-zenaida/static/zenaida/css/
. That directory is managed by Compass. Instead, edit the compass source files in django-zenaida/sass/
. You will need to use the Compass command line tool to compile stylesheets. E.g.,
cd django-zenaida/zenaida # Ensure you are in the directory with config.rb.
compass watch # Watch the sass directory for changes.
Or use
If you are using Compass and Bootstrap SASS and you want to override any of Bootstrap's variables, then in your SASS directory, make copies of Zenaida's django-zenaida/sass/_variables.sass
and django-zenaida/sass/chosen.sass
, and have your stylesheets include Bootstrap SASS dependent on your copied _variables.sass
which is where you should modify Bootstrap variables. (The styles in chosen.sass
make Chosen elements look bootstrappy, so it is unlikely you will want to modify that file, but it needs to be duplicated in order for it to use any variables you change in _variables.sass