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PureScript for Elm developers 🤯

This README file is a crash course on PureScript targeted at Elm developers. It is based on information picked from:

Sometimes I did a shameless copy-paste instead of writing a bad paraphrase. I think it is fair use but please let me know if I am infringing any copyright. Feel free to open an issue if you find a mistake.

Happy monad lifting! 🏋


Developer Experience

VS Code Plugins

  • PureScript Language Support: Syntax highlighting for the PureScript programming language
  • PureScript IDE: PureScript IntelliSense, tooltip, errors, code actions with language-server-purescript/purs IDE server
  • Purty: PureScript formatter


Spago is the PureScript package manager and build tool.

The PureScript compiler (transpiler) is quite fast. The compiler messages are not as friendly as with Elm, unfortunately.

Common packages

Pursuit is the home of PureScript packages documentation. It lets you search by package, module, and function names, as well as approximate type signatures.

Elm Purescript Notes
String Data.String
Maybe Data.Maybe
Result Data.Either Err is Left and Ok is Right
Array Data.Array [] is the empty array
List Data.List Nil is the empty list
Tuple Data.Tuple
Dict Data.Map
Set Data.Set
() Data.Unit () is the empty Row type in PureScript
Never Data.Void
Debug Debug.Trace Debug.spy is the closest thing to Debug.log

Common Functions

Elm Purescript Notes
() unit
identity identity
always const
never absurd
toString show
>> >>>
<< <<<
|> #
<| $
++ <> Semigroup concatenation (String, Array, List, Tuple…)

Type signatures

Type signatures are separated with double colons.

sum :: Int -> Int -> Int

Polymorphic functions in PureScript require an explicit forall to declare type variables before using them.

map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b

Type holes

runApp :: Foo -> Bar Baz String Int Unit -> ?x

If you’re not sure of a type in a type signature, you can write a type "hole" consisting of a question mark followed by a lowercase name. The compiler will generate an error and tell you what type it inferred. Note that to use type holes there must be no other compiler errors.

You can use type holes everywhere:

foo :: Int
foo = 1 + ?what_could_this_be


In PureScript, arrays are the most common data structure for sequences of items. They are constructed with square brackets.

import Data.Array ()

myArray = [2,4,3]

-- Cons (prepend)
myNewArray =  1 : [2,4,3] -- [1,2,4,3]

head [1,2,3,4] -- (Just 1)
tail [1,2,3,4] -- (Just [2,3,4])
init [1,2,3,4] -- (Just [1,2,3])
last [1,2,3,4] -- (Just 4)

-- Array access by index starting at 0
[3,4,5,6,7] !! 2 -- (Just 5)

-- Range
1..5 -- [1,2,3,4,5]

length [2,2,2] -- 3
drop 3 [1,2,3,4,5] -- [4,5]
take 3 [1,2,3,4,5] -- [1,2,3]
append [1,2,3] [4,5,6] -- [1,2,3,4,5,6]


You can use pattern matching for arrays of a fixed length:

isEmpty :: forall a. Array a -> Boolean
isEmpty [] = true
isEmpty _ = false

takeFive :: Array Int -> Int
takeFive [0, 1, a, b, _] = a * b
takeFive _ = 0

For performance reasons, PureScript does not provide a direct way of destructuