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Producer service responsible for:

  • maintaining the publication graph which acts as a source of truth for the delta diff files generation
  • executing the periodic healing of the publication graph
  • executing the initial sync of the publication graph

⚠️ Upgrading from v0.x.y to v1.a.b includes breaking changes and fixes. Please review the documentation thoroughly.


The production of what is considered an interesting delta has two modes. A 'simple mode' and concept-base filtering.

Add the service to a stack

Suppose you are interested in publishing all changes related to mandatarissen Add the service to your docker-compose.yml:

    image: lblod/delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer
      - ./data/files:/share
      - ./config/producer/mandatarissen:/config

Next, configure the delta-notifier in ./config/delta/rules.js to send delta messages for all changes:

export default [
    match: {
      // anything -> note you can tweak the performance here by filtering on graphs if you need to.
    callback: {
      url: 'http://delta-producer-concept-scheme-based-publication-maintainer-mandatarissen/delta',
      method: 'POST'
    options: {
      resourceFormat: 'v0.0.1',
      gracePeriod: 1000,
      ignoreFromSelf: true

  // Other delta listeners

configuration file

simple mode

For example:

  "export": [
      "type": "",
      "graphsFilter": [ "" ],
      "properties": [

The simple mode publishes everything that matches the pattern above. Hence you might expose too much data or even not enough, please refer to concept scheme filtering for more complex scenarios.

concept scheme filtering

Here, the logic to consider what is a viable logical block to produce for consumer is based on a concept scheme filtering. All resources which need to be exported, need to have a path to this concept scheme. The path to the concept scheme acts as a filter on the resources to export. See also Why must the generated delta's of the application stack be rewritten by the producer? for a more detailed explanation. The logic of export may vary, we will need to make sure to keep reverse compatible extensions if needed in the future.

Add a migration with the export concept scheme to ./config/migrations/20200421151800-add-loket-mandatarissen-concept-scheme.sparql

PREFIX mu: <>
PREFIX skos: <>

  GRAPH <> {
    <> a skos:ConceptScheme ;
    mu:uuid "0887b850-b810-40d4-be0f-cafd01d3259b" ;
    skos:prefLabel "Loket mandatarissen export" .
    <> skos:inScheme <> .
    <> skos:inScheme <> .
    <> skos:inScheme <> .
    <> skos:inScheme <> .

A partial file might look like:

  "conceptScheme": "",
  "export": [
      "type": "",
      "graphsFilter": [ "" ],
      "pathToConceptScheme": [
      "properties": [

Restart the updated services

docker-compose restart migrations delta-notifier dispatcher

Create the newly added service

docker-compose up -d



Export configuration

The export configuration defining which triples must be produced per rdf:type is specified in /config/export.js.

The configuration object, which must be exported by default, contains the following keys:

  • conceptScheme: URI of the export concept scheme. Each resource that is relevant for the export must have a path to this concept scheme.
  • export: array of export configurations per resource type

An export configuration entry in the export arrays contains the following keys:

  • type: URI of the rdf:type for which the configuration holds
  • pathToConceptScheme: list of path segments (URIs) from the resource to the export concept scheme. If the path exists, the resource is in scope of the export. Otherwise the resource is out of scope.
  • properties: list of predicates (URIs) to export for the resource type
  • graphsFilter: optional list of graphs where the expected triples come from.
  • hasRegexGraphsFilter: if the graphsfilter is meant to be used as regex. Defaults to false.
  • additionalFilter: (experimental) Optional custom filter tied to the resource you want to export. Assumes ?subject as starting point to filter on. (For limitations, cf. infra.)
  • strictTypeExport: If a resource has multiple types and these extras should not be exported, set this to true
  • healingOptions: { }: An extra config option to tweak healing related parameters. Currenty supported:
    • "http://predicate/of/the/type": {
            "queryChunkSize": 100000
      Per type, it might be some queries are too heavy for a specific predicate. This allows you to configure the chunks to reduce load.

The export array may contain multiple entries for an rdf:type. A resource may have multiple types and therefore map to multiple export configurations, but the pathToConceptScheme must be identical in that case. The service only works under the assumption that a resource has only 1 way to the export concept scheme (but there may be multiple instances of that way).

Deltastream configuration

The deltastream configuration allows for multiple deltastreams in one instance, it is specified by CONFIG_SERVICES_JSON_PATH. The json file represents a dictionary of service configurations with the key being the name of the service and the value the configuration.

  • exportConfigPath: In container path to export the configuration. No default value.

  • publisherUri: The URI of the publisher; per delta-stream, another one should be configured. Must be provided.

  • jobsGraph: The URI of the graph for jobs. Defaults to ''.

  • errorCreatorUri: URI of error creator; ; per delta-stream, another one should be configured. Defaults to ''.

  • reportingFilesGraph: URI of the graph where files meta-data of the report should be stored. No default value.

  • queuePollInterval: Interval to poll the queue. Defaults to 60000.

  • healingMaxTriplesInMemory: Maximum number of triples to hold in memory for healing process. Defaults to 100000.

  • healingInitialBatchSizeInsert: Initial batch size for healing process. Defaults to 1000.

  • updatePublicationGraphSleep: Sleep interval for updating publication graph. Defaults to 1000.

  • skipMuAuthDeltaFolding: Boolean to decide to skip Mu-Auth delta folding. Defaults to false.

  • muCallScopeIdPublicationGraphMaintenance: ID of the call scope for publication graph maintenance. Defaults to ''. Can be configured to work with scopes in delta-notifier. This is fired when a updates are performed on the publication graph. Most of the services in your stack wouldn't be interested by this update, so best to add this in the deltanotifier configuration as scope to exclude. So we reduce load on the system, and potential confusion.

  • muCallScopeIdInitialSync: ID of the call scope for initial sync. Defaults to''`. Can be configured to work with scopes in delta-notifier. This when the publication graph is initially synced. Most of the services in your stack (if not all) wouldn't be interested by this update, so best to add this in the deltanotifier configuration as scope to exclude.

  • waitForInitialSync: Boolean to decide to wait for initial sync. Mainly for debugging purposes. Defaults to true.

  • publicationGraph: URI of publication graph. Must be provided, no default value.

  • initialPublicationGraphSyncJobOperation: Job operation for initial publication graph sync. Must be provided, no default value.

  • healingJobOperation: Job operation for healing. Must be provided, no default value.

  • useVirtuosoForExpensiveSelects: Boolean to decide to use Virtuoso for expensive selects. Defaults to false.

  • skipMuAuthInitialSync: Boolean to decide to skip Mu-Auth initial sync. Defaults to false. But be aware about what this implies!

  • skipMuAuthHealing: Boolean to decide to skip Mu-Auth healing. Defaults to false. But be aware about what this implies!

  • serveDeltaFiles: Boolean to decide to serve delta files. Defaults to false, but recommended to set to 'true'.

  • logOutgoingDelta: Boolean to decide to log outgoing delta. Defaults to false.

  • deltaInterval: Interval specifying how long the service should wait before publishing delta-files. Defaults to 1000.

  • errorGraph: URI of error graph. Defaults to ''.

  • relativeFilePath: In container file path for writing the delta-files. Defaults to 'deltas'.

  • filesGraph: URI of the graph where delta-files meta-data should be written to. Defaults to ''.

  • useFileDiff: Boolean to decide to use file diff based healing. Defaults to false. Recommended when dealing with significant data sets.

  • deltaPath: [DEPRECATED] Api path for incoming delta notifications from (internal) delta-notifier.

  • filesPath: Api path for retreiving delta-files meta data. Must be provided, no default value.

  • loginPath: Api path for login. Must be provided, no default value.

  • key: Key for login. Defaults to ''.

  • account: Account for login. Defaults to ''.

  • account_graph: Graph for account login. Defaults to ''.

    "besluiten": {
        "deltaInterval": 10000,
        "errorCreatorUri": "",
        "errorGraph": "",
        "exportConfigPath": "/config/besluiten/export.json",
        "filesGraph": "",
        "filesPath": "/besluiten/files",
        "healingJobOperation": "",
        "initialPublicationGraphSyncJobOperation": "",
        "jobsGraph": "",
        "loginPath": "/besluiten/login",
        "publicationGraph": "",
        "publisherUri": "",
        "queuePollInterval": 3000,
        "relativeFilePath": "deltas/besluiten",
        "serveDeltaFiles": true,
        "skipMuAuthInitialSync": false,
        "useVirtuosoForExpensiveSelects": true

Environment variables

The following enviroment variables can be optionally configured:

  • LOG_INCOMING_DELTA (default: "false"): log the delta message as received from the delta-notifier to the console
  • LOG_DELTA_REWRITE (default: "false"): verbose log output during the rewrite of the incoming delta to the resulting delta. Only useful for debugging purposes.
  • VIRTUOSO_ENDPOINT (default: http://virtuoso:8890/sparql): Location of the virtuoso endpoint.
  • MU_AUTH_ENDPOINT (default: http://database:8890/sparql): Location of the mu-auth endpoint
  • PUBLICATION_VIRTUOSO_ENDPOINT (default: VIRTUOSO_ENDPOINT): Specifies the location of the Virtuoso endpoint. Experience has shown that having a separate triplestore for published data is beneficial for multiple reasons. This separation aids in writing code (e.g., no need to account for published data when writing migrations), ensures that the source data remains uncluttered and has performance benefits.
  • PUBLICATION_MU_AUTH_ENDPOINT (default: MU_AUTH_ENDPOINT): Location of the mu-auth endpoint
  • PRETTY_PRINT_DIFF_JSON (default: true): Whether to pretty print the diff json
  • CONFIG_SERVICES_JSON_PATH (default: '/config/services.json'): The services configuration path
  • MAX_TRIPLES_PER_OPERATION_IN_DELTA_FILE (defaut: 100): A delta is an object containing inserts and deletes properties. This variables specs the max. number of elements in these properties. This is mainly to tweak the size of the published delta files; where in some cases we need to tweak this number to reduce load on the consumers.
  • MAX_DELTAS_PER_FILE (default: 10): Related to MAX_TRIPLES_PER_OPERATION_IN_DELTA_FILE, a delta-file bundles an array of delta-objects, here you configure the number of these delta-object per delta file. Again something to tweak only if you need to take care of the (potential) load on consumers.
  • MAX_DELTA_FILES_PER_REQUEST (default: 1000): Limit the number of delta-files to be returned by files?since=${timestamp}. This is to prevent the service to crash when to many delta-files are present.


POST /delta

Endpoint that receives delta's from the delta-notifier. The delta's are rewritten based on the configured export for mandatees. The resulting delta's are written to files that can be retrieved via the GET /files endpoint.


What is a publication graph anyway?

The publication graph acts as an intermediate step in the delta (file) generation process. This graph represents the state of the data that should be consumed by a consumer. The serialization of the updates, i.e. how we inform or publish additions or removals to the graph, is left to other services.

Why must the generated delta's of the application stack be rewritten by the producer?

Simply writing all incoming delta messages to a file if the subject's rdf:type is of interest and offering those files to a consumer service may look as a simple and adequate solution at first sight, but it isn't. This simple approach has two downsides:

  1. Too much data may be exposed to the consuming application. If we would for example export all triples for subjects that have foaf:Person as a type, we may be exporting too many persons. Not only the persons that hold a mandate, but also persons that are for example related to a foaf:Account. A lot of irrelevant data will be synced to the consuming application that way.
  2. Data may be missing in the consuming application. A change on one resource may have an impact that is a lot bigger than just the single resource for which a delta arrived. E.g. relating a mandatee to a mandate doesn't only affect the mandatee resource. It also makes the person related to the mandatee relevant for the consuming application. On its turn, including the person also makes the person's birthdate relevant for the consuming application, etc.

To determine which resources are relevant to export, the producer makes use of an 'export concept scheme'. All resource that have a path in the triple store from the resource URI to the concept scheme are considered relevant. When a resource changes, all 'deeper' resources are recursively checked whether they also become (ir)relevant for the export. 'Deeper' in this context doesn't mean a hierarchical relationship, but more hops from the resource to the concept scheme.

The path to follow from the resource URI to the concept scheme is specified in the export configuration per resource type.

This approach may lead to duplicate inserts of data (eg. relating a mandate to a disorganises will produce triples to insert every mandate, person, person's birthdate, etc. related to the mandate, while some of this data may have been synced before), but it will never expose irrelevant data or sync too little data.

Known limitations


Additional filter should be used cautiously. It is very likely the configuration interface will change in the future.

simple filters

In live syncing mode, it will work for simple filters, not for deeply nested one. So, e.g.:

  • ?sForExport has:Status <http://someStatus/relevant/for/export> will work, but
  • ?sForExport validatedBy <http://some/operator>. <http://some/operator> hasRole <http://can/validate/for/export> won't work.

The healing compensates for this discrepancy, but be aware that as long as the healing hasn't run, your publication-graph (and thus your clients) might be in a weird state. The reason complicated filters don't work: Suppose ?sForExport validatedBy <http://some/operator> has been published, and in a second step, the <http://some/operator> gets a different role. This would imply the resource ?sForExport should be retracted. In live syncing mode, there is no logic present to intercept such a trigger.

filters only in same graph

The filter will only work in the same graph as where the ?sToExport resides. Reason for this: current implementation makes it very difficult to exclude the publication graph when filtering (by default). Hence the limitation.


  • Add support for a prefix map in the export configuration
  • A couple of cases are not supported when producing mini deltas
    • multi typing of subjects need further elaboration

Experimental features

Support for publication graph residing in another triplestore

If publication graphs affect performance of the database too much, you can choose to store this information in another database. By configuring the following environment variables:

  "PUBLICATION_VIRTUOSO_ENDPOINT": "http://virtuoso-2/sparql"
  "PUBLICATION_MU_AUTH_ENDPOINT": "http://database-2/sparql"

the service can maintain the publication graph residing in another database.


By setting this to "true", this service creates and host delta-files. In essence, it takes over the role of delta-producer-json-diff-file-publisher. The motivation of merge this functionality back here:

  • Occam's razor applied applied on services for sane defaults: in many cases, the format of the published files will be the same as what is generated with delta-producer-json-diff-file-publisher. Hence, it was considered in practice cumbersome to instantiate another service for this.
  • If using another triplestore for the publication graph, this functionality might come in handy if you just want a triple store, not wrapped in a second instance of mu-auth. The serialization of the information to publish, is performed directly (if this feature is enabled) and not through deltas.
  • Increased robustness in the publication process. Since the serialization is not dependent on delta's, chances are reduced the published files and the publication graph get out of sync.

It might be this feature gets extended, i.e. more serialization formats, or completely removed. Practice will tell.

Login + ACL

Published data may be wrapped up in an authorization layer, i.e. the delta files will only available to agents with access. It relies on mu-auth to follow the authorization scheme. The following configuration needs to be added. Suppose the deltas to share are about 'persons-sensitive'.


  "key": "shared secret key between consumer and producer",
  "account": "http://an/account/enabling/acces/to/delta-files-graph",
  "filesGraph": ""


  post "/sync/persons-sensitive-deltas/login/*path" do
    Proxy.forward conn, path, "http://delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer-instance/login/"

  get "/sync/persons-sensitive-deltas/files/*path" do
    Proxy.forward conn, path, "http://delta-producer-publication-graph-maintainer-instance/files/"


The ACL follows foaf model, as an example. Alternative modeling of the authorization scheme is possible, the only key here is: the files-data should be stored in a specific graph (for now).

PREFIX foaf: <>
  GRAPH <> { #Note this graph is configurable
     <http://an/account/enabling/acces/to/delta-files-graph>  a foaf:OnlineAccount.

     <http://the/agent/who/may/access/persons-sensitive-deltas> a foaf:Agent;
         foaf:account <http://an/account/enabling/acces/to/delta-files-graph>.

     <http://the/group/of/agents/allowed/persons-sensitive-deltas> a foaf:Group;
       foaf:member <http://the/agent/who/may/access/persons-sensitive-deltas>;
       foaf:name "persons-sensitive-deltas".


Alternative modeling of the authorization scheme is possible, the only key here is: the files-data should be stored in a specific graph (for now). Furthermore, better to be as restrictive as possible, i.e. not using the mu-auth feature of writing data to multiple graphs.

# (...)
defmodule Acl.UserGroups.Config do

  defp can_access_deltas_persons_sensitive_data() do
      vars: [ ],
      query: "
        PREFIX foaf: <>
        PREFIX muAccount: <>
        SELECT DISTINCT ?onlineAccount WHERE {
          <SESSION_ID> muAccount:account ?onlineAccount.

          ?onlineAccount  a foaf:OnlineAccount.

          ?agent a foaf:Agent;
            foaf:account ?onlineAccount.

          <http://the/group/of/agents/allowed/persons-sensitive-deltas> foaf:member ?agent;
            foaf:name \"persons-sensitive-deltas\".

  def user_groups do

        name: "o-persons-sensitive-deltas-rwf",
        useage: [:read, :write, :read_for_write],
        access: can_access_deltas_persons_sensitive_data(),
        graphs: [ %GraphSpec{
                    graph: "",
                    constraint: %ResourceConstraint{
                      resource_types: [
                        "", # is needed in dump file
                      ] } } ] },



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