Pygadget is a python module for handling GADGET3 binary snapshots. Its goal is to provide a fast and intuitive way to access cosmological simulation data.
Snapshots can be easily access using the Simulation
from pygadget import Simulation
snap = Simulation("filename")
Optionally one can signal the presence of blocks set in the makefile by passing one or more keyword arguments during object initialization. For example::
snap = Simulation("filename", pot=False, accel=False, endt=False, tstp=True)
After initialization the snapshot header information can be access as object attributes. For example:
For convenience a summary of the snapshot properties can be display by
printing the Simulation
class instance:
For performance reasons blocks are only read on demand, for a specified
particle type. The read_block()
method is used for
this task:
gas_pos = snap.read_block("pos", "gas")
Accepted keywords for block types are:
- "pos"
- "vel"
- "id"
- "mass"
- "u"
- "rho"
- "ne"
- "nh"
- "hsml"
- "sfr"
- "age"
- "metals"
- "pot"
- "accel"
- "endt"
- "tstp"
- "esn"
- "esncold"
And accepted keywords for particle types are:
- "gas"
- "halo"
- "disk"
- "buldge"
- "stars"
- "bndry"
Most block types return a single column Pandas Dataframe. The exceptions being "pos", "vel" and "accel" which return a dataframe with three columns ('x', 'y', 'z') representing Cartesian axis. And "metals" which return a DataFrame with 12 columns representing each of the chemical elements consider in the simulation.
Check the Pandas Intro to Data Structures for a primer on DataFrames manipulation and slicing.
For example
composition = snap.read_block("metals", "stars")
Should return the helium mass content for every stellar particle in the snapshot. Similarly:
halo_pos = snap.read_block("pos", "halo")
Should return the 'y' coordinate for every halo particle.
As blocks are index by particle ID, you should be careful on how you select rows. More information on the Idexing/Selection section of the Pandas documentation.
The Subfind interface works very similarly to snapshots. The following code sets the subfind objects
sub = Subfind(basedir=dir, num=0, snap=snapshot)
where dir
is the base directory for subfind folders, num
the desired
subfind folder and snapshot
the associated Simulation object snapshot.
All subfind catalog properties can be access trough object attributes like
Subhalo particles can be read with
pos = sub.read_block_by_subhalo(block_type, particle_type, subhalo_number)
The output is the same as Simulation.read_block, but particles are filtered down to the ones in the required subhalo
A few extra methods are included
sub.optical_radius(subhalo, factor=0.83, rcut=30.0)
to calculate subhalos optical radius and
sub.mass_inside_radius(self, radius, subhalo, particle_keys=particle_keys)
to calculate the mass inside a give radius
- No multi-file support yet
- Endianness was considered but is untested