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feat: port LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Basis (#3691)
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Co-authored-by: Parcly Taxel <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Eric Wieser <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Komyyy <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <[email protected]>
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6 people committed Apr 28, 2023
1 parent fabd023 commit 88894f5
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Showing 3 changed files with 306 additions and 21 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1421,6 +1421,7 @@ import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.LinearIndependent
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.LinearPMap
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.AbsoluteValue
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Adjugate
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Basis
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Block
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Circulant
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Determinant
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42 changes: 21 additions & 21 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Basis.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1245,47 +1245,47 @@ theorem units_smul_span_eq_top {v : ι → M} (hv : Submodule.span R (Set.range

/-- Given a basis `v` and a map `w` such that for all `i`, `w i` is a unit, `smul_of_is_unit`
provides the basis corresponding to `w • v`. -/
def unitsSmul (v : Basis ι R M) (w : ι → Rˣ) : Basis ι R M :=
def unitsSMul (v : Basis ι R M) (w : ι → Rˣ) : Basis ι R M := (LinearIndependent.units_smul v.linearIndependent w)
(units_smul_span_eq_top v.span_eq).ge
#align basis.units_smul Basis.unitsSmul
#align basis.units_smul Basis.unitsSMul

theorem unitsSmul_apply {v : Basis ι R M} {w : ι → Rˣ} (i : ι) : unitsSmul v w i = w i • v i :=
theorem unitsSMul_apply {v : Basis ι R M} {w : ι → Rˣ} (i : ι) : unitsSMul v w i = w i • v i :=
mk_apply (LinearIndependent.units_smul v.linearIndependent w)
(units_smul_span_eq_top v.span_eq).ge i
#align basis.units_smul_apply Basis.unitsSmul_apply
#align basis.units_smul_apply Basis.unitsSMul_apply

set_option synthInstance.etaExperiment true in
theorem coord_unitsSmul (e : Basis ι R₂ M) (w : ι → R₂ˣ) (i : ι) :
(unitsSmul e w).coord i = (w i)⁻¹ • e.coord i := by
theorem coord_unitsSMul (e : Basis ι R₂ M) (w : ι → R₂ˣ) (i : ι) :
(unitsSMul e w).coord i = (w i)⁻¹ • e.coord i := by
apply e.ext
intro j
trans ((unitsSmul e w).coord i) ((w j)⁻¹ • (unitsSmul e w) j)
trans ((unitsSMul e w).coord i) ((w j)⁻¹ • (unitsSMul e w) j)
· congr
simp [Basis.unitsSmul, ← mul_smul]
simp [Basis.unitsSMul, ← mul_smul]
simp only [Basis.coord_apply, LinearMap.smul_apply, Basis.repr_self, Units.smul_def,
SMulHomClass.map_smul, Finsupp.single_apply]
split_ifs with h <;> simp [h]
#align basis.coord_units_smul Basis.coord_unitsSmul
#align basis.coord_units_smul Basis.coord_unitsSMul

set_option synthInstance.etaExperiment true in
theorem repr_unitsSmul (e : Basis ι R₂ M) (w : ι → R₂ˣ) (v : M) (i : ι) :
(e.unitsSmul w).repr v i = (w i)⁻¹ • e.repr v i :=
congr_arg (fun f : M →ₗ[R₂] R₂ => f v) (e.coord_unitsSmul w i)
#align basis.repr_units_smul Basis.repr_unitsSmul
theorem repr_unitsSMul (e : Basis ι R₂ M) (w : ι → R₂ˣ) (v : M) (i : ι) :
(e.unitsSMul w).repr v i = (w i)⁻¹ • e.repr v i :=
congr_arg (fun f : M →ₗ[R₂] R₂ => f v) (e.coord_unitsSMul w i)
#align basis.repr_units_smul Basis.repr_unitsSMul

