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refactor(CategoryTheory): simplify the proof of the characterisation …
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…of regular sheaves using the new arrows API (#8443)
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dagurtomas authored and grunweg committed Dec 15, 2023
1 parent d811d3b commit c22996b
Showing 1 changed file with 35 additions and 147 deletions.
182 changes: 35 additions & 147 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/RegularExtensive.lean
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Expand Up @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ section RegularSheaves

variable {C}

open Opposite
open Opposite Presieve

/-- A presieve is *regular* if it consists of a single effective epimorphism. -/
class Presieve.regular {X : C} (R : Presieve X) : Prop where
Expand All @@ -186,10 +186,8 @@ The map to the explicit equalizer used in the sheaf condition.
def MapToEqualizer (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type (max u v)) {W X B : C} (f : X ⟶ B)
(g₁ g₂ : W ⟶ X) (w : g₁ ≫ f = g₂ ≫ f) :
P.obj (op B) → { x : P.obj (op X) | g₁.op x = g₂.op x } :=
fun t ↦ ⟨ f.op t, by
change ( _ ≫ _) _ = ( _ ≫ _) _;
simp_rw [← P.map_comp, ← op_comp, w] ⟩
P.obj (op B) → { x : P.obj (op X) | g₁.op x = g₂.op x } := fun t ↦
⟨ f.op t, by simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq, ← FunctorToTypes.map_comp_apply, ← op_comp, w]⟩

The sheaf condition with respect to regular presieves, given the existence of the relavant pullback.
Expand All @@ -199,164 +197,54 @@ def EqualizerCondition (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type (max u v)) : Prop :=
(MapToEqualizer P π (pullback.fst (f := π) (g := π)) (pullback.snd (f := π) (g := π))

The `FirstObj` in the sheaf condition diagram is isomorphic to `F` applied to `X`.
def EqualizerFirstObjIso (F : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type (max u v)) {B X : C} (π : X ⟶ B) :
Equalizer.FirstObj F (Presieve.singleton π) ≅ F.obj (op X) :=
CategoryTheory.Equalizer.firstObjEqFamily F (Presieve.singleton π) ≪≫
{ hom := fun e ↦ e π (Presieve.singleton_self π)
inv := fun e _ _ h ↦ by
induction h with
| mk => exact e
hom_inv_id := by
funext _ _ _ h
induction h with
| mk => rfl
inv_hom_id := by aesop }

instance {B X : C} (π : X ⟶ B) [HasPullback π π] :
(Presieve.singleton π).hasPullbacks where
has_pullbacks hf _ hg := by
cases hf
cases hg

The `SecondObj` in the sheaf condition diagram is isomorphic to `F` applied to the pullback of `π` 
with itself
def EqualizerSecondObjIso (F : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type (max u v)) {B X : C} (π : X ⟶ B) [HasPullback π π] :
Equalizer.Presieve.SecondObj F (Presieve.singleton π) ≅ F.obj (op (Limits.pullback π π)) :=
Types.productIso.{max u v, max u v} _ ≪≫
{ hom := fun e ↦ e (⟨X, ⟨π, Presieve.singleton_self π⟩⟩, ⟨X, ⟨π, Presieve.singleton_self π⟩⟩)
inv := fun x ⟨⟨_, ⟨_, h₁⟩⟩ , ⟨_, ⟨_, h₂⟩⟩⟩ ↦ by
induction h₁
induction h₂
exact x
hom_inv_id := by
funext _ ⟨⟨_, ⟨_, h₁⟩⟩ , ⟨_, ⟨_, h₂⟩⟩⟩
induction h₁
induction h₂
inv_hom_id := by aesop }

