This repository contains a Jupyter Notebook that compiles various indicators of socioeconomic wellbeing across districts in Ghana. Data are from the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS)'s 2015 Poverty Map. The poverty indicators in the report were computed based on data from the 2010 Population and Housing Census (2010 PHC) and the 2012/2013 Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS6). The report presents the poverty headcount, depth and inequality for all the 216 districts and 29 sub-districts in the country. The maps in this repository focus on the 216 districts.
The poverty headcount (P0) is the proportion of population living below the national poverty line.
The absolute number of poor persons living below the national poverty line
Depth of poverty (P1), also known as the poverty gap, is a measure of how far the poor are from the poverty line.
Severity of poverty (P2) is the square of the poverty gap, which gives greater attention to the needs of the poorest. It takes account of the distribution of poverty among the poor, giving greater weight to the poorest of the poor.
The Gini coefficient, a measure of welfare distribution, is used to measure inequality.