/-- A version of `smul_of_units` that uses `IsUnit`. -/
def isUnitSmul (v : Basis ι R M) {w : ι → R} (hw : ∀ i, IsUnit (w i)) : Basis ι R M :=
unitsSmul v fun i => (hw i).unit
#align basis.is_unit_smul Basis.isUnitSmul

theorem isUnitSmul_apply {v : Basis ι R M} {w : ι → R} (hw : ∀ i, IsUnit (w i)) (i : ι) :
v.isUnitSmul hw i = w i • v i :=
unitsSmul_apply i
#align basis.is_unit_smul_apply Basis.isUnitSmul_apply
def isUnitSMul (v : Basis ι R M) {w : ι → R} (hw : ∀ i, IsUnit (w i)) : Basis ι R M :=
unitsSMul v fun i => (hw i).unit
#align basis.is_unit_smul Basis.isUnitSMul

theorem isUnitSMul_apply {v : Basis ι R M} {w : ι → R} (hw : ∀ i, IsUnit (w i)) (i : ι) :
v.isUnitSMul hw i = w i • v i :=
unitsSMul_apply i
#align basis.is_unit_smul_apply Basis.isUnitSMul_apply

section Fin

Expand Down
284 changes: 284 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Matrix/Basis.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Patrick Massot, Casper Putz, Anne Baanen
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module linear_algebra.matrix.basis
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 6c263e4bfc2e6714de30f22178b4d0ca4d149a76
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Reindex
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.ToLin

# Bases and matrices
This file defines the map `Basis.toMatrix` that sends a family of vectors to
the matrix of their coordinates with respect to some basis.
## Main definitions
* `Basis.toMatrix e v` is the matrix whose `i, j`th entry is `e.repr (v j) i`
* `basis.toMatrixEquiv` is `Basis.toMatrix` bundled as a linear equiv
## Main results
* `LinearMap.toMatrix_id_eq_basis_toMatrix`: `LinearMap.toMatrix b c id`
is equal to `Basis.toMatrix b c`
* `Basis.toMatrix_mul_toMatrix`: multiplying `Basis.toMatrix` with another
`Basis.toMatrix` gives a `Basis.toMatrix`
## Tags
matrix, basis

noncomputable section

open LinearMap Matrix Set Submodule

open BigOperators

open Matrix

section BasisToMatrix

variable {ι ι' κ κ' : Type _}

variable {R M : Type _} [CommSemiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M]

variable {R₂ M₂ : Type _} [CommRing R₂] [AddCommGroup M₂] [Module R₂ M₂]

open Function Matrix

/-- From a basis `e : ι → M` and a family of vectors `v : ι' → M`, make the matrix whose columns
are the vectors `v i` written in the basis `e`. -/
def Basis.toMatrix (e : Basis ι R M) (v : ι' → M) : Matrix ι ι' R := fun i j => e.repr (v j) i
#align basis.to_matrix Basis.toMatrix

variable (e : Basis ι R M) (v : ι' → M) (i : ι) (j : ι')

namespace Basis

theorem toMatrix_apply : e.toMatrix v i j = e.repr (v j) i :=
#align basis.to_matrix_apply Basis.toMatrix_apply

theorem toMatrix_transpose_apply : (e.toMatrix v)ᵀ j = e.repr (v j) :=
funext fun _ => rfl
#align basis.to_matrix_transpose_apply Basis.toMatrix_transpose_apply

theorem toMatrix_eq_toMatrix_constr [Fintype ι] [DecidableEq ι] (v : ι → M) :
e.toMatrix v = LinearMap.toMatrix e e (e.constr ℕ v) := by
rw [Basis.toMatrix_apply, LinearMap.toMatrix_apply, Basis.constr_basis]
#align basis.to_matrix_eq_to_matrix_constr Basis.toMatrix_eq_toMatrix_constr