lemma EqualizerCondition.isSheafFor {B : C} {S : Presieve B} [S.regular] [S.hasPullbacks]
{F : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type (max u v)}
(hFecs : EqualizerCondition F) : S.IsSheafFor F := by
obtain ⟨X, π, ⟨hS, πsurj⟩⟩ := Presieve.regular.single_epi (R := S)
rw [Presieve.ofArrows_pUnit] at hS
haveI : (Presieve.singleton π).hasPullbacks := by rw [← hS]; infer_instance
haveI : HasPullback π π :=
Presieve.hasPullbacks.has_pullbacks ( (
(hF : EqualizerCondition F) : S.IsSheafFor F := by
obtain ⟨X, π, hS, πsurj⟩ := Presieve.regular.single_epi (R := S)
subst hS
rw [Equalizer.Presieve.sheaf_condition, Limits.Types.type_equalizer_iff_unique]
rw [isSheafFor_arrows_iff_pullbacks]
intro y h
specialize hFecs X B π
have hy : (pullback.fst (f := π) (g := π)).op ((EqualizerFirstObjIso F π).hom y) = (pullback.snd (f := π) (g := π)).op ((EqualizerFirstObjIso F π).hom y) :=
_ = (Equalizer.Presieve.firstMap F (Presieve.singleton π) ≫
(EqualizerSecondObjIso F π).hom) y := by
simp [EqualizerSecondObjIso, EqualizerFirstObjIso, Equalizer.Presieve.firstMap]
_ = (Equalizer.Presieve.secondMap F (Presieve.singleton π) ≫ (EqualizerSecondObjIso F π).hom)
y := by simp only [Equalizer.Presieve.SecondObj, types_comp_apply]; rw [h]
_ = _ := by
simp [EqualizerSecondObjIso, EqualizerFirstObjIso, Equalizer.Presieve.secondMap]
obtain ⟨x, ⟨hx₁, hx₂⟩⟩ : ∃! x, π.op x = (EqualizerFirstObjIso F π).hom y
· rw [Function.bijective_iff_existsUnique] at hFecs
specialize hFecs ⟨(EqualizerFirstObjIso F π).hom y, hy⟩
obtain ⟨x, ⟨hx₁, hx₂⟩⟩ := hFecs
refine ⟨x, ⟨ hx₁, ?_⟩⟩
apply hx₂
rwa [Subtype.ext_iff]
have fork_comp : Equalizer.forkMap F (Presieve.singleton π) ≫ (EqualizerFirstObjIso F π).hom = π.op := by ext; simp [EqualizerFirstObjIso, Equalizer.forkMap]
rw [← fork_comp] at hx₁ hx₂
refine ⟨x, ⟨?_, ?_⟩⟩
· apply_fun (EqualizerFirstObjIso F π).hom using injective_of_mono (EqualizerFirstObjIso F π).hom
exact hx₁
· intro z hz
apply_fun (EqualizerFirstObjIso F π).hom at hz
exact hx₂ z hz

lemma IsSheafForRegular.equalizerCondition {F : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type (max u v)}
have : (Presieve.singleton π).hasPullbacks := by rw [← ofArrows_pUnit]; infer_instance
have : HasPullback π π := hasPullbacks.has_pullbacks
specialize hF X B π
rw [Function.bijective_iff_existsUnique] at hF
obtain ⟨t, ht, ht'⟩ := hF ⟨y (), h () ()⟩
refine ⟨t, fun _ ↦ ?_, fun x h ↦ ht' x ?_⟩
· simpa [MapToEqualizer] using ht
· simpa [MapToEqualizer] using h ()

lemma equalizerCondition_of_regular {F : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type (max u v)}
(hSF : ∀ {B : C} (S : Presieve B) [S.regular] [S.hasPullbacks], S.IsSheafFor F) :
EqualizerCondition F := by
intro X B π _ _
haveI : (Presieve.singleton π).regular :=
⟨X, π, ⟨(Presieve.ofArrows_pUnit π).symm, inferInstance⟩⟩
specialize hSF (Presieve.singleton π)
rw [Equalizer.Presieve.sheaf_condition, Limits.Types.type_equalizer_iff_unique] at hSF
have : (ofArrows (fun _ ↦ X) (fun _ ↦ π)).regular := ⟨X, π, rfl, inferInstance⟩
have : (ofArrows (fun () ↦ X) (fun _ ↦ π)).hasPullbacks := ⟨
fun hf _ hg ↦ (by cases hf; cases hg; infer_instance)⟩
specialize hSF (ofArrows (fun () ↦ X) (fun _ ↦ π))
rw [isSheafFor_arrows_iff_pullbacks] at hSF
rw [Function.bijective_iff_existsUnique]
intro ⟨b, hb⟩
specialize hSF ((EqualizerFirstObjIso F π).inv b) ?_
· apply_fun (EqualizerSecondObjIso F π).hom using injective_of_mono _
_ = (pullback.fst (f := π) (g := π)).op b := by
simp only [Equalizer.Presieve.SecondObj, EqualizerSecondObjIso, Equalizer.Presieve.firstMap,
EqualizerFirstObjIso, Iso.trans_inv, types_comp_apply, Equalizer.firstObjEqFamily_inv,
Iso.trans_hom, Types.productIso_hom_comp_eval_apply, Types.Limit.lift_π_apply', Fan.mk_pt,
Fan.mk_π_app]; rfl
_ = (pullback.snd (f := π) (g := π)).op b := hb
_ = ((EqualizerFirstObjIso F π).inv ≫ Equalizer.Presieve.secondMap F (Presieve.singleton π) ≫
(EqualizerSecondObjIso F π).hom) b := by
simp only [EqualizerFirstObjIso, Iso.trans_inv, Equalizer.Presieve.SecondObj,
Equalizer.Presieve.secondMap, EqualizerSecondObjIso, Iso.trans_hom,
Types.productIso_hom_comp_eval, limit.lift_π, Fan.mk_pt, Fan.mk_π_app, types_comp_apply,
Equalizer.firstObjEqFamily_inv, Types.Limit.lift_π_apply']; rfl
· obtain ⟨a, ⟨ha₁, ha₂⟩⟩ := hSF
refine ⟨a, ⟨?_, ?_⟩⟩
· ext
dsimp [MapToEqualizer]
apply_fun (EqualizerFirstObjIso F π).hom at ha₁
simp only [inv_hom_id_apply] at ha₁
rw [← ha₁]
simp only [EqualizerFirstObjIso, Equalizer.forkMap, Iso.trans_hom, types_comp_apply,
Equalizer.firstObjEqFamily_hom, Types.pi_lift_π_apply]
· intro y hy
apply ha₂
apply_fun (EqualizerFirstObjIso F π).hom using injective_of_mono _
simp only [inv_hom_id_apply]
simp only [MapToEqualizer, Set.mem_setOf_eq,] at hy
rw [← hy]
simp only [EqualizerFirstObjIso, Equalizer.forkMap, Iso.trans_hom, types_comp_apply,
Equalizer.firstObjEqFamily_hom, Types.pi_lift_π_apply]
intro ⟨x, hx⟩
obtain ⟨t, ht, ht'⟩ := hSF (fun _ ↦ x) (fun _ _ ↦ hx)
refine ⟨t, ?_, fun y h ↦ ht' y ?_⟩
· simpa [MapToEqualizer] using ht ()
· simpa [MapToEqualizer] using h

