A JavaScript function that converts a string into a series of fixed-length string chunks divided by a given separator.
npm install @leismore/insert_separator
import { insert_separator } from '@leismore/insert_separator';
const ID = 'ABCD1234EFGH5678';
const CHUNK_SIZE = 4;
const SEPARATOR = '-';
// Output: ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678
console.log( insert_separator(ID, CHUNK_SIZE, SEPARATOR) );
* @param text {string} - The text waiting for being added with separators
* @param size {int} - The text chunk length
* @param separator {string}
* @returns {string} - The text with separators
* @throws {ISError}
* 1 invalid_text
* 2 invalid_size
* 3 invalid_separator
function insert_separator(text:string, size:number, separator:string):string
* ISError is the Error class for this project.
* Refer to @leismore/lmerror <https://www.npmjs.com/package/@leismore/lmerror>
* Code Message
* 1 invalid_text
* 2 invalid_size
* 3 invalid_separator
import { LMError } from '@leismore/lmerror';
class ISError extends LMError {}
Refer to @leismore/lmerror
- Kyle Chine since 26 October 2021