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data commands for Salesforce CLI.

This plugin is bundled with the Salesforce CLI. For more information on the CLI, read the getting started guide .

We always recommend using the latest version of these commands bundled with the CLI, however, you can install a specific version or tag if needed.


sfdx plugins:install [email protected]


Please report any issues at


  1. Please read our Code of Conduct
  2. Create a new issue before starting your project so that we can keep track of what you are trying to add/fix. That way, we can also offer suggestions or let you know if there is already an effort in progress.
  3. Fork this repository.
  4. Build the plugin locally
  5. Create a topic branch in your fork. Note, this step is recommended but technically not required if contributing using a fork.
  6. Edit the code in your fork.
  7. Write appropriate tests for your changes. Try to achieve at least 95% code coverage on any new code. No pull request will be accepted without unit tests.
  8. Sign CLA (see CLA below).
  9. Send us a pull request when you are done. We'll review your code, suggest any needed changes, and merge it in.


External contributors will be required to sign a Contributor's License Agreement. You can do so by going to


To build the plugin locally, make sure to have yarn installed and run the following commands:

# Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:salesforcecli/plugin-data

# Install the dependencies and compile
yarn install
yarn build

To use your plugin, run using the local ./bin/dev or ./bin/dev.cmd file.

# Run using local run file.
./bin/dev force:data

There should be no differences when running via the Salesforce CLI or using the local run file. However, it can be useful to link the plugin to do some additional testing or run your commands from anywhere on your machine.

# Link your plugin to the sfdx cli
sfdx plugins:link .
# To verify
sfdx plugins


sfdx data:create:record

Create and insert a record into a Salesforce or Tooling API object.

  $ sfdx data:create:record -o <value> -s <value> -v <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-t]

  -o, --target-org=<value>  (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -s, --sobject=<value>     (required) API name of the Salesforce or Tooling API object that you're inserting a record
  -t, --use-tooling-api     Use Tooling API so you can insert a record in a Tooling API object.
  -v, --values=<value>      (required) Values for the flags in the form <fieldName>=<value>, separate multiple pairs
                            with spaces.
  --api-version=<value>     Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  Create and insert a record into a Salesforce or Tooling API object.

  You must specify a value for all required fields of the object.

  When specifying fields, use the format <fieldName>=<value>. Enclose all field-value pairs in one set of double
  quotation marks, delimited by spaces. Enclose values that contain spaces in single quotes.

  This command inserts a record into Salesforce objects by default. Use the --use-tooling-api flag to insert into a
  Tooling API object.

  $ sfdx force:data:record:create

  Insert a record into the Account object of your default org; only the required Name field has a value:

    $ sfdx data:create:record --sobject Account --values "Name=Acme"

  Insert an Account record with values for two fields, one value contains a space; the command uses the org with alias

    $ sfdx data:create:record --sobject Account --values "Name='Universal Containers'" \
      --target-org my-scratch

  Insert a record into the Tooling API object TraceFlag:

    $ sfdx data:create:record --use-tooling-api --sobject TraceFlag --values "DebugLevelId=7dl170000008U36AAE \
      StartDate=2022-12-15T00:26:04.000+0000 ExpirationDate=2022-12-15T00:56:04.000+0000 LogType=CLASS_TRACING \

See code: src/commands/data/create/record.ts

sfdx data:delete:bulk

Bulk delete records from an org using a CSV file.

  $ sfdx data:delete:bulk -o <value> -f <value> -s <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-w <value>]

  -f, --file=<value>        (required) CSV file that contains the IDs of the records to delete.
  -o, --target-org=<value>  (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -s, --sobject=<value>     (required) API name of the Salesforce object, either standard or custom, that you want to
                            delete records from.
  -w, --wait=<value>        [default: 0 minutes] Number of minutes to wait for the command to complete before displaying
                            the results.
  --api-version=<value>     Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  Bulk delete records from an org using a CSV file.

  The CSV file must have only one column ("Id") and then the list of record IDs you want to delete, one ID per line.

  When you execute this command, it starts a job and one or more batches, displays their IDs, and then immediately
  returns control of the terminal to you by default. If you prefer to wait, set the --wait flag to the number of
  minutes; if it times out, the command outputs the IDs. Use the job and batch IDs to check the status of the job with
  the "sfdx data resume" command. A single job can contain many batches, depending on the length of the CSV file.

  $ sfdx force:data:bulk:delete

  Bulk delete Account records using the list of IDs in the "files/delete.csv" file:

    $ sfdx data:delete:bulk --sobject Account --file files/delete.csv

  Bulk delete records from a custom object and wait 5 minutes for the command to complete:

    $ sfdx data:delete:bulk --sobject MyObject__c --file files/delete.csv --wait 5

See code: src/commands/data/delete/bulk.ts

sfdx data:delete:record

Deletes a single record from a Salesforce or Tooling API object.