-- TODO (maybe) Adjust the definition of `Basis.toMatrix` to eliminate the transpose.
theorem coePiBasisFun.toMatrix_eq_transpose [Fintype ι] :
((Pi.basisFun R ι).toMatrix : Matrix ι ι R → Matrix ι ι R) = Matrix.transpose := by
ext (M i j)
#align basis.coe_pi_basis_fun.to_matrix_eq_transpose Basis.coePiBasisFun.toMatrix_eq_transpose

theorem toMatrix_self [DecidableEq ι] : e.toMatrix e = 1 := by
unfold Basis.toMatrix
ext (i j)
simp [Basis.equivFun, Matrix.one_apply, Finsupp.single_apply, eq_comm]
#align basis.to_matrix_self Basis.toMatrix_self

theorem toMatrix_update [DecidableEq ι'] (x : M) :
e.toMatrix (Function.update v j x) = Matrix.updateColumn (e.toMatrix v) j (e.repr x) := by
ext (i' k)
rw [Basis.toMatrix, Matrix.updateColumn_apply, e.toMatrix_apply]
split_ifs with h
· rw [h, update_same j x v]
· rw [update_noteq h]
#align basis.to_matrix_update Basis.toMatrix_update

/-- The basis constructed by `unitsSMul` has vectors given by a diagonal matrix. -/
theorem toMatrix_unitsSMul [DecidableEq ι] (e : Basis ι R₂ M₂) (w : ι → R₂ˣ) :
e.toMatrix (e.unitsSMul w) = diagonal ((↑) ∘ w) := by
ext (i j)
by_cases h : i = j
· simp [h, toMatrix_apply, unitsSMul_apply, Units.smul_def]
· simp [h, toMatrix_apply, unitsSMul_apply, Units.smul_def, Ne.symm h]
#align basis.to_matrix_units_smul Basis.toMatrix_unitsSMul

/-- The basis constructed by `isUnitSMul` has vectors given by a diagonal matrix. -/
theorem toMatrix_isUnitSMul [DecidableEq ι] (e : Basis ι R₂ M₂) {w : ι → R₂}
(hw : ∀ i, IsUnit (w i)) : e.toMatrix (e.isUnitSMul hw) = diagonal w :=
e.toMatrix_unitsSMul _
#align basis.to_matrix_is_unit_smul Basis.toMatrix_isUnitSMul

theorem sum_toMatrix_smul_self [Fintype ι] : (∑ i : ι, e.toMatrix v i j • e i) = v j := by
simp_rw [e.toMatrix_apply, e.sum_repr]
#align basis.sum_to_matrix_smul_self Basis.sum_toMatrix_smul_self

set_option synthInstance.etaExperiment true in
theorem toMatrix_map_vecMul {S : Type _} [Ring S] [Algebra R S] [Fintype ι] (b : Basis ι R S)
(v : ι' → S) : ((b.toMatrix v).map <| algebraMap R S).vecMul b = v := by
ext i
simp_rw [vecMul, dotProduct, Matrix.map_apply, ← Algebra.commutes, ← Algebra.smul_def,
#align basis.to_matrix_map_vec_mul Basis.toMatrix_map_vecMul

theorem toLin_toMatrix [Fintype ι] [Fintype ι'] [DecidableEq ι'] (v : Basis ι' R M) :
Matrix.toLin v e (e.toMatrix v) = :=
v.ext fun i => by rw [toLin_self, id_apply, e.sum_toMatrix_smul_self]
#align basis.to_lin_to_matrix Basis.toLin_toMatrix

/-- From a basis `e : ι → M`, build a linear equivalence between families of vectors `v : ι → M`,
and matrices, making the matrix whose columns are the vectors `v i` written in the basis `e`. -/
def toMatrixEquiv [Fintype ι] (e : Basis ι R M) : (ι → M) ≃ₗ[R] Matrix ι ι R where
toFun := e.toMatrix
map_add' v w := by
ext (i j)
change _ = _ + _
rw [e.toMatrix_apply, Pi.add_apply, LinearEquiv.map_add]
map_smul' := by
intro c v
ext (i j)
dsimp only []
rw [e.toMatrix_apply, Pi.smul_apply, LinearEquiv.map_smul]
invFun m j := ∑ i, m i j • e i
left_inv := by
intro v
ext j
exact e.sum_toMatrix_smul_self v j
right_inv := by
intro m
ext (k l)
simp only [e.toMatrix_apply, ← e.equivFun_apply, ← e.equivFun_symm_apply,
#align basis.to_matrix_equiv Basis.toMatrixEquiv

