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[GR-23001] Bring batch language launcher to feature parity with bash …
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…language launcher & refactor bash language launcher.

PullRequest: graal/6093
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Nicolas Laurent committed May 7, 2020
2 parents b0c297a + 593c4bb commit 02b94e8
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Showing 2 changed files with 227 additions and 115 deletions.
250 changes: 187 additions & 63 deletions sdk/mx.sdk/vm/launcher_template.cmd
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Expand Up @@ -31,81 +31,205 @@ setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set location=%~dp0
set executablename=%~f0
for /f "delims=" %%i in ("%executablename%") do set "basename=%%~ni"

set "relcp=<classpath>"
set "realcp="
set "cp_delim="

for /f "tokens=1* delims=;" %%i in ("%relcp%") do (
set "realcp=%realcp%%cp_delim%%location%%%i"
set "cp_delim=;"
set "relcp_next=%relcp:*;=%"
set "absolute_cp="
set newline=^

:: The two white lines above this comment are significant.

:: Split on semicolon by replacing it by newlines.
for /f "delims=" %%i in ("%relcp:;=!newline!%") do (
if "!absolute_cp!"=="" (
set "absolute_cp=%location%%%i"
) else (
set "absolute_cp=!absolute_cp!;%location%%%i"
if not "%relcp_next%"=="%relcp%" set "relcp=%relcp_next%" & goto :nextcp

set " "-Dorg.graalvm.launcher.executablename=%executablename%""
set "launcher_args="
set "args_delim="

if not "%~1"=="" (
echo %* | findstr /C:%1=%2 >nul && (
set "arg=%1=%2"
set "u_arg=!arg!"
) || (
call :escape_args %*
for %%a in (%args%) do (
call :unescape_arg %%a
call :process_arg !arg!
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1

if "%VERBOSE_GRAALVM_LAUNCHERS%"=="true" echo on

"%location%<jre_bin>\java" <extra_jvm_args> %jvm_args% -cp "%absolute_cp%" <main_class> %launcher_args%

:: Function are defined via labels, so have to be defined at the end of the file and skipped
:: in order not to be executed. :eof is implicitly defined.
goto :eof

:: A digression on quotes and escapes.
:: ----
:: By default, batch splits arguments (for scripts, subroutine calls, and optionless `for`) on
:: delimiter characters: spaces, commas, semicolon and equals (excepted when they appear within
:: double quotes).
:: Graal expects `=` in its arguments, and we want to preserve language arguments as much as
:: possible. To achieve this, we escape all such delimiter characters, except spaces, by replacing
:: them by markers. This lets us "correctly" split the arguments.
:: Quoting is also peculiar in batch. It has the splitting-prevention effect said above, but double
:: quotes are regular characters that are passed along with arguments. This means we can't blindly
:: requote arguments, as we risk getting the quotes mismatched (e.g. ""a""). In practice such things
:: can be made to work, but it's much worse when only part of the argument is quoted (e.g.
:: --vm.cp="my path").
:: We can avoid issues in comparisons by always using quotes + delayed expansions variables (e.g.
:: !myvar!). When matching the start of arguments, we need to strip the outer quotes beforehand.
:: Things are harder when passing arguments to subroutines. By stripping away quotes and taking
:: substring of arguments, we risk unforeseen splitting. If we allow only part of an argument to be
:: quoted (--vm.cp="my path";path2), there is no easy way to ensure quotation in all cases. Instead,
:: we let splitting occur and simply coalesce all arguments in one (set "arg=%*") in most function.
:: Because we escaped our arguments beforehand, splitting occur only on spaces and we avoid losing
:: meaningful symbols.
:: We use %arg_quoted% to track whether non-classpath jvm arguments appear nested inside quotes in
:: order to know if we need to requote the translated argument. This enables both
:: [--vm.obscure="with spaces"] and ["--vm.obscure=with spaces"] to work.
:: Also, cmd.exe will blow up with weird errors (can't find label, unexpected else) when you put
:: some characters in *some* :: comments. Test every time you change a comment It is particularly
:: finicky around labels.

set "args=%*"
:: Without early exit on empty contents, substitutions fail.
if "!args!"=="" exit /b 0
set "args=%args:,=##GRAAL_ESCAPE_COMMA##%"
set "args=%args:;=##GRAAL_ESCAPE_SEMI##%"
:: Temporarily, so that args are split on '=' only.
set "args=%args: =##GRAAL_ESCAPE_SPACE##%"
:: Temporarily, otherwise we won't split on '=' inside quotes.
set "args=%args:"=##GRAAL_ESCAPE_QUOTE##%"
:: We can't replace equal using the variable substitution syntax.
call :replace_equals %args%
set "args=%args:##GRAAL_ESCAPE_SPACE##= %"
set "args=%args:##GRAAL_ESCAPE_QUOTE##="%"
exit /b 0

set "arg=%1"
set "u_arg=%~1"

rem `!arg!` is the argument as passed by the user, propagated as-is to `java`.
rem `!u_arg!` is the unquoted argument, used to understand if `!arg!` is a JVM or a program argument.