  $ sfdx data:delete:record -o <value> -s <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-i <value>] [-w <value>] [-t]

  -i, --record-id=<value>   ID of the record you’re deleting.
  -o, --target-org=<value>  (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -s, --sobject=<value>     (required) API name of the Salesforce or Tooling API object that you're deleting a record
  -t, --use-tooling-api     Use Tooling API so you can delete a record from a Tooling API object.
  -w, --where=<value>       List of <fieldName>=<value> pairs that identify the record you want to delete.
  --api-version=<value>     Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  Deletes a single record from a Salesforce or Tooling API object.

  Specify the record you want to delete with either its ID or with a list of field-value pairs that identify the record.
  If your list of fields identifies more than one record, the delete fails; the error displays how many records were

  When specifying field-value pairs, use the format <fieldName>=<value>. Enclose all field-value pairs in one set of
  double quotation marks, delimited by spaces. Enclose values that contain spaces in single quotes.

  This command deletes a record from Salesforce objects by default. Use the --use-tooling-api flag to delete from a
  Tooling API object.

  $ sfdx force:data:record:delete

  Delete a record from Account with the specified (truncated) ID:

    $ sfdx data:delete:record --sobject Account --record-id 00180XX

  Delete a record from Account whose name equals "Acme":

    $ sfdx data:delete:record --sobject Account --where "Name=Acme"

  Delete a record from Account identified with two field values, one that contains a space; the command uses the org
  with alias "my-scratch":

    $ sfdx data:delete:record --sobject Account --where "Name='Universal Containers' Phone='(123) 456-7890'" \
      --target-org myscratch

  Delete a record from the Tooling API object TraceFlag with the specified (truncated) ID:

    $ sfdx data:delete:record --use-tooling-api --sobject TraceFlag --record-id 7tf8c

See code: src/commands/data/delete/record.ts

sfdx data:export:tree

Export data from an org into one or more JSON files.

  $ sfdx data:export:tree -o <value> -q <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-p] [-x <value>] [-d <value>]

  -d, --output-dir=<value>  Directory in which to generate the JSON files; default is current directory.
  -o, --target-org=<value>  (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -p, --plan                Generate multiple sObject tree files and a plan definition file for aggregated import.
  -q, --query=<value>       (required) SOQL query, or filepath of a file that contains the query, to retrieve records.
  -x, --prefix=<value>      Prefix of generated files.
  --api-version=<value>     Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  Export data from an org into one or more JSON files.

  Specify a SOQL query, either directly at the command line or read from a file, to retrieve the data you want to
  export. The exported data is written to JSON files in sObject tree format, which is a collection of nested,
  parent-child records with a single root record. Use these JSON files to import data into an org with the "sfdx data
  import tree" command.

  If your SOQL query references multiple objects, the command generates a single JSON file by default. You can specify
  the --plan flag to generate separate JSON files for each object and a plan definition file that aggregates them. You
  then specify just this plan definition file when you import the data into an org.

  The SOQL query can return a maximum of 2,000 records. For more information, see the REST API Developer Guide.

  $ sfdx force:data:tree:export

  Export records retrieved with the specified SOQL query into a single JSON file in the current directory; the command
  uses your default org:

    $ sfdx data:export:tree --query "SELECT Id, Name, (SELECT Name, Address\_\_c FROM Properties\_\_r) FROM \

  Export data using a SOQL query in the "query.txt" file and generate JSON files for each object and a plan that
  aggregates them:

    $ sfdx data:export:tree --query query.txt --plan

  Prepend "export-demo" before each generated file and generate the files in the "export-out" directory; run the
  command on the org with alias "my-scratch":

    $ sfdx data:export:tree --query query.txt --plan --prefix export-demo --output-dir export-out --target-org \

See code: src/commands/data/export/tree.ts

sfdx data:get:record

Retrieve and display a single record of a Salesforce or Tooling API object.

  $ sfdx data:get:record -o <value> -s <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-i <value>] [-w <value>] [-t]

  -i, --record-id=<value>   ID of the record you’re retrieving.
  -o, --target-org=<value>  (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -s, --sobject=<value>     (required) API name of the Salesforce or Tooling API object that you're retrieving a record
  -t, --use-tooling-api     Use Tooling API so you can retrieve a record from a Tooling API object.
  -w, --where=<value>       List of <fieldName>=<value> pairs that identify the record you want to display.
  --api-version=<value>     Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  Retrieve and display a single record of a Salesforce or Tooling API object.

  Specify the record you want to retrieve with either its ID or with a list of field-value pairs that identify the
  record. If your list of fields identifies more than one record, the command fails; the error displays how many records
  were found.

  When specifying field-value pairs, use the format <fieldName>=<value>. Enclose all field-value pairs in one set of
  double quotation marks, delimited by spaces. Enclose values that contain spaces in single quotes.

