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Rename Pretangle to StructSet
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Signed-off-by: zeramorphic <[email protected]>
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zeramorphic committed Apr 13, 2024
1 parent 3f5b5f1 commit 659cdc7
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40 changes: 20 additions & 20 deletions ConNF/Counting/Hypotheses.lean
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import ConNF.Structural.Pretangle
import ConNF.Structural.StructSet
import ConNF.FOA.Basic.Reduction

Expand All @@ -17,43 +17,43 @@ variable [Params.{u}] [Level] [BasePositions]

class CountingAssumptions extends FOAAssumptions where
/-- Tangles contain only tangles. -/
eq_toPretangle_of_mem (β : Λ) [LeLevel β] (γ : Λ) [LeLevel γ]
(h : (γ : TypeIndex) < β) (t₁ : TSet β) (t₂ : Pretangle γ) :
t₂ ∈ Pretangle.ofCoe (toPretangle t₁) γ h → ∃ t₂' : TSet γ, t₂ = toPretangle t₂'
eq_toStructSet_of_mem (β : Λ) [LeLevel β] (γ : Λ) [LeLevel γ]
(h : (γ : TypeIndex) < β) (t₁ : TSet β) (t₂ : StructSet γ) :
t₂ ∈ StructSet.ofCoe (toStructSet t₁) γ h → ∃ t₂' : TSet γ, t₂ = toStructSet t₂'
/-- Tangles are extensional at every proper level `γ < β`. -/
toPretangle_ext (β γ : Λ) [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] (h : (γ : TypeIndex) < β) (t₁ t₂ : TSet β) :
(∀ t : Pretangle γ,
t ∈ Pretangle.ofCoe (toPretangle t₁) γ h ↔ t ∈ Pretangle.ofCoe (toPretangle t₂) γ h) →
toPretangle t₁ = toPretangle t₂
toStructSet_ext (β γ : Λ) [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] (h : (γ : TypeIndex) < β) (t₁ t₂ : TSet β) :
(∀ t : StructSet γ,
t ∈ StructSet.ofCoe (toStructSet t₁) γ h ↔ t ∈ StructSet.ofCoe (toStructSet t₂) γ h) →
toStructSet t₁ = toStructSet t₂
/-- Any `γ`-tangle can be treated as a singleton at level `β` if `γ < β`. -/
singleton (β : Λ) [LeLevel β] (γ : Λ) [LeLevel γ]
(h : (γ : TypeIndex) < β) (t : TSet γ) : TSet β
singleton_toPretangle (β : Λ) [LeLevel β] (γ : Λ) [LeLevel γ]
singleton_toStructSet (β : Λ) [LeLevel β] (γ : Λ) [LeLevel γ]
(h : (γ : TypeIndex) < β) (t : TSet γ) :
Pretangle.ofCoe (toPretangle (singleton β γ h t)) γ h = {toPretangle t}
StructSet.ofCoe (toStructSet (singleton β γ h t)) γ h = {toStructSet t}

export CountingAssumptions (eq_toPretangle_of_mem toPretangle_ext
singleton singleton_toPretangle)
export CountingAssumptions (eq_toStructSet_of_mem toStructSet_ext
singleton singleton_toStructSet)

variable [CountingAssumptions] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] (hγ : γ < β)

theorem singleton_smul (β γ : Λ) [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] (h : (γ : TypeIndex) < β) (t : TSet γ)
(ρ : Allowable β) :
ρ • singleton β γ h t = singleton β γ h (Allowable.comp (Hom.toPath h) ρ • t) := by
refine toPretangle.inj' ?_
refine toPretangle_ext β γ h _ _ ?_
refine toStructSet.inj' ?_
refine toStructSet_ext β γ h _ _ ?_
intro u
rw [toPretangle_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul, StructPerm.ofCoe_smul,
singleton_toPretangle, singleton_toPretangle, smul_set_singleton,
mem_singleton_iff, mem_singleton_iff, toPretangle_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul,
rw [toStructSet_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul, StructPerm.ofCoe_smul,
singleton_toStructSet, singleton_toStructSet, smul_set_singleton,
mem_singleton_iff, mem_singleton_iff, toStructSet_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul,