set "jvm_arg="
set "wrong_cp="

rem Unfortunately, parsing of `--jvm.*` and `--vm.*` arguments has to be done blind:
rem Maybe some of those arguments where not really intended for the launcher but were application arguments
if "!u_arg:~0,5!"=="--vm." (
set "jvm_arg=-!u_arg:~5!"
) else if "!u_arg:~0,6!"=="--jvm." (
set "jvm_arg=-!u_arg:~6!"
) else if "!u_arg:~0,9!"=="--native." (
echo "The native version of this launcher does not exist: cannot use '--native.*'."
exit /b 1
) else if "!u_arg!"=="--native" (
echo "The native version of this launcher does not exist: cannot use '--native'."
exit /b 1

if not "!jvm_arg!"=="" (
if "!jvm_arg!"=="-cp" (
set "wrong_cp=true"
) else if "!jvm_arg!"=="-classpath" (
set "wrong_cp=true"
if "!arg!"=="" goto :end_replace_equals
set "args=%1"
:: Items in %* are all separated by =, because we replaced all other delimiters in :escape_args.
set "arg=%1"
if "!arg!"=="" goto :end_replace_equals
set "args=%args%##GRAAL_ESCAPE_EQUAL##%arg%"
goto :loop_replace_equals
endlocal & ( set "args=%args%" )
exit /b 0

set "arg=%*"
set "arg=%arg:##GRAAL_ESCAPE_COMMA##=,%"
set "arg=%arg:##GRAAL_ESCAPE_SEMI##=;%"
set "arg=%arg:##GRAAL_ESCAPE_EQUAL##==%"
exit /b 0

set /a argslen=0
for %%a in (%*) do set /a argslen+=1
if %argslen% gtr 1 (
set "quoted=false"
) else (
set "arg=%1"
if "!arg:~0,1!!arg:~-1!"=="""" ( set "quoted=true" ) else ( set "quoted=false" )
endlocal & ( set "quoted=%quoted%" )
exit /b 0

:: Sets %arg% to a version of the argument with outer quotes stripped, if present.
call :is_quoted %*
if %quoted%==true ( set "arg=%~1" ) else ( set "arg=%*" )
exit /b 0

:: Unfortunately, parsing of `--jvm.*` and `--vm.*` arguments has to be done blind:
:: Maybe some of those arguments where not really intended for the launcher but were application
:: arguments.

if "!wrong_cp!"=="true" (
echo "!arg!" argument must be of the form "!arg!=<classpath>", not two separate arguments
exit /b 1
) else if "!jvm_arg:~0,4!"=="-cp=" (
set "realcp=%realcp%;!jvm_arg:~4!"
) else if "!jvm_arg:~0,11!"=="-classpath=" (
set "realcp=%realcp%;!jvm_arg:~11!"
if %arg_quoted%==false (
call :is_quoted %*
set "arg_quoted=%quoted%"
call :unquote_arg %*
set "vm_arg=%arg%"
set "custom_cp="

if "!vm_arg!"=="cp" (
set "part1='--%prefix%.cp' argument must be of the form"
set "part2='--%prefix%.cp=<classpath>', not two separate arguments."
>&2 echo !part1! !part2!
exit /b 1
) else if "!vm_arg!"=="classpath" (
set "part1='--%prefix%.classpath' argument must be of the form"
set "part2='--%prefix%.classpath=<classpath>', not two separate arguments."
>&2 echo !part1! !part2!
exit /b 1
) else if "!vm_arg:~0,3!"=="cp=" (
call :unquote_arg %vm_arg:~3%
set "absolute_cp=%absolute_cp%;!arg!"
) else if "!vm_arg:~0,10!"=="classpath=" (
call :unquote_arg %vm_arg:~10%
set "absolute_cp=%absolute_cp%;!arg!"
) else (
rem Quote all VM arguments
set "jvm_args=!jvm_args! "!jvm_arg!""
if %arg_quoted%==true ( set "arg="-%vm_arg%"" ) else ( set "arg=-%vm_arg%" )
set "jvm_args=%jvm_args% !arg!"
) else (
set "launcher_args=!launcher_args!!args_delim!!arg!"
set "args_delim= "
exit /b 0

goto :arg_loop
call :is_quoted %*
set "arg_quoted=%quoted%"
call :unquote_arg %*

if "%VERBOSE_GRAALVM_LAUNCHERS%"=="true" echo on
if "!arg:~0,6!"=="--jvm." (
>&2 echo '--jvm.*' options are deprecated, use '--vm.*' instead.
set prefix=jvm
call :unquote_arg %arg:~6%
call :process_vm_arg !arg!
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
) else if "!arg:~0,5!"=="--vm." (
set prefix=vm
call :unquote_arg %arg:~5%
call :process_vm_arg !arg!
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
) else (
set cond=false
if "!arg!"=="--native" set cond=true
if "!arg:~0,9!"=="--native." set cond=true

if !cond!==true (
>&2 echo The native version of %basename% does not exist: cannot use '%arg%'.