  The command displays all the record's fields and their values, one field per terminal line. Fields with no values are
  displayed as "null".

  This command retrieves a record from Salesforce objects by default. Use the --use-tooling-api flag to retrieve from a
  Tooling API object.

  $ sfdx force:data:record:get

  Retrieve and display a record from Account with the specified (truncated) ID:

    $ sfdx data:get:record --sobject Account --record-id 00180XX

  Retrieve a record from Account whose name equals "Acme":

    $ sfdx data:get:record --sobject Account --where "Name=Acme"

  Retrieve a record from Account identified with two field values, one that contains a space; the command uses the org
  with alias "my-scratch":

    $ sfdx data:get:record --sobject Account --where "Name='Universal Containers' Phone='(123) 456-7890'" \
      --target-org myscratch

  Retrieve a record from the Tooling API object TraceFlag with the specified (truncated) ID:

    $ sfdx data:get:record --use-tooling-api --sobject TraceFlag --record-id 7tf8c

See code: src/commands/data/get/record.ts

sfdx data:import:tree

Import data from one or more JSON files into an org.

  $ sfdx data:import:tree -o <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-f <value> | -p <value>] [--config-help]

  -f, --files=<value>...    Comma-separated and in-order JSON files that contain the records, in sObject tree format,
                            that you want to insert.
  -o, --target-org=<value>  (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -p, --plan=<value>        Plan definition file to insert multiple data files.
  --api-version=<value>     Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
  --config-help             Display schema information for the --plan configuration file to stdout; if you specify this
                            flag, all other flags except --json are ignored.

  --json  Format output as json.

  Import data from one or more JSON files into an org.

  The JSON files that contain the data are in sObject tree format, which is a collection of nested, parent-child records
  with a single root record. Use the "sfdx data export tree" command to generate these JSON files.

  If you used the --plan flag when exporting the data to generate a plan definition file, use the --plan flag to
  reference the file when you import. If you're not using a plan, use the --files flag to list the files. If you specify
  multiple JSON files that depend on each other in a parent-child relationship, be sure you list them in the correct

  The sObject Tree API supports requests that contain up to 200 records. For more information, see the REST API
  Developer Guide.

  $ sfdx force:data:tree:import

  Import the records contained in two JSON files into the org with alias "my-scratch":

    $ sfdx data:import:tree --files Contact.json,Account.json --target-org my-scratch

  Import records using a plan definition file into your default org:

    $ sfdx data:import:tree --plan Account-Contact-plan.json

See code: src/commands/data/import/tree.ts

sfdx data:query

Execute a SOQL query.

  $ sfdx data:query -o <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-q <value>] [-f <value>] [-w <value> [-b | -t]]
    [--async ] [-r human|json|csv]

  -b, --bulk                            Use Bulk API 2.0 to run the query.
  -f, --file=<value>                    File that contains the SOQL query.
  -o, --target-org=<value>              (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -q, --query=<value>                   SOQL query to execute.
  -r, --result-format=(human|json|csv)  [default: human] Format to display the results; the --json flag overrides this
  -t, --use-tooling-api                 Use Tooling API so you can run queries on Tooling API objects.
  -w, --wait=<value>                    Time to wait for the command to finish, in minutes.
  --api-version=<value>                 Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
  --async                               Use Bulk API 2.0, but don't wait for the job to complete.

  --json  Format output as json.

  Execute a SOQL query.

  Specify the SOQL query at the command line with the --query flag or read the query from a file with the --file flag.

  If your query returns more than 10,000 records, specify the --bulk flag. The command then runs the query using Bulk
  API 2.0, which has higher limits than the default API used by the command.

  When using --bulk, the command waits 3 minutes by default for the query to complete. Use the --wait parameter to
  specify a different number of minutes to wait, or set --wait to 0 to immediately return control to the terminal. If
  you set --wait to 0, or you use the --async flag, or the command simply times out, the command displays an ID. Pass
  this ID to the the "data query resume" command using the --bulk-query-id flag to get the results; pass the ID to the
  "data resume" command to get the job status.

  $ sfdx force:data:soql:query

  Specify a SOQL query at the command line; the command uses your default org:

    $ sfdx data:query --query "SELECT Id, Name, Account.Name FROM Contact"

  Read the SOQL query from a file called "query.txt"; the command uses the org with alias "my-scratch":

    $ sfdx data:query --file query.txt --target-org my-scratch

  Use Tooling API to run a query on the ApexTrigger Tooling API object:

    $ sfdx data:query --query "SELECT Name FROM ApexTrigger" --use-tooling-api

  Use Bulk API 2.0 to run a query that returns many rows, and return control to the terminal immediately:

    $ sfdx data:query --query "SELECT Id FROM Contact" --bulk --wait 0

See code: src/commands/data/query.ts

sfdx data:query:resume

View the status of a bulk query.

  $ sfdx data:query:resume -o <value> -i <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-r human|json|csv]

  -i, --bulk-query-id=<value>           (required) Job ID of the bulk query.
  -o, --target-org=<value>              (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -r, --result-format=(human|json|csv)  [default: human] Format to display the results; the --json flag overrides this
  --api-version=<value>                 Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  View the status of a bulk query.

  Run this command using the job ID returned from the "sfdx data query --bulk" command.

  $ sfdx force:data:soql:bulk:report

  View the status of a bulk query with the specified ID:

    $ sfdx data:query:resume --bulk-query-id 7500x000005BdFzXXX

See code: src/commands/data/query/resume.ts

sfdx data:resume

View the status of a bulk data load job or batch.

  $ sfdx data:resume -o <value> -i <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-b <value>]

  -b, --batch-id=<value>    ID of the batch whose status you want to view; you must also specify the job ID.
  -i, --job-id=<value>      (required) ID of the job whose status you want to view.
  -o, --target-org=<value>  (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  --api-version=<value>     Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  View the status of a bulk data load job or batch.

  Run this command using the job ID or batch ID returned from the "sfdx data delete bulk" or "sfdx data upsert bulk"

  $ sfdx force:data:bulk:status

  View the status of a bulk load job:

    $ sfdx data:resume --job-id 750xx000000005sAAA

  View the status of a bulk load job and a specific batches:

    $ sfdx data:resume --job-id 750xx000000005sAAA --batch-id 751xx000000005nAAA

See code: src/commands/data/resume.ts

sfdx data:update:record

Updates a single record of a Salesforce or Tooling API object.

  $ sfdx data:update:record -o <value> -s <value> -v <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-i <value>] [-w <value>]

  -i, --record-id=<value>   ID of the record you’re updating.
  -o, --target-org=<value>  (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -s, --sobject=<value>     (required) API name of the Salesforce or Tooling API object that contains the record you're
  -t, --use-tooling-api     Use Tooling API so you can update a record in a Tooling API object.
  -v, --values=<value>      (required) Fields that you're updating, in the format of <fieldName>=<value> pairs.
  -w, --where=<value>       List of <fieldName>=<value> pairs that identify the record you want to update.
  --api-version=<value>     Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  Updates a single record of a Salesforce or Tooling API object.

  Specify the record you want to update with either its ID or with a list of field-value pairs that identify the record.
  If your list of fields identifies more than one record, the delete fails; the error displays how many records were

  When using field-value pairs for both identifying the record and specifiyng the new field values, use the format
  <fieldName>=<value>. Enclose all field-value pairs in one set of double quotation marks, delimited by spaces. Enclose
  values that contain spaces in single quotes.

  This command updates a record in Salesforce objects by default. Use the --use-tooling-api flag to update a Tooling API

  $ sfdx force:data:record:update

  Update the Name field of an Account record with the specified (truncated) ID:

    $ sfdx data:update:record --sobject Account --record-id 001D0 --values "Name=NewAcme"

  Update the Name field of an Account record whose current name is 'Old Acme':

    $ sfdx data:update:record --sobject Account --where "Name='Old Acme'" --values "Name='New Acme'"

  Update the Name and Website fields of an Account record with the specified (truncated) ID:

    $ sfdx data:update:record --sobject Account --record-id 001D0 --values "Name='Acme III'"

  Update the ExpirationDate field of a record of the Tooling API object TraceFlag using the specified (truncated) ID:

    $ sfdx data:update:record -t --sobject TraceFlag --record-id 7tf170000009cUBAAY --values \

See code: src/commands/data/update/record.ts

sfdx data:upsert:bulk

Bulk upsert records to an org from a CSV file.

  $ sfdx data:upsert:bulk -o <value> -i <value> -f <value> -s <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-w <value>]

  -f, --file=<value>         (required) CSV file that contains the records to upsert.
  -i, --external-id=<value>  (required) Name of the external ID field, or the Id field.
  -o, --target-org=<value>   (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -r, --serial               Run batches in serial mode.
  -s, --sobject=<value>      (required) API name of the Salesforce object, either standard or custom, that you want to
                             upsert records to.
  -w, --wait=<value>         [default: 0 minutes] Number of minutes to wait for the command to complete before
                             displaying the results.
  --api-version=<value>      Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  Bulk upsert records to an org from a CSV file.

  An upsert refers to inserting a record into a Salesforce object if the record doesn't already exist, or updating it if
  it does exist.

  When you execute this command, it starts a job and one or more batches, displays their IDs, and then immediately
  returns control of the terminal to you by default. If you prefer to wait, set the --wait flag to the number of
  minutes; if it times out, the command outputs the IDs. Use the job and batch IDs to check the status of the job with
  the "sfdx data resume" command. A single job can contain many batches, depending on the length of the CSV file.

