This repository provides demo applications and course material presented in the course of Web Engineering in the master study program Software Design and Engineering at FH Campus Wien.
- Fundamentals and Advanced Javascript
- Buildmanagement, CI/CD and Typescript
- Testing Web Applications
- Advanced Application Design and Frontend Frameworks
- Webserver and Backend Development
- Selected Topics in Modern Web Development
- Frontend Developer Roadmap 2023
- Backend Developer Roadmap 2023
- Scope, Execution Context, Hoisting and Event Loop
- Asynchronous Programming (Callback Hell, Async/Await and Promises)
- Prototype System, JS Classes, Arrow Functions and Modules
- James Padolsey, Clean Code in JavaScript: Develop Reliable, Maintainable, and Robust JavaScript, 2020
- Kyle Simpson, „You don‘t know JS yet – Get started“, Frontend Masters, 2020
- D. Crockford. JavaScript: the good parts. 2008
- A. Osmani, Learning JavaScript Design Patterns. O'Reilly Media, 2012
- Build First Approach in Web Development
- Frontend Dependency Management
- Build Tools and CI/CD
- Package Managers
- Module Bundlers/Loaders
- Linters and Formatters
- Minification and Obfuscation
- Typescript
- npm, npm scripts, webpack, babel
- Tutorial: Package Management, Build Management and Modules
- Tutorial: Web Application Setup with Vite
- Tutorial: Web Application Setup with Webpack
- Nicolas Bevacqua, JavaScript Application Design: A Build First Approach, 2015
- Webpack
- Obfuscation
- Dependency Management Guide
- Testing Landscape
- Writing Clean Tests
- Test Automation with CI/CD
- E2E Testing
- Test Automation with CI/CD
- Lucas da Costa, Testing JavaScript Applications, 2021
- Dario Kondratiuk, UI Testing with Puppeteer: Implement End-to-end Testing and Browser Automation Using JavaScript and Node.js, 2021
- James Padolsey, Clean Code in JavaScript: Develop Reliable, Maintainable, and Robust JavaScript, 2020
- Multipage and Singlepage Applications
- Rendering Technologies (SSR, CSR, static SSR and Rehydration)
- Frontend Frameworks
- Webserver
- Authentication Strategies
- GraphQL, gRPC and REST
- Progressive Web Applications and Browser APIs
- Server Sent Events, Websockets and Services Workers
- Webassembly
- Microfrontends
- Web Components