Vim integration for Matt Godbolt's Compiler Explorer
This plugin provides assembly-as-you type, allowing all the bikeshedding you can imagine in the name of performance.
- Install the plugin as usual. For example, with
cd ~/.vim/bundle git clone
- Install Compiler Explorer proper and add the path to your vim config (adjust
paths to taste):
CE=$HOME/.local/lib/compiler-explorer git clone "$CE" cat <<EOF >> ~/.vimrc " This is the path to the local Compiler Explorer installation required by " [compiler-explorer.vim]( let g:ce_makefile = '$CE/Makefile' " Toggle display of the compiler-explorer assembly pane with f3 map <f3> :CEToggleAsmView<CR> EOF
Note. This plugin require channel, job and json supported introduced with vim8 as well as any dependencies required by compiler-explorer proper.