  See "Prepare CSV Files" in the Bulk API Developer Guide for details on formatting your CSV file.

  By default, the job runs the batches in parallel, which we recommend. You can run jobs serially by specifying the
  --serial flag. But don't process data in serial mode unless you know this would otherwise result in lock timeouts and
  you can't reorganize your batches to avoid the locks.

  $ sfdx force:data:bulk:upsert

  Bulk upsert records to the Contact object:

    $ sfdx --sobject Contact --file files/contacts.csv --external-id Id

  Bulk upsert records to a custom object and wait 5 minutes for the command to complete:

    $ sfdx data:upsert:bulk --sobject MyObject__c --file files/file.csv --external-id MyField__c --wait 5

See code: src/commands/data/upsert/bulk.ts

sfdx force:data:bulk:delete

Bulk delete records from an org using a CSV file.

  $ sfdx force:data:bulk:delete -o <value> -f <value> -s <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-w <value>]

  -f, --file=<value>        (required) CSV file that contains the IDs of the records to delete.
  -o, --target-org=<value>  (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -s, --sobject=<value>     (required) API name of the Salesforce object, either standard or custom, that you want to
                            delete records from.
  -w, --wait=<value>        [default: 0 minutes] Number of minutes to wait for the command to complete before displaying
                            the results.
  --api-version=<value>     Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  Bulk delete records from an org using a CSV file.

  The CSV file must have only one column ("Id") and then the list of record IDs you want to delete, one ID per line.

  When you execute this command, it starts a job and one or more batches, displays their IDs, and then immediately
  returns control of the terminal to you by default. If you prefer to wait, set the --wait flag to the number of
  minutes; if it times out, the command outputs the IDs. Use the job and batch IDs to check the status of the job with
  the "sfdx data resume" command. A single job can contain many batches, depending on the length of the CSV file.

  $ sfdx force:data:bulk:delete

  Bulk delete Account records using the list of IDs in the "files/delete.csv" file:

    $ sfdx force:data:bulk:delete --sobject Account --file files/delete.csv

  Bulk delete records from a custom object and wait 5 minutes for the command to complete:

    $ sfdx force:data:bulk:delete --sobject MyObject__c --file files/delete.csv --wait 5

sfdx force:data:bulk:status

View the status of a bulk data load job or batch.

  $ sfdx force:data:bulk:status -o <value> -i <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-b <value>]

  -b, --batch-id=<value>    ID of the batch whose status you want to view; you must also specify the job ID.
  -i, --job-id=<value>      (required) ID of the job whose status you want to view.
  -o, --target-org=<value>  (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  --api-version=<value>     Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  View the status of a bulk data load job or batch.

  Run this command using the job ID or batch ID returned from the "sfdx data delete bulk" or "sfdx data upsert bulk"

  $ sfdx force:data:bulk:status

  View the status of a bulk load job:

    $ sfdx force:data:bulk:status --job-id 750xx000000005sAAA

  View the status of a bulk load job and a specific batches:

    $ sfdx force:data:bulk:status --job-id 750xx000000005sAAA --batch-id 751xx000000005nAAA

sfdx force:data:bulk:upsert

Bulk upsert records to an org from a CSV file.

  $ sfdx force:data:bulk:upsert -o <value> -i <value> -f <value> -s <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-w <value>]

  -f, --file=<value>         (required) CSV file that contains the records to upsert.
  -i, --external-id=<value>  (required) Name of the external ID field, or the Id field.
  -o, --target-org=<value>   (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -r, --serial               Run batches in serial mode.
  -s, --sobject=<value>      (required) API name of the Salesforce object, either standard or custom, that you want to
                             upsert records to.
  -w, --wait=<value>         [default: 0 minutes] Number of minutes to wait for the command to complete before
                             displaying the results.
  --api-version=<value>      Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  Bulk upsert records to an org from a CSV file.

  An upsert refers to inserting a record into a Salesforce object if the record doesn't already exist, or updating it if
  it does exist.

  When you execute this command, it starts a job and one or more batches, displays their IDs, and then immediately
  returns control of the terminal to you by default. If you prefer to wait, set the --wait flag to the number of
  minutes; if it times out, the command outputs the IDs. Use the job and batch IDs to check the status of the job with
  the "sfdx data resume" command. A single job can contain many batches, depending on the length of the CSV file.

  See "Prepare CSV Files" in the Bulk API Developer Guide for details on formatting your CSV file.

  By default, the job runs the batches in parallel, which we recommend. You can run jobs serially by specifying the
  --serial flag. But don't process data in serial mode unless you know this would otherwise result in lock timeouts and
  you can't reorganize your batches to avoid the locks.