end Basis

section MulLinearMapToMatrix

variable {N : Type _} [AddCommMonoid N] [Module R N]

variable (b : Basis ι R M) (b' : Basis ι' R M) (c : Basis κ R N) (c' : Basis κ' R N)

variable (f : M →ₗ[R] N)

open LinearMap

section Fintype

variable [Fintype ι'] [Fintype κ] [Fintype κ']

theorem basis_toMatrix_mul_linearMap_toMatrix [DecidableEq ι'] :
c.toMatrix c' ⬝ LinearMap.toMatrix b' c' f = LinearMap.toMatrix b' c f :=
(Matrix.toLin b' c).injective
haveI := Classical.decEq κ'
rw [toLin_toMatrix, toLin_mul b' c' c, toLin_toMatrix, c.toLin_toMatrix, id_comp])
#align basis_to_matrix_mul_linear_map_to_matrix basis_toMatrix_mul_linearMap_toMatrix

variable [Fintype ι]

theorem linearMap_toMatrix_mul_basis_toMatrix [DecidableEq ι] [DecidableEq ι'] :
LinearMap.toMatrix b' c' f ⬝ b'.toMatrix b = LinearMap.toMatrix b c' f :=
(Matrix.toLin b c').injective
(by rw [toLin_toMatrix, toLin_mul b b' c', toLin_toMatrix, b'.toLin_toMatrix, comp_id])
#align linear_map_to_matrix_mul_basis_to_matrix linearMap_toMatrix_mul_basis_toMatrix

theorem basis_toMatrix_mul_linearMap_toMatrix_mul_basis_toMatrix [DecidableEq ι] [DecidableEq ι'] :
c.toMatrix c' ⬝ LinearMap.toMatrix b' c' f ⬝ b'.toMatrix b = LinearMap.toMatrix b c f := by
rw [basis_toMatrix_mul_linearMap_toMatrix, linearMap_toMatrix_mul_basis_toMatrix]
#align basis_to_matrix_mul_linear_map_to_matrix_mul_basis_to_matrix basis_toMatrix_mul_linearMap_toMatrix_mul_basis_toMatrix

theorem basis_toMatrix_mul [DecidableEq κ] (b₁ : Basis ι R M) (b₂ : Basis ι' R M) (b₃ : Basis κ R N)
(A : Matrix ι' κ R) : b₁.toMatrix b₂ ⬝ A = LinearMap.toMatrix b₃ b₁ (toLin b₃ b₂ A) := by
have := basis_toMatrix_mul_linearMap_toMatrix b₃ b₁ b₂ (Matrix.toLin b₃ b₂ A)
rwa [LinearMap.toMatrix_toLin] at this
#align basis_to_matrix_mul basis_toMatrix_mul

theorem mul_basis_toMatrix [DecidableEq ι] [DecidableEq ι'] (b₁ : Basis ι R M) (b₂ : Basis ι' R M)
(b₃ : Basis κ R N) (A : Matrix κ ι R) :
A ⬝ b₁.toMatrix b₂ = LinearMap.toMatrix b₂ b₃ (toLin b₁ b₃ A) := by
have := linearMap_toMatrix_mul_basis_toMatrix b₂ b₁ b₃ (Matrix.toLin b₁ b₃ A)
rwa [LinearMap.toMatrix_toLin] at this
#align mul_basis_to_matrix mul_basis_toMatrix

theorem basis_toMatrix_basisFun_mul (b : Basis ι R (ι → R)) (A : Matrix ι ι R) :
b.toMatrix (Pi.basisFun R ι) ⬝ A = of fun i j => b.repr (Aᵀ j) i := by
simp only [basis_toMatrix_mul _ _ (Pi.basisFun R ι), Matrix.toLin_eq_toLin']
ext (i j)
rw [LinearMap.toMatrix_apply, Matrix.toLin'_apply, Pi.basisFun_apply,
Matrix.mulVec_stdBasis_apply, Matrix.of_apply]
#align basis_to_matrix_basis_fun_mul basis_toMatrix_basisFun_mul

