Scripts to extract components via ICA & VAE, to perform network analysis and to replicate manuscript figures: The impact of rare germline variants on human somatic mutation processes.
- Scripts can be all run in R (at least version 3.5.0)
- Required R packages: tidyverse, dplyr, reshape2, ggplot2, wesanderson, gplots, cluster, fastICA, corrpot, ggrepel, ggrastr, ggpubr, RColorBrewer
- Description of the respective scripts can be found in each sub-directory
- Scripts to extract somatic components via Independent Component Analysis (ICA) or Variational Autoencoder (VAE) neural network
- Variational Autoencoder in Python, recommended running in Singularity Environment (more info in /somatic_component_extraction/)
- All results from association study between rare pLoF variants and somatic components using SKAT-O are provided
- Scripts to replicate manuscript figures
- Scripts to perform network analysis as described in the manuscript