  $ sfdx force:data:bulk:upsert

  Bulk upsert records to the Contact object:

    $ sfdx --sobject Contact --file files/contacts.csv --external-id Id

  Bulk upsert records to a custom object and wait 5 minutes for the command to complete:

    $ sfdx force:data:bulk:upsert --sobject MyObject__c --file files/file.csv --external-id MyField__c --wait 5

sfdx force:data:record:create

Create and insert a record into a Salesforce or Tooling API object.

  $ sfdx force:data:record:create -o <value> -s <value> -v <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-t]

  -o, --target-org=<value>  (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -s, --sobject=<value>     (required) API name of the Salesforce or Tooling API object that you're inserting a record
  -t, --use-tooling-api     Use Tooling API so you can insert a record in a Tooling API object.
  -v, --values=<value>      (required) Values for the flags in the form <fieldName>=<value>, separate multiple pairs
                            with spaces.
  --api-version=<value>     Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  Create and insert a record into a Salesforce or Tooling API object.

  You must specify a value for all required fields of the object.

  When specifying fields, use the format <fieldName>=<value>. Enclose all field-value pairs in one set of double
  quotation marks, delimited by spaces. Enclose values that contain spaces in single quotes.

  This command inserts a record into Salesforce objects by default. Use the --use-tooling-api flag to insert into a
  Tooling API object.

  $ sfdx force:data:record:create

  Insert a record into the Account object of your default org; only the required Name field has a value:

    $ sfdx force:data:record:create --sobject Account --values "Name=Acme"

  Insert an Account record with values for two fields, one value contains a space; the command uses the org with alias

    $ sfdx force:data:record:create --sobject Account --values "Name='Universal Containers'" \
      --target-org my-scratch

  Insert a record into the Tooling API object TraceFlag:

    $ sfdx force:data:record:create --use-tooling-api --sobject TraceFlag --values "DebugLevelId=7dl170000008U36AAE \
      StartDate=2022-12-15T00:26:04.000+0000 ExpirationDate=2022-12-15T00:56:04.000+0000 LogType=CLASS_TRACING \

sfdx force:data:record:delete

Deletes a single record from a Salesforce or Tooling API object.

  $ sfdx force:data:record:delete -o <value> -s <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-i <value>] [-w <value>] [-t]

  -i, --record-id=<value>   ID of the record you’re deleting.
  -o, --target-org=<value>  (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -s, --sobject=<value>     (required) API name of the Salesforce or Tooling API object that you're deleting a record
  -t, --use-tooling-api     Use Tooling API so you can delete a record from a Tooling API object.
  -w, --where=<value>       List of <fieldName>=<value> pairs that identify the record you want to delete.
  --api-version=<value>     Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  Deletes a single record from a Salesforce or Tooling API object.

  Specify the record you want to delete with either its ID or with a list of field-value pairs that identify the record.
  If your list of fields identifies more than one record, the delete fails; the error displays how many records were

  When specifying field-value pairs, use the format <fieldName>=<value>. Enclose all field-value pairs in one set of
  double quotation marks, delimited by spaces. Enclose values that contain spaces in single quotes.

  This command deletes a record from Salesforce objects by default. Use the --use-tooling-api flag to delete from a
  Tooling API object.

  $ sfdx force:data:record:delete

  Delete a record from Account with the specified (truncated) ID:

    $ sfdx force:data:record:delete --sobject Account --record-id 00180XX

  Delete a record from Account whose name equals "Acme":

    $ sfdx force:data:record:delete --sobject Account --where "Name=Acme"

  Delete a record from Account identified with two field values, one that contains a space; the command uses the org
  with alias "my-scratch":

    $ sfdx force:data:record:delete --sobject Account --where "Name='Universal Containers' Phone='(123) 456-7890'" \
      --target-org myscratch

  Delete a record from the Tooling API object TraceFlag with the specified (truncated) ID:

    $ sfdx force:data:record:delete --use-tooling-api --sobject TraceFlag --record-id 7tf8c

sfdx force:data:record:get

Retrieve and display a single record of a Salesforce or Tooling API object.

  $ sfdx force:data:record:get -o <value> -s <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-i <value>] [-w <value>] [-t]

  -i, --record-id=<value>   ID of the record you’re retrieving.
  -o, --target-org=<value>  (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -s, --sobject=<value>     (required) API name of the Salesforce or Tooling API object that you're retrieving a record
  -t, --use-tooling-api     Use Tooling API so you can retrieve a record from a Tooling API object.
  -w, --where=<value>       List of <fieldName>=<value> pairs that identify the record you want to display.
  --api-version=<value>     Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  Retrieve and display a single record of a Salesforce or Tooling API object.

  Specify the record you want to retrieve with either its ID or with a list of field-value pairs that identify the
  record. If your list of fields identifies more than one record, the command fails; the error displays how many records
  were found.

  When specifying field-value pairs, use the format <fieldName>=<value>. Enclose all field-value pairs in one set of
  double quotation marks, delimited by spaces. Enclose values that contain spaces in single quotes.

