This binding has been tested with macOS 10.14.6 (macOS Mojave, which is the last version to support 32-bit applications).
###You must use a 32-bit version of dynamically linked libraries (see /DDLs directory).
You need to modify %libs/includes.reds and %libs/platforms.reds to adapt to your OS and directories.
For access to recent OpenCV versions have a look here: OpenCV-Rebol 3
Red OpenCV is compatible with the red-toolchain 0.6.5. The code I wrote over 10 years ago to access OpenCV's C functions is still operational with Red 0.6.5. Thanks to Nenad for corrections.
Red OpenCV is compatible with the new red compiler which is less tolerant by very efficient.
Red OpenCV is compatible with Red 0.6.4
New samples added
Red binding for OpenCV is red 0.6.3 compatible! You just need to compile the samples.
Important: from now, Red/OpenCV will be updated for only stable Red version.
Update in libs to be compatible with Red last master version.
Updated version with some slight modifications in libs Samples_ are running under OSX and Windows 10
Documentation updated New samples for reading movies
Documentation updated DLLs added for Windows users
Red-GUI samples udpdated
New Red-GUI samples added (for Windows users only, soon for Mac OS users...)
Including face processing sample (see Sample directory)
Including a very basic manual to use Red and OpenCV
All code is now compatible with Red 061 and master branch.
Access to OpenCV libraries is easier with just one include file (see /libs/include.reds).
Supports camera full access under Windows.
New sample for using basic image operators with Red Gui
New samples to test with Red GUI are added and are fully functional
New Red Routines (/libs/Red/ are included for a better image loading when moving from OpenCV to Red image (see getBinaryValue for details).
These routines use Red/S copy-memory function for a quicker image rendering.
New samples to come :)
All code is compatible with Red 0.60!
Access to dynamic libs is more convenient. Just edit /libs/ and adapt according to your configuration.
New samples for Red Gui are included. Only for windows users (see /red-gui directory) but code can be compiled under OSX or Linux.
New samples added: Hough transform in red and Red/System.
CvArr! opaque structure is now defined as int-ptr! for a better access to structures values.
See getImageValues.reds for detail.
All samples are updated to be compatible with this new version.
You'll also find pre-compiled libs (in /openCV3) for OSX, Linux and Windows for OpenCV3.0 and OpenCV3.1
Camera problems with windows are solved! You'll find in /libs/capture/src/ a C++ code for a library allowing access to camera with C++ functions. Code must be compiled by yourself. Exported functions are declared in /libs/videoio/videoio.reds.
Libs and samples are now compatible with Opencv 3.0.1. For versions < 3.0.0 you have to adapt the code according to OpenCV directories and C implementation.
images and movies used in samples are included in _images directory.
file /libs/plateforms.reds is easier to use according to your configuartion for libaraies access.
New samples are incuded. Enjoy!
Libs and samples are now compatible with red master branch! Better support for float! and block! types.
Linux support also added!
The code is still under development and unstable. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
This directory includes 32-bit compiled dynamic libraries for OSX and Windows. Linux version ASAP.
This directory includes different red/system files that are required to access opencv libs. You'll also find orginal C_Functions.
Several scripts which demonstrate how to use OpenCV with Red. Please adapt paths according to your needs. More samples to come :)
These scripts allow to play with camera and images. All scrpits are now compiled with Red Master Branch 0.5.4 compiler and are fully functional under OSX and Windows. Tests required for Linux. Windows 10 users: there is a unresolved problem with webcams.Cams are recognized and activated but we can't get images. To be tested!
All scripts are Red scripts and intensively use routines to access Red/System code.
libs/red/types_r.reds ; some specific structures for Red/S
libs/core/types_c.reds ; basic OpenCV types and structures
libs/core/core.reds ; OpenCV core functions
libs/calib3d/calib3D.reds ; for using different cameras
libs/highgui/highgui.reds ; highgui functions
libs/imgproc/types_c.reds ; image processing types and structures
libs/imgcodecs/imgcodecs.reds ; basic image functions
libs/imgproc/imgproc.reds ; image processing functions
libs/objdetect/objdetect.reds ; object detection with classifiers
libs/photo/photo.reds ; photo impainting
libs/video/video.reds ; Motion Analysis and Motion Tracking
libs/videoio/videoio.reds ; Video and Movies functions