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Data Grid Web Component

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Autonomous open source grid component with RTL support. Designed for server side paginated content but also work for basic tables.

Key features:

  • Server side support
  • Inline editing
  • Sorting/filtering
  • i18n friendly
  • Easily themable

How to use


  • Install with npm
$ npm install data-grid-component


  • HTML way
<data-grid data-url="data.json"></data-grid>
<script type="module" src="./data-grid.js"></script>

Grid customizations are possible via attributes.

  • using the DOM API
<script type="module" src="./data-grid.js"></script>
  const grid = document.createElement("data-grid");
  grid.dataset.url = "data.json"; // Use setAttribute on existing instance to trigger reload
  • using the constructor
<script type="module">
  import { DataGrid } from "./data-grid.js";
  const grid = new DataGrid({
    url: "data.json",


Data Grid inherits wherever possible from Bootstrap 5 styles (including dark mode support).

You can also override the following variables (see _core.scss).

data-grid {
  --padding: 0.5rem;
  --header-scale: 1.5;
  --color-rgb: var(--bs-primary-rgb, 13, 110, 253);
  --color: rgb(var(--color-rgb));
  --highlight-color: #fffcee;
  --header-background: var(--bs-gray-200, #e9ecef);
  --header-color: var(--bs-dark, #212529);
  --btn-background: var(--white, #ffffff);
  --btn-color: var(--color);
  --body-color: var(--bs-body-color, #212529);

Options attributes

These are the options accessibles through the components data attributes. Some options only work if the proper plugin is loaded. You can also pass them as a json string in data-config.

Name Type Description
id String Custom id for the grid
url String An URL with data to display in JSON format
debug Boolean Log actions in DevTools console
filter Boolean Allows a filtering functionality
sort Boolean Allows a sort by column functionality
defaultSort String Default sort field if sorting is enabled
server Boolean Is a server side powered grid
serverParams ServerParams Describe keys passed to the server backend
dir String Dir
perPageValues Array Available per page options
hidePerPage Boolean Hides the page size select element
columns Array.<Column> Available columns
defaultPage Number Starting page
perPage Number Number of records displayed per page (page size)
expand Boolean Allow cell content to spawn over multiple lines
actions Array.<Action> Row actions (RowActions module)
collapseActions Boolean Group actions (RowActions module)
resizable Boolean Make columns resizable (ColumnResizer module)
selectable Boolean Allow selecting rows with a checkbox (SelectableRows module)
selectVisibleOnly Boolean Select all only selects visible rows (SelectableRows module)
autosize Boolean Compute column sizes based on given data (Autosize module)
autoheight Boolean Adjust height so that it matches table size (FixedHeight module)
autohidePager Boolean auto-hides the pager when number of records falls below the selected page size
menu Boolean Right click menu on column headers (ContextMenu module)
reorder Boolean Allows a column reordering functionality (DraggableHeaders module)
responsive Boolean Change display mode on small screens (ResponsiveGrid module)
responsiveToggle Boolean Show toggle column (ResponsiveGrid module)
filterOnEnter Boolean Toggles the ability to filter column data by pressing the Enter or Return key
spinnerClass String Sets a space-delimited string of css class(es) for a spinner (use spinner-border css class for bootstrap 5 spinner)
filterKeypressDelay Number Sets a keypress delay time in milliseconds before triggering filter operation.


When using the response data or the JS api, you have the opportunity to pass column definitions. This scenario is not supported using regular attributes to avoid cluttering the node with a very large attribute.

Name Type Description
field String the key in the data
title String the title to display in the header (defaults to "field" if not set)
width Number the width of the column (auto otherwise)
class String class to set on the column (target body or header with th.class or td.class)
attr String don't render the column and set a matching attribute on the row with the value of the field
hidden Boolean hide the column
noSort Boolean allow disabling sort for a given column
format String | function custom data formatting, either by a string of HTML template or by a function with an object parameter consisting of column, rowData, cellData, td, tr.
transform String custom value transformation
editable Boolean replace with input (EditableColumn module)
responsive Number the higher the value, the sooner it will be hidden, disable with 0 (ResponsiveGrid module)
responsiveHidden Boolean hidden through responsive module (ResponsiveGrid module)
filterType String defines a filter field type ("text" or "select" - defaults to "text")
filterList Array defines a custom array to populate a filter select field in the format of [{value: "", text: ""},...].
When defined, it overrides the default behaviour where the filter select elements are populated by the unique values from the corresponding column records.
firstFilterOption Object defines an object for the first option element of the filter select field. defaults to {value: "", text: ""}


Name Type Description
title String the title of the button
name String the name of the action
class String the class for the button
url String link for the action
html String custom button data
confirm Boolean needs confirmation
default Boolean is the default row action


Some features have been extracted as plugins to make base class lighter. You can find them in the plugins directory.