lemma isSheafFor_regular_of_projective {X : C} (S : Presieve X) [S.regular] [Projective X]
(F : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type (max u v)) : S.IsSheafFor F := by
obtain ⟨Y, f, rfl, hf⟩ := Presieve.regular.single_epi (R := S)
let g := Projective.factorThru (𝟙 _) f
have hfg : g ≫ f = 𝟙 _ := by
simp only [Projective.factorThru_comp]
intro y hy
refine' ⟨ g.op <| y f <| (), fun Z h hZ => _, fun z hz => _⟩
· cases' hZ with u
have := hy (f₁ := f) (f₂ := f) (𝟙 Y) (f ≫ g) ( ())
( ()) ?_
· rw [op_id, F.map_id, types_id_apply] at this
rw [← types_comp_apply ( g.op) ( f.op), ← F.map_comp, ← op_comp]
exact this.symm
· rw [Category.id_comp, Category.assoc, hfg, Category.comp_id]
· have := congr_arg ( g.op) <| hz f ( ())
rwa [← types_comp_apply ( f.op) ( g.op), ← F.map_comp, ← op_comp, hfg, op_id,
F.map_id, types_id_apply] at this
rw [isSheafFor_arrows_iff]
refine fun x hx ↦ ⟨ (Projective.factorThru (𝟙 _) f).op <| x (), fun _ ↦ ?_, fun y h ↦ ?_⟩
· simpa using (hx () () Y (𝟙 Y) (f ≫ (Projective.factorThru (𝟙 _) f)) (by simp)).symm
· simp only [← h (), ← FunctorToTypes.map_comp_apply, ← op_comp, Projective.factorThru_comp,
op_id, FunctorToTypes.map_id_apply]

lemma isSheaf_iff_equalizerCondition (F : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type (max u v)) [Preregular C] [HasPullbacks C] :
Presieve.IsSheaf (regularCoverage C).toGrothendieck F ↔ EqualizerCondition F := by
rw [Presieve.isSheaf_coverage]
refine ⟨?_, ?_⟩
· intro h
apply IsSheafForRegular.equalizerCondition
intro B S _ _
apply h S
obtain ⟨Y, f, rfl, _⟩ := Presieve.regular.single_epi (R := S)
use Y, f
· intro h X S ⟨Y, f, hh⟩
haveI : S.regular := ⟨Y, f, hh⟩
refine ⟨fun h ↦ equalizerCondition_of_regular fun S _ _ ↦ h S ?_, fun h X S ⟨Y, f, hh⟩ ↦ ?_⟩
· obtain ⟨Y, f, rfl, _⟩ := Presieve.regular.single_epi (R := S)
exact ⟨Y, f, rfl, inferInstance⟩
· have : S.regular := ⟨Y, f, hh⟩
exact h.isSheafFor

lemma isSheaf_of_projective (F : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type (max u v)) [Preregular C] [∀ (X : C), Projective X] :
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