A Java framework for creating sophisticated calendar views based on JavaFX. A detailed developer manual can be found online: CalendarFX 8 Developer Manual
For a quick online demo please checkout JPro and their CalendarFX demo.
CalendarFX can be found on Bintray and The Central Repository as com.calendarfx:view
- CalendarFXView — the main module containing the various calendar views
- CalendarFXSampler — a demo app based on FXSampler to test controls individually
- CalendarFXApp — a demo app (day, week, month, year views).
- CalendarFXiCal — a demo app for working with iCalendar data
- CalendarFXGoogle — a demo app for working with Google calendars
- CalendarFXResourceApp — a demo app for the resource calendar view
- CalendarFXWeather — a demo app for the month sheet view
In the module folder of the corresponding app:
mvn javafx:run
To install the package into the local repository, for use as a dependency in other projects locally:
mvn install