theorem singleton_injective (β γ : Λ) [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] (h : (γ : TypeIndex) < β) :
Function.Injective (singleton β γ h) := by
intro t₁ t₂ ht
have h₁ := singleton_toPretangle β γ h t₁
have h₂ := singleton_toPretangle β γ h t₂
have h₁ := singleton_toStructSet β γ h t₁
have h₂ := singleton_toStructSet β γ h t₂
rw [ht, h₂, singleton_eq_singleton_iff] at h₁
exact toPretangle.inj' h₁.symm
exact toStructSet.inj' h₁.symm

end ConNF
54 changes: 27 additions & 27 deletions ConNF/Counting/Recode.lean
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Expand Up @@ -66,23 +66,23 @@ theorem smul_raise_eq_iff (c : Address γ) (ρ : Allowable β) :
simp only [raise_path, raise_value,, true_and]
rw [Allowable.toStructPerm_comp (Hom.toPath hγ), Tree.comp_apply, raiseIndex]

/-- A set `s` of `γ`-pretangles *appears* at level `α` if it occurs as the `γ`-extension of some
/-- A set `s` of `γ`-structSets *appears* at level `α` if it occurs as the `γ`-extension of some
`α`-tangle. -/
def Appears (s : Set (Pretangle γ)) : Prop :=
∃ t : TSet β, s = Pretangle.ofCoe (toPretangle t) γ hγ
def Appears (s : Set (StructSet γ)) : Prop :=
∃ t : TSet β, s = StructSet.ofCoe (toStructSet t) γ hγ

/-- Convert a set of `γ`-tangles to the (unique) `α`-tangle with that `γ`-extension,
if it exists. -/
noncomputable def toTSet (s : Set (Pretangle γ)) (h : Appears hγ s) : TSet β :=
noncomputable def toTSet (s : Set (StructSet γ)) (h : Appears hγ s) : TSet β :=

theorem toPretangle_toTSet (s : Set (Pretangle γ)) (h : Appears hγ s) :
s = Pretangle.ofCoe (toPretangle (toTSet hγ s h)) γ hγ :=
theorem toStructSet_toTSet (s : Set (StructSet γ)) (h : Appears hγ s) :
s = StructSet.ofCoe (toStructSet (toTSet hγ s h)) γ hγ :=

def AppearsRaised (χs : Set (CodingFunction β)) (U : Support β) : Prop :=
Appears hγ {u | ∃ χ ∈ χs, ∃ V ≥ U, ∃ hV : V ∈ χ,
u ∈ Pretangle.ofCoe (toPretangle ((χ.decode V).get hV)) γ hγ}
u ∈ StructSet.ofCoe (toStructSet ((χ.decode V).get hV)) γ hγ}

noncomputable def decodeRaised (χs : Set (CodingFunction β))
(U : Support β) (hU : AppearsRaised hγ χs U) : TSet β :=
Expand All @@ -94,17 +94,17 @@ We now aim to show that `decodeRaised` is a coding function.

theorem decodeRaised_spec (χs : Set (CodingFunction β))
(U : Support β) (hU : AppearsRaised hγ χs U) :
Pretangle.ofCoe (toPretangle (decodeRaised hγ χs U hU)) γ hγ =
StructSet.ofCoe (toStructSet (decodeRaised hγ χs U hU)) γ hγ =
{u | ∃ χ ∈ χs, ∃ V ≥ U, ∃ hV : V ∈ χ,
u ∈ Pretangle.ofCoe (toPretangle ((χ.decode V).get hV)) γ hγ} :=
u ∈ StructSet.ofCoe (toStructSet ((χ.decode V).get hV)) γ hγ} :=

