An interactive multiplayer game built with React and Websockets.
This game is a fun, engaging, and ephemeral experience. At the start of the round, a random topic is generated. Users have an allotted amount of time to think of a response for that topic. Upon entering a response, players are given a malaise point. Users enter a voting stage where they can view all the users responses, and choose the post that they like the least by "malaising" it. Users can also view an archive of all previous winning posts. Recommended game size is 3 - 5 players.
React, Websockets, Express, NodeJS, and MongoDB. Hosted on Heroku.
- React
- Webpack
- babel-loader
- webpack-dev-server
- Brendan Walker (brendonion)
- Max Bergen (max-bergen)
- Leanne Herrndorf (leanneherrndorf)