set "extra="
if "!basename!"=="polyglot" set "extra= --language:all"
set "part1=If native-image is installed, you may build it with"
set "part2='native-image --macro:<macro_name>!extra!'."
>&2 echo !part1! !part2!
exit /b 1
) else (
:: Use %* instead of %arg% to preserve surrounding quotes if present.
set "launcher_args=%launcher_args% %*"
exit /b 0

"%location%<jre_bin>\java" <extra_jvm_args> %jvm_args% -cp "%realcp%" <main_class> %launcher_args%
92 changes: 40 additions & 52 deletions sdk/mx.sdk/vm/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,66 +51,54 @@ launcher_args=()
# Unfortunately, parsing of `--jvm.*` and `--vm.*` arguments has to be done blind:
# Maybe some of those arguments where not really intended for the launcher but were application arguments

for o in "$@"; do
if [[ "$o" == --jvm.* ]]; then
process_vm_arg() {
local prefix=$1 # vm or jvm
local vm_arg="$2"
if [[ "$vm_arg" == "cp" ]]; then
>&2 echo "'--${prefix}.cp' argument must be of the form '--${prefix}.cp=<classpath>', not two separate arguments"
exit 1
if [[ "$vm_arg" == "classpath" ]]; then
>&2 echo "'--${prefix}.classpath' argument must be of the form '--${prefix}.classpath=<classpath>', not two separate arguments"
exit 1
if [[ "$vm_arg" == "cp="* ]]; then
local custom_cp=${vm_arg#cp=}
elif [[ "$vm_arg" == "classpath="* ]]; then
local custom_cp=${vm_arg#classpath=}
if [[ -z "${custom_cp+x}" ]]; then
IFS=: read -ra custom_cp_a <<< "${custom_cp}"
for e in "${custom_cp_a[@]}"; do

process_arg() {
if [[ "$1" == --jvm.* ]]; then
>&2 echo "'--jvm.*' options are deprecated, use '--vm.*' instead."
if [[ "$jvm_arg" == "cp" ]]; then
>&2 echo "'--jvm.cp' argument must be of the form '--jvm.cp=<classpath>', not two separate arguments"
exit 1
if [[ "$jvm_arg" == "classpath" ]]; then
>&2 echo "'--jvm.classpath' argument must be of the form '--jvm.classpath=<classpath>', not two separate arguments"
exit 1
if [[ "$jvm_arg" == "cp="* ]]; then
elif [[ "$jvm_arg" == "classpath="* ]]; then
if [[ -z "${custom_cp+x}" ]]; then
IFS=: read -ra custom_cp_a <<< "${custom_cp}"
for e in "${custom_cp_a[@]}"; do
elif [[ "$o" == --vm.* ]]; then
if [[ "$vm_arg" == "cp" ]]; then
>&2 echo "'--vm.cp' argument must be of the form '--vm.cp=<classpath>', not two separate arguments"
exit 1
if [[ "$vm_arg" == "classpath" ]]; then
>&2 echo "'--vm.classpath' argument must be of the form '--vm.classpath=<classpath>', not two separate arguments"
exit 1
if [[ "$vm_arg" == "cp="* ]]; then
elif [[ "$vm_arg" == "classpath="* ]]; then
if [[ -z "${custom_cp+x}" ]]; then
IFS=: read -ra custom_cp_a <<< "${custom_cp}"
for e in "${custom_cp_a[@]}"; do
elif [[ "$o" == --native || "$o" == --native.* ]]; then
>&2 echo "The native version of '$(basename "$source")' does not exist: cannot use '$o'."
process_vm_arg jvm "${1#--jvm.}"
elif [[ "$1" == --vm.* ]]; then
process_vm_arg vm "${1#--vm.}"
elif [[ "$1" == --native || "$1" == --native.* ]]; then
>&2 echo "The native version of '$(basename "$source")' does not exist: cannot use '$1'."
if [[ $(basename "$source") == polyglot ]]; then
extra=' --language:all'
local extra=' --language:all'
local extra=''
>&2 echo "If native-image is installed, you may build it with 'native-image --macro:<macro_name>$extra'."
exit 1

for o in "$@"; do
process_arg "$o"

cp="$(IFS=: ; echo "${absolute_cp[*]}")"
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