theorem appearsRaised_smul {χs : Set (CodingFunction β)}
(U : Support β) (hU : AppearsRaised hγ χs U) (ρ : Allowable β) :
AppearsRaised hγ χs (ρ • U) := by
obtain ⟨t, ht⟩ := hU
refine ⟨ρ • t, ?_⟩
rw [toPretangle_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul,
rw [toStructSet_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul,
StructPerm.ofCoe_smul, ← ht]
ext u
Expand All @@ -114,23 +114,23 @@ theorem appearsRaised_smul {χs : Set (CodingFunction β)}
?_, by simp only [smul_inv_smul]⟩
refine ⟨χ, hχ, ρ⁻¹ • V, by rwa [Enumeration.le_inv_iff_smul_le],
CodingFunction.smul_mem _ hVχ, ?_⟩
rw [CodingFunction.decode_smul, toPretangle_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul,
rw [CodingFunction.decode_smul, toStructSet_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul,
StructPerm.ofCoe_smul, map_inv, Tree.comp_inv, smul_mem_smul_set_iff]
exact hu
· simp only [ge_iff_le, mem_setOf_eq]
rintro ⟨u, ⟨χ, hχ, V, hUV, hVχ, hu⟩, rfl⟩
refine ⟨χ, hχ, ρ • V, Enumeration.smul_le_smul hUV ρ, CodingFunction.smul_mem _ hVχ, ?_⟩
rw [CodingFunction.decode_smul, toPretangle_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul,
rw [CodingFunction.decode_smul, toStructSet_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul,
StructPerm.ofCoe_smul, smul_mem_smul_set_iff]
exact hu

theorem decodeRaised_smul {χs : Set (CodingFunction β)}
(U : Support β) (hU : AppearsRaised hγ χs U) (ρ : Allowable β) :
decodeRaised hγ χs (ρ • U) (appearsRaised_smul hγ U hU ρ) = ρ • decodeRaised hγ χs U hU := by
refine toPretangle.inj' ?_
refine toPretangle_ext β γ hγ _ _ ?_
refine toStructSet.inj' ?_
refine toStructSet_ext β γ hγ _ _ ?_
intro u
simp_rw [toPretangle_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul, StructPerm.ofCoe_smul,
simp_rw [toStructSet_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul, StructPerm.ofCoe_smul,
-- TODO: Unify this proof with the previous by extracting a lemma.
Expand All @@ -140,19 +140,19 @@ theorem decodeRaised_smul {χs : Set (CodingFunction β)}
?_, by simp only [smul_inv_smul]⟩
refine ⟨χ, hχ, ρ⁻¹ • V, by rwa [Enumeration.le_inv_iff_smul_le],
CodingFunction.smul_mem _ hVχ, ?_⟩
rw [CodingFunction.decode_smul, toPretangle_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul,
rw [CodingFunction.decode_smul, toStructSet_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul,
StructPerm.ofCoe_smul, map_inv, Tree.comp_inv, smul_mem_smul_set_iff]
exact hu
· simp only [ge_iff_le, mem_setOf_eq]
rintro ⟨u, ⟨χ, hχ, V, hUV, hVχ, hu⟩, rfl⟩
refine ⟨χ, hχ, ρ • V, Enumeration.smul_le_smul hUV ρ, CodingFunction.smul_mem _ hVχ, ?_⟩
rw [CodingFunction.decode_smul, toPretangle_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul,
rw [CodingFunction.decode_smul, toStructSet_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul,
StructPerm.ofCoe_smul, smul_mem_smul_set_iff]
exact hu

/-- The tangles in the `γ`-extension of a given `β`-tangle. -/
def tangleExtension (t : TSet β) : Set (TSet γ) :=
{u | toPretangle u ∈ Pretangle.ofCoe (toPretangle t) γ hγ}
{u | toStructSet u ∈ StructSet.ofCoe (toStructSet t) γ hγ}