  The command displays all the record's fields and their values, one field per terminal line. Fields with no values are
  displayed as "null".

  This command retrieves a record from Salesforce objects by default. Use the --use-tooling-api flag to retrieve from a
  Tooling API object.

  $ sfdx force:data:record:get

  Retrieve and display a record from Account with the specified (truncated) ID:

    $ sfdx force:data:record:get --sobject Account --record-id 00180XX

  Retrieve a record from Account whose name equals "Acme":

    $ sfdx force:data:record:get --sobject Account --where "Name=Acme"

  Retrieve a record from Account identified with two field values, one that contains a space; the command uses the org
  with alias "my-scratch":

    $ sfdx force:data:record:get --sobject Account --where "Name='Universal Containers' Phone='(123) 456-7890'" \
      --target-org myscratch

  Retrieve a record from the Tooling API object TraceFlag with the specified (truncated) ID:

    $ sfdx force:data:record:get --use-tooling-api --sobject TraceFlag --record-id 7tf8c

sfdx force:data:record:update

Updates a single record of a Salesforce or Tooling API object.

  $ sfdx force:data:record:update -o <value> -s <value> -v <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-i <value>] [-w <value>]

  -i, --record-id=<value>   ID of the record you’re updating.
  -o, --target-org=<value>  (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -s, --sobject=<value>     (required) API name of the Salesforce or Tooling API object that contains the record you're
  -t, --use-tooling-api     Use Tooling API so you can update a record in a Tooling API object.
  -v, --values=<value>      (required) Fields that you're updating, in the format of <fieldName>=<value> pairs.
  -w, --where=<value>       List of <fieldName>=<value> pairs that identify the record you want to update.
  --api-version=<value>     Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  Updates a single record of a Salesforce or Tooling API object.

  Specify the record you want to update with either its ID or with a list of field-value pairs that identify the record.
  If your list of fields identifies more than one record, the delete fails; the error displays how many records were

  When using field-value pairs for both identifying the record and specifiyng the new field values, use the format
  <fieldName>=<value>. Enclose all field-value pairs in one set of double quotation marks, delimited by spaces. Enclose
  values that contain spaces in single quotes.

  This command updates a record in Salesforce objects by default. Use the --use-tooling-api flag to update a Tooling API

  $ sfdx force:data:record:update

  Update the Name field of an Account record with the specified (truncated) ID:

    $ sfdx force:data:record:update --sobject Account --record-id 001D0 --values "Name=NewAcme"

  Update the Name field of an Account record whose current name is 'Old Acme':

    $ sfdx force:data:record:update --sobject Account --where "Name='Old Acme'" --values "Name='New Acme'"

  Update the Name and Website fields of an Account record with the specified (truncated) ID:

    $ sfdx force:data:record:update --sobject Account --record-id 001D0 --values "Name='Acme III' \"

  Update the ExpirationDate field of a record of the Tooling API object TraceFlag using the specified (truncated) ID:

    $ sfdx force:data:record:update -t --sobject TraceFlag --record-id 7tf170000009cUBAAY --values \

sfdx force:data:soql:bulk:report

View the status of a bulk query.

  $ sfdx force:data:soql:bulk:report -o <value> -i <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-r human|json|csv]

  -i, --bulk-query-id=<value>           (required) Job ID of the bulk query.
  -o, --target-org=<value>              (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -r, --result-format=(human|json|csv)  [default: human] Format to display the results; the --json flag overrides this
  --api-version=<value>                 Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  View the status of a bulk query.

  Run this command using the job ID returned from the "sfdx data query --bulk" command.

  $ sfdx force:data:soql:bulk:report

  View the status of a bulk query with the specified ID:

    $ sfdx force:data:soql:bulk:report --bulk-query-id 7500x000005BdFzXXX

sfdx force:data:soql:query

Execute a SOQL query.

  $ sfdx force:data:soql:query -o <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-q <value>] [-f <value>] [-w <value> [-b | -t]]
    [--async ] [-r human|json|csv]

  -b, --bulk                            Use Bulk API 2.0 to run the query.
  -f, --file=<value>                    File that contains the SOQL query.
  -o, --target-org=<value>              (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -q, --query=<value>                   SOQL query to execute.
  -r, --result-format=(human|json|csv)  [default: human] Format to display the results; the --json flag overrides this
  -t, --use-tooling-api                 Use Tooling API so you can run queries on Tooling API objects.
  -w, --wait=<value>                    Time to wait for the command to finish, in minutes.
  --api-version=<value>                 Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
  --async                               Use Bulk API 2.0, but don't wait for the job to complete.

  --json  Format output as json.

  Execute a SOQL query.

  Specify the SOQL query at the command line with the --query flag or read the query from a file with the --file flag.

