Extract, Transform, Load, Analyze simulation for IoT data
Accompanying article on The Startup: https://medium.com/swlh/processing-iot-data-with-node-js-typescript-a392be124084
- Clone repo to local directory (make sure Node.js v. 8 or later is installed)
- Run
npm install
to install node dependencies - Run
npm start
to simulate the data flow
This simulator uses an asynchronous generator to act as an emitter of data for various IoT devices.
The program asynchronously iterates through this generator until it reaches the specified iteration count. As it iterates, the data is held in an array until iteration is finished. This array data is then stringified and sent to a temp JSON file.
Once a device's data is completely loaded in temp, the analysis module will read from the appropriate JSON file, perform analaysis, and log results to the console.
All temp files are cleared before the program exits.