Get to know R; make a small data analysis library with dplyr; use ggvis with RMarkdown and shiny to make an interactive dashboard; reorganise code into a package with devtools.
- you need git
- you also need a C++ compiler (on Mac this means XCode command line tools, on windows and Linux probably Clang or a recent version of gcc)
- download and install R (make sure you get version >= 3.1.0)
- make a workshop directory
$ mkdir rworkshop && cd rworkshop
- clone workshop package
$ git clone
into this directory - you should have a directory structure like this
- install dependencies
$ cd rmeetupdemo && chmod 755 ./dependencies.r && sudo ./dependencies.r && cd ..
- install rmeetupdemo:
$ R -e "devtools::install('rmeetupdemo')"
- lastly, for serving the dashboard, download and install Rstudio IDE
You should be able to run this from the command line without failure: $ R -e "library(dplyr); library(rmeetupdemo); library(ggvis); d <- create_immigration_df()"
. Warnings are OK.
The HTML presentation used in the session can be viewed with this link. It is the rendered version of rmeetupdemo/tutorial.Rmd
and includes example output from the interactive session.