  If your query returns more than 10,000 records, specify the --bulk flag. The command then runs the query using Bulk
  API 2.0, which has higher limits than the default API used by the command.

  When using --bulk, the command waits 3 minutes by default for the query to complete. Use the --wait parameter to
  specify a different number of minutes to wait, or set --wait to 0 to immediately return control to the terminal. If
  you set --wait to 0, or you use the --async flag, or the command simply times out, the command displays an ID. Pass
  this ID to the the "data query resume" command using the --bulk-query-id flag to get the results; pass the ID to the
  "data resume" command to get the job status.

  $ sfdx force:data:soql:query

  Specify a SOQL query at the command line; the command uses your default org:

    $ sfdx force:data:soql:query --query "SELECT Id, Name, Account.Name FROM Contact"

  Read the SOQL query from a file called "query.txt"; the command uses the org with alias "my-scratch":

    $ sfdx force:data:soql:query --file query.txt --target-org my-scratch

  Use Tooling API to run a query on the ApexTrigger Tooling API object:

    $ sfdx force:data:soql:query --query "SELECT Name FROM ApexTrigger" --use-tooling-api

  Use Bulk API 2.0 to run a query that returns many rows, and return control to the terminal immediately:

    $ sfdx force:data:soql:query --query "SELECT Id FROM Contact" --bulk --wait 0

sfdx force:data:tree:export

Export data from an org into one or more JSON files.

  $ sfdx force:data:tree:export -o <value> -q <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-p] [-x <value>] [-d <value>]

  -d, --output-dir=<value>  Directory in which to generate the JSON files; default is current directory.
  -o, --target-org=<value>  (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -p, --plan                Generate multiple sObject tree files and a plan definition file for aggregated import.
  -q, --query=<value>       (required) SOQL query, or filepath of a file that contains the query, to retrieve records.
  -x, --prefix=<value>      Prefix of generated files.
  --api-version=<value>     Override the api version used for api requests made by this command

  --json  Format output as json.

  Export data from an org into one or more JSON files.

  Specify a SOQL query, either directly at the command line or read from a file, to retrieve the data you want to
  export. The exported data is written to JSON files in sObject tree format, which is a collection of nested,
  parent-child records with a single root record. Use these JSON files to import data into an org with the "sfdx data
  import tree" command.

  If your SOQL query references multiple objects, the command generates a single JSON file by default. You can specify
  the --plan flag to generate separate JSON files for each object and a plan definition file that aggregates them. You
  then specify just this plan definition file when you import the data into an org.

  The SOQL query can return a maximum of 2,000 records. For more information, see the REST API Developer Guide.

  $ sfdx force:data:tree:export

  Export records retrieved with the specified SOQL query into a single JSON file in the current directory; the command
  uses your default org:

    $ sfdx force:data:tree:export --query "SELECT Id, Name, (SELECT Name, Address\_\_c FROM Properties\_\_r) FROM \

  Export data using a SOQL query in the "query.txt" file and generate JSON files for each object and a plan that
  aggregates them:

    $ sfdx force:data:tree:export --query query.txt --plan

  Prepend "export-demo" before each generated file and generate the files in the "export-out" directory; run the
  command on the org with alias "my-scratch":

    $ sfdx force:data:tree:export --query query.txt --plan --prefix export-demo --output-dir export-out --target-org \

sfdx force:data:tree:import

Import data from one or more JSON files into an org.

  $ sfdx force:data:tree:import -o <value> [--json] [--api-version <value>] [-f <value> | -p <value>] [--config-help]

  -f, --files=<value>...    Comma-separated and in-order JSON files that contain the records, in sObject tree format,
                            that you want to insert.
  -o, --target-org=<value>  (required) Username or alias of the target org.
  -p, --plan=<value>        Plan definition file to insert multiple data files.
  --api-version=<value>     Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
  --config-help             Display schema information for the --plan configuration file to stdout; if you specify this
                            flag, all other flags except --json are ignored.

  --json  Format output as json.

  Import data from one or more JSON files into an org.

  The JSON files that contain the data are in sObject tree format, which is a collection of nested, parent-child records
  with a single root record. Use the "sfdx data export tree" command to generate these JSON files.

  If you used the --plan flag when exporting the data to generate a plan definition file, use the --plan flag to
  reference the file when you import. If you're not using a plan, use the --files flag to list the files. If you specify
  multiple JSON files that depend on each other in a parent-child relationship, be sure you list them in the correct

  The sObject Tree API supports requests that contain up to 200 records. For more information, see the REST API
  Developer Guide.

  $ sfdx force:data:tree:import

  Import the records contained in two JSON files into the org with alias "my-scratch":

    $ sfdx force:data:tree:import --files Contact.json,Account.json --target-org my-scratch

  Import records using a plan definition file into your default org:

    $ sfdx force:data:tree:import --plan Account-Contact-plan.json


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