/-- A generalization of `LinearMap.toMatrix_id`. -/
theorem LinearMap.toMatrix_id_eq_basis_toMatrix [DecidableEq ι] :
LinearMap.toMatrix b b' id = b'.toMatrix b := by
haveI := Classical.decEq ι'
rw [← @basis_toMatrix_mul_linearMap_toMatrix _ _ ι, toMatrix_id, Matrix.mul_one]
#align linear_map.to_matrix_id_eq_basis_to_matrix LinearMap.toMatrix_id_eq_basis_toMatrix

/-- See also `Basis.toMatrix_reindex` which gives the `simp` normal form of this result. -/
theorem Basis.toMatrix_reindex' [DecidableEq ι] [DecidableEq ι'] (b : Basis ι R M) (v : ι' → M)
(e : ι ≃ ι') : (b.reindex e).toMatrix v = Matrix.reindexAlgEquiv _ e (b.toMatrix (v ∘ e)) := by
simp only [Basis.toMatrix_apply, Basis.repr_reindex, Matrix.reindexAlgEquiv_apply,
Matrix.reindex_apply, Matrix.submatrix_apply, Function.comp_apply, e.apply_symm_apply,
#align basis.to_matrix_reindex' Basis.toMatrix_reindex'

end Fintype

/-- A generalization of `Basis.toMatrix_self`, in the opposite direction. -/
theorem Basis.toMatrix_mul_toMatrix {ι'' : Type _} [Fintype ι'] (b'' : ι'' → M) :
b.toMatrix b' ⬝ b'.toMatrix b'' = b.toMatrix b'' := by
haveI := Classical.decEq ι
haveI := Classical.decEq ι'
haveI := Classical.decEq ι''
ext (i j)
simp only [Matrix.mul_apply, Basis.toMatrix_apply, Basis.sum_repr_mul_repr]
#align basis.to_matrix_mul_to_matrix Basis.toMatrix_mul_toMatrix

/-- `b.toMatrix b'` and `b'.toMatrix b` are inverses. -/
theorem Basis.toMatrix_mul_toMatrix_flip [DecidableEq ι] [Fintype ι'] :
b.toMatrix b' ⬝ b'.toMatrix b = 1 := by rw [Basis.toMatrix_mul_toMatrix, Basis.toMatrix_self]
#align basis.to_matrix_mul_to_matrix_flip Basis.toMatrix_mul_toMatrix_flip

/-- A matrix whose columns form a basis `b'`, expressed w.r.t. a basis `b`, is invertible. -/
def Basis.invertibleToMatrix [DecidableEq ι] [Fintype ι] (b b' : Basis ι R₂ M₂) :
Invertible (b.toMatrix b') :=
⟨b'.toMatrix b, Basis.toMatrix_mul_toMatrix_flip _ _, Basis.toMatrix_mul_toMatrix_flip _ _⟩
#align basis.invertible_to_matrix Basis.invertibleToMatrix

theorem Basis.toMatrix_reindex (b : Basis ι R M) (v : ι' → M) (e : ι ≃ ι') :
(b.reindex e).toMatrix v = (b.toMatrix v).submatrix e.symm := by
simp only [Basis.toMatrix_apply, Basis.repr_reindex, Matrix.submatrix_apply, id.def,
#align basis.to_matrix_reindex Basis.toMatrix_reindex

theorem Basis.toMatrix_map (b : Basis ι R M) (f : M ≃ₗ[R] N) (v : ι → N) :
( f).toMatrix v = b.toMatrix (f.symm ∘ v) := by
simp only [Basis.toMatrix_apply,, LinearEquiv.trans_apply, (· ∘ ·)]
#align basis.to_matrix_map Basis.toMatrix_map

end MulLinearMapToMatrix

end BasisToMatrix

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