Name Type Description
[ColumnResizer] ColumnResizer resize handlers in the headers
[ContextMenu] ContextMenu menu to show/hide columns
[DraggableHeaders] DraggableHeaders draggable headers columns
[EditableColumn] EditableColumn draggable headers columns
[TouchSupport] TouchSupport touch swipe
[SelectableRows] SelectableRows create a column with checkboxes to select rows
[FixedHeight] FixedHeight allows having fixed height tables
[AutosizeColumn] AutosizeColumn compute ideal width based on column content
[ResponsiveGrid] ResponsiveGrid hide/show column on the fly
[RowActions] RowActions add action on rows
[SpinnerSupport] SpinnerSupport inserts a spinning icon element to indicate grid loading.


Name Type
serverParams.start String
serverParams.length String String
serverParams.sort String
serverParams.sortDir String
serverParams.dataKey String
serverParams.metaKey String
serverParams.metaTotalKey String
serverParams.metaFilteredKey String
serverParams.optionsKey String
serverParams.paramsKey String

Other attributes

Option Required Type Default Description
sticky No Boolean false Sticky headers
page No Number 1 Current page


This table provide two ways for responsive data.

  • A solution based on resizeObserver that will show/hide columns as needed (TODO: display collapsed content with a toggle)
  • A CSS Only solution based on media queries that will change the layout on smaller screens


You can use when defined to set your own translations with setLabels

<script type="module">
  customElements.whenDefined("data-grid").then(() => {
      items: "rows",
Name Type
itemsPerPage String
gotoPage String
gotoFirstPage String
gotoPrevPage String
gotoNextPage String
gotoLastPage String
of String
items String
resizeColumn String
noData String
areYouSure String
networkError String


Define your actions as part of the options

    "actions": [
        "name": "edit"
        "name": "delete",
        "class": "is-danger",
        "url": "/delete/{id}"

Then simply listen to them

document.getElementById("demo2-grid").addEventListener("action", (ev) => {
  // It contains data and action

You can add:

  • class: custom class
  • url: a formaction will be set (data between {} is interpolated)
  • title: a custom title
  • html: custom html for the button (in order to provide icons, etc)

Inline editing

Set your column as editable

      "field": "email",
      "title": "Email",
      "width": 200,
      "editable": true

Then simply listen to changes

document.getElementById("demo2-grid").addEventListener("edit", (ev) => {
  // It contains data and value

You can check demo-server.html to get a sample usage with saving functionnality


Name Description
getFirst goes to first page
getLast goes to last page
getPrev goes to previous page
getNext goes to next page
getSelection gets selected data
clearData clears loaded data
preload preloads the data intended to bypass the initial fetch operation, allowing for faster intial page load time.
refresh clears and reloads data from url
reload reloads data from url
clearFilter clears current filters
addRow adds a new row
removeRow removes a row
getData gets data
sortAsc sorts data by column name in ascending order
sortDesc sorts data by column name in descending order
sortNone resets column sort state


Name Trigger
edit A row is edited
action An action is performed
connected The grid is connected
disconnected The grid is disconnected
columnResized A column is resized
columnVisibility A column is hidden/shown
columnReordered A column is dragged
rowsSelected Any or all rows are selected
headerRendered Column header (thead) render is complete
bodyRendered Table body (tbody) render is complete


For large data set, you may need to use the pagination or filtering on the server.

It works just the same way except the response should return a a meta key with

  • total: the total (unfiltered) number of rows (info only).
  • filtered: the total value of rows matching the current filter (used for pagination).

Server parameters are sent as query string and are start, length and search. To enable server mode, use server=true. These can be changed to your own server settings with the serverParams option object.

You can check demo/server.html and demo-server.php for an example.


This way ->

Browser Support

Only modern browsers (anything that supports js modules)


This component is heavily inspired by


data-grid-component is licensed under the MIT license.