You can find more information about the MedCo project here. For further details, support, and contacts, you can check the MedCo Technical Documentation.
Notice: This version of MedCo is not maintained anymore and is only available for archival and research purposes. The current version of the platform is developed and maintained by Tune Insight SA.
It follows the Golang standard project layout.
- build/package: docker images definitions
- i2b2: i2b2 docker
- keycloak: keycloak docker
- nginx: nginx docker
- pgadmin: pgadmin docker
- postgresql: postgresql docker
- medco: MedCo binaries docker
- cmd: binaries
- medco-cli-client: REST API CLI client
- medco-connector-server: REST API server
- medco-loader: ETL tool
- medco-unlynx: Unlynx server
- connector: implementation of the REST API server
- deployments: docker-compose files, parameters and configuration for different deployment profiles
- dev-local-3nodes: profile that deploys 3 MedCo nodes on a single machine for development purposes
- test-local-3nodes: profile that deploys 3 MedCo nodes on a single machine for test purposes
- loader: implementation of the ETL tool
- scripts: various utility scripts
- network-profile-tool: scripts to generate the deployment profiles files for the Network Deployment profile
- test: testing scripts
- test/data: script to download the test datasets
- unlynx: implementation of the unlynx wrapper
A description of the available deployment profiles, along with a detailed guide on how to use them, is available here.
Run the following commands to build the MedCo docker images from source.
git clone
cd medco/deployments/dev-local-3nodes
make build
Run the following commands to download the MedCo docker images.
git clone
cd medco/deployments/test-local-3nodes
make pull
A detailed up-to-date guide on how to use the medco loader is available here.
MedCo provides a client command-line interface to interact with the connector APIs.
To learn how to use it, check the CLI documentation.
medco is licensed under an Academic, Non-Commercial License Agreement. If you need more information, please contact us.