This was my startup project, I wrote about 42,000 lines. Dedicated a year into it. Partner bounced at the last moment and fund was pulled out, right after I complete the entire project and before getting on the plane to China.
All code are under strict copyright, please do not distribute, copy or modify. I post it on one purpose, for showing my ability.
All sensitive information, such as access tokens, request endpoints, are replaced by 'PLACEHOLDER_FOR_GITHUB'.
- There are three main components in this project:
- /backend/lambda, the backend of the app.
- it was held on AWS lambda, until I found out lambda is not compatible with multi-thread module which can dramatically increase the backend performance.
- /ejected, App front end, ejected from Expo.
- /front_before_eject, App front end, Expo-compatible version.
- in /ejected and /front_before_eject, there are several folders, I ll take /ejected as an example:
- /pages: each page of the app
- /navigations: React-Navigation2 module of the app
- /components: some shared components among pages
- /decoy: don't mind, just some decoy data
- /leancloud: real time chat test module, service provided by leancloud
- /store: Redux module of the app
- /expo_push: expo push service. Did not work out due to a most of Android phone in China removed the entire Google FSM package
- /test: test ground for new modules
- /utility: some shared utilities in the App
- Now Don't be shy, take a look around!
- /backend/lambda, the backend of the app.
About 32,000 lines of React Native code(That I wrote, not include any community modules), off-Expo
Hundreds of components,
- Some are really delicated and complicated, which I am proud of, such as /ejected/pages/Article_Roast_Display.js
- Due to it is a startup project, there are also components that are not so delicated
Includes ExpoKit, Redux, React-Navigation2 and SQLite
- ExpoKit is scattered all over the front end
- Redux is specifically written in /ejected/store and /front_before_eject/store
- React-Navigation2 is specifically written in /ejected/navigations and /front_before_eject/navigations
- SQLite is specifically written in /ejected/pages/ChatPage.js and /front_before_eject/pages/ChatPage.js to store chat history
includes linking
- Due to the project was developed by me only, I tried to stay in Expo as much as I can, but there are modules that Expo do not support.
- All linkings can be found in /ejected/android/settings.gradle
Familiar with most community packages and performance optimization
- I have literately tried at least a hundred of community modules
- Due to the App is for commercial use, I value the performance the most
- for example, you can see my performance optimization work in set renderAheadOffset={1500} as a prop can greatly boost the performance and TextInput not support Chinese input/clear() function doesn't work in recent release of Reac-Native
- Python3 backend, Flask framework, about 10,000 lines
- Chose Flask due to its lightweight feature
- Multi-threaded structure to increase performance
- Multi-thread modules are in /backend/lambda/, /backend/lambda/ and /backend/lambda/
- Use JSON Web Token as auth tool
- Auth is in /backend/lambda/
- DynamoDB and MongoDB as database, Runs on AWS EC2, Lambda
- DynamoDB are scattered in the entire backend
- In the first version on AWS EC2, data was stored in MongoDB. Have to transfer to DynamoDB after migrate to AWS Lambda
- Connects to Elasticsearch engine
- Search engine queries samples can be found in /backend/lambda/
- unittest
- Why is it not on Github at the start?
- It was a startup project, I was really trying to make it as fast as I can. Early stage requires a lot of trials of React Native and a couple times of re-factor. It was in a private repo in the beginning, because of too many times of refactoring, I choose to abandon that repo, along with Github, I am the only dev anyway.