/-- A support for a `γ`-tangle, expressed as a set of `β`-support conditions. -/
noncomputable def raisedSupport (S : Support β) (u : TSet γ) : Support β :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,8 +216,8 @@ theorem raiseSingletons_reducedSupport (S : Support β) (t : TSet β)
(hSt : Supports (Allowable β) {c | c ∈ S} t) :
{u | ∃ χ ∈ raiseSingletons hγ S t,
∃ V ≥ S, ∃ hV : V ∈ χ,
u ∈ Pretangle.ofCoe (toPretangle ((χ.decode V).get hV)) γ hγ} =
Pretangle.ofCoe (toPretangle t) γ hγ := by
u ∈ StructSet.ofCoe (toStructSet ((χ.decode V).get hV)) γ hγ} =
StructSet.ofCoe (toStructSet t) γ hγ := by
ext u
· simp only [ge_iff_le, mem_setOf_eq, forall_exists_index, and_imp]
Expand All @@ -226,21 +226,21 @@ theorem raiseSingletons_reducedSupport (S : Support β) (t : TSet β)
rw [raiseSingleton, CodingFunction.mem_code] at hVχ
obtain ⟨ρ, rfl⟩ := hVχ
simp_rw [CodingFunction.decode_smul, raiseSingleton, CodingFunction.code_decode] at hu
rw [Part.get_some, toPretangle_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul, StructPerm.ofCoe_smul,
singleton_toPretangle, smul_set_singleton, mem_singleton_iff] at hu
rw [Part.get_some, toStructSet_smul, Allowable.toStructPerm_smul, StructPerm.ofCoe_smul,
singleton_toStructSet, smul_set_singleton, mem_singleton_iff] at hu
subst hu
rw [← mem_inv_smul_set_iff, Tree.comp_inv, ← StructPerm.ofCoe_smul, ← map_inv,
← Allowable.toStructPerm_smul, ← toPretangle_smul,
← Allowable.toStructPerm_smul, ← toStructSet_smul,
← hSt _ (smul_reducedSupport_eq hγ S v ρ hUV), inv_smul_smul]
exact hv
· simp only [ge_iff_le, mem_setOf_eq]
intro hu
obtain ⟨u, rfl⟩ := eq_toPretangle_of_mem β γ hγ t u hu
obtain ⟨u, rfl⟩ := eq_toStructSet_of_mem β γ hγ t u hu
refine ⟨_, ⟨u, hu, rfl⟩, raisedSupport hγ S u, ?_⟩
refine ⟨le_raisedSupport hγ S u, CodingFunction.mem_code_self, ?_⟩
simp only [raiseSingleton, CodingFunction.mem_code_self, CodingFunction.code_decode,
rw [singleton_toPretangle, mem_singleton_iff]
rw [singleton_toStructSet, mem_singleton_iff]

theorem appearsRaised_raiseSingletons (S : Support β) (t : TSet β)
(hSt : Supports (Allowable β) {c | c ∈ S} t) :
Expand All @@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ theorem appearsRaised_raiseSingletons (S : Support β) (t : TSet β)
theorem decodeRaised_raiseSingletons (S : Support β) (t : TSet β)
(hSt : Supports (Allowable β) {c | c ∈ S} t) :
decodeRaised hγ (raiseSingletons hγ S t) S (appearsRaised_raiseSingletons hγ S t hSt) = t := by
refine toPretangle.inj' ?_
refine toPretangle_ext β γ hγ _ _ ?_
refine toStructSet.inj' ?_
refine toStructSet_ext β γ hγ _ _ ?_
intro u
rw [decodeRaised_spec, raiseSingletons_reducedSupport hγ S t hSt]

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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions ConNF/Fuzz/Hypotheses.lean
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Expand Up @@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ class TangleData (α : TypeIndex) where
letI : MulAction Allowable (Address α) :=
MulAction.compHom _ allowableToStructPerm
MulAction.Supports Allowable (S : Set (Address α)) t
toPretangle : TSet ↪ Pretangle α
toPretangle_smul (ρ : Allowable) (t : TSet) :
letI : MulAction Allowable (Pretangle α) :=
toStructSet : TSet ↪ StructSet α
toStructSet_smul (ρ : Allowable) (t : TSet) :
letI : MulAction Allowable (StructSet α) :=
MulAction.compHom _ allowableToStructPerm
toPretangle (ρ • t) = ρ • toPretangle t
toStructSet (ρ • t) = ρ • toStructSet t

export TangleData (TSet Allowable toPretangle toPretangle_smul)
export TangleData (TSet Allowable toStructSet toStructSet_smul)

attribute [instance] TangleData.allowableGroup TangleData.allowableAction

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ instance Bot.tangleData : TangleData ⊥
allowableToStructPerm_injective := MulEquiv.injective _
allowableAction := inferInstance
has_support a := ⟨, a.support_supports⟩
toPretangle := Pretangle.ofBot.toEmbedding
toPretangle_smul _ _ := rfl
toStructSet := StructSet.ofBot.toEmbedding
toStructSet_smul _ _ := rfl

structure TangleCoe (α : Λ) [TangleData α] : Type u where
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ConNF/Mathlib/GroupAction.lean
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Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ instance {α : Type _} [∀ i, SMul α <| f i] [∀ i, SMul αᵐᵒᵖ <| f i]
IsCentralScalar α (∀ i, f i) :=
fun _ _ => funext fun _ => op_smul_eq_smul _ _⟩

/-- If `f i` has a faithful scalar action for a given `i`, then so does `Π i, f i`. This is
/-- If `f i` has a faithful scalar action for a given `i`, then so does ` i, f i`. This is
not an instance as `i` cannot be inferred. -/
@[to_additive PiProp.has_faithful_vadd_at]
theorem faithfulSMul_at {α : Type _} [∀ i, SMul α <| f i] [∀ i, Nonempty (f i)] (i : I)
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46 changes: 23 additions & 23 deletions ConNF/Model/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace ConNF
variable [Params.{u}]

def mem {β α : Λ} (h : β < α) (tβ : TSet β) (tα : TSet α) : Prop :=
toPretangle tβ ∈ Pretangle.ofCoe (toPretangle tα) β (coe_lt_coe.mpr h)
toStructSet tβ ∈ StructSet.ofCoe (toStructSet tα) β (coe_lt_coe.mpr h)

notation:50 tβ:50 " ∈[" h:50 "] " tα:50 => mem h tβ tα

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,45 +66,45 @@ def mk {β α : Λ} (hβ : β < α) (s : Set (TSet β)) (hs : Symmetric hβ s) :
letI : LtLevel β := ⟨coe_lt_coe.mpr hβ⟩
(tSetEquiv α).symm (NewTSet.intro s (tSet_mk_aux hβ s hs))

theorem toPretangle_eq {α : Λ} (t : TSet α) :
toPretangle t = letI : Level := ⟨α⟩; NewTSet.toPretangle (tSetEquiv α t) := by
rw [← tSetEquiv_toPretangle α t]
theorem toStructSet_eq {α : Λ} (t : TSet α) :
toStructSet t = letI : Level := ⟨α⟩; NewTSet.toStructSet (tSetEquiv α t) := by
rw [← tSetEquiv_toStructSet α t]

theorem mem_tSetEquiv_iff {β α : Λ} (hβ : β < α) (s : TSet β) (t : TSet α) :
s ∈[hβ] t ↔
letI : Level := ⟨α⟩
toPretangle s ∈
Pretangle.ofCoe (NewTSet.toPretangle (tSetEquiv α t)) β (coe_lt_coe.mpr hβ) := by
rw [mem, toPretangle_eq t]
toStructSet s ∈
StructSet.ofCoe (NewTSet.toStructSet (tSetEquiv α t)) β (coe_lt_coe.mpr hβ) := by
rw [mem, toStructSet_eq t]

theorem ofCoe_toPretangle_apply_eq {β α : Λ} (hβ : β < α) (t : TSet α) :
Pretangle.ofCoe (toPretangle t) β (coe_lt_coe.mpr hβ) =
theorem ofCoe_toStructSet_apply_eq {β α : Λ} (hβ : β < α) (t : TSet α) :
StructSet.ofCoe (toStructSet t) β (coe_lt_coe.mpr hβ) =
letI : Level := ⟨α⟩
letI : LtLevel β := ⟨coe_lt_coe.mpr hβ⟩
{p | ∃ s ∈ (tSetEquiv α t).val.members β, toPretangle s = p} := by
{p | ∃ s ∈ (tSetEquiv α t).val.members β, toStructSet s = p} := by
letI : Level := ⟨α⟩
letI : LtLevel β := ⟨coe_lt_coe.mpr hβ⟩
rw [toPretangle_eq t, NewTSet.toPretangle]
exact congr_fun₂ (Semitangle.toPretangle_ofCoe (tSetEquiv α t).val) β (coe_lt_coe.mpr hβ)
rw [toStructSet_eq t, NewTSet.toStructSet]
exact congr_fun₂ (Semitangle.toStructSet_ofCoe (tSetEquiv α t).val) β (coe_lt_coe.mpr hβ)

theorem mem_mk_iff {β α : Λ} (hβ : β < α) (s : Set (TSet β)) (hs : Symmetric hβ s) (t : TSet β) :
t ∈[hβ] mk hβ s hs ↔ t ∈ s := by
letI : Level := ⟨α⟩
letI : LtLevel β := ⟨coe_lt_coe.mpr hβ⟩
have := NewTSet.intro_members s (tSet_mk_aux hβ s hs)
rw [mem, ofCoe_toPretangle_apply_eq hβ]
rw [mem, ofCoe_toStructSet_apply_eq hβ]
simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq, EmbeddingLike.apply_eq_iff_eq, exists_eq_right]
rw [mk, Equiv.apply_symm_apply, this]

theorem eq_toPretangle_of_mem {β α : Λ} (hβ : β < α) (t₁ : TSet α) (t₂ : Pretangle β) :
theorem eq_toStructSet_of_mem {β α : Λ} (hβ : β < α) (t₁ : TSet α) (t₂ : StructSet β) :
letI : Level := ⟨α⟩
t₂ ∈ Pretangle.ofCoe (NewTSet.toPretangle (tSetEquiv α t₁)) β (coe_lt_coe.mpr hβ) →
∃ t₂' : TSet β, t₂ = toPretangle t₂' := by
t₂ ∈ StructSet.ofCoe (NewTSet.toStructSet (tSetEquiv α t₁)) β (coe_lt_coe.mpr hβ) →
∃ t₂' : TSet β, t₂ = toStructSet t₂' := by
intro h
simp only [NewTSet.toPretangle, Semitangle.toPretangle, Equiv.apply_symm_apply] at h
simp only [NewTSet.toStructSet, Semitangle.toStructSet, Equiv.apply_symm_apply] at h
obtain ⟨s, _, hs⟩ := h
exact ⟨s, hs.symm⟩

Expand All @@ -118,28 +118,28 @@ theorem ext {β α : Λ} (hβ : β < α) (t₁ t₂ : TSet α) :
simp_rw [TSet.mem_tSetEquiv_iff hβ] at h
· intro hp
obtain ⟨s, rfl⟩ := eq_toPretangle_of_mem hβ t₁ p hp
obtain ⟨s, rfl⟩ := eq_toStructSet_of_mem hβ t₁ p hp
exact (h s).mp hp
· intro hp
obtain ⟨s, rfl⟩ := eq_toPretangle_of_mem hβ t₂ p hp
obtain ⟨s, rfl⟩ := eq_toStructSet_of_mem hβ t₂ p hp
exact (h s).mpr hp

theorem smul_mem_smul {β α : Λ} (hβ : β < α) (s : TSet β) (t : TSet α) (ρ : Allowable α)
(h : s ∈[hβ] t) :
cons hβ ρ • s ∈[hβ] ρ • t := by
letI : Level := ⟨α⟩
letI : LtLevel β := ⟨coe_lt_coe.mpr hβ⟩
rw [mem, ofCoe_toPretangle_apply_eq hβ] at h
rw [mem, ofCoe_toStructSet_apply_eq hβ] at h
obtain ⟨s, hs, hs'⟩ := h
cases toPretangle.injective hs'
rw [mem, toPretangle_smul, ofCoe_toPretangle_apply_eq hβ]
cases toStructSet.injective hs'
rw [mem, toStructSet_smul, ofCoe_toStructSet_apply_eq hβ]
refine ⟨(allowableIso α ρ).val β • s, ?_, ?_⟩
· rw [tSetEquiv_smul]
change (allowableIso α ρ).val β • s ∈
(allowableIso α ρ).val β • (tSetEquiv α t).val.members β
rw [Set.smul_mem_smul_set_iff]
exact hs
· rw [toPretangle_smul, allowableIso_apply_eq (coe_lt_coe.mpr hβ)]
· rw [toStructSet_smul, allowableIso_apply_eq (coe_lt_coe.mpr hβ)]

theorem smul_mem_smul_iff {β α : Λ} (hβ : β < α) (s : TSet β) (t : TSet α) (ρ : Allowable α) :
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