This component is the workflow for the OpenMinTeD AS-C use case.
The test-data folder contains data to run the workflow. More specifically:
- corpus/ contains a text sample that can be used as input.
- output/ is where the output of the workflow will be created.
To run the workflow (from the folder containing the README):
docker run -i --rm -v $PWD/test-data/:/as-c/data ldeleger/uc-tdm-as-c-docker alvisnlp -J-Xmx30g -alias input /as-c/data/corpus/test.xml -outputDir /as-c/data/output plans/tag_pubmed.plan
The OpenMinteD metadata are recorded in the following XML file
docker build . -t ldeleger/uc-tdm-as-c-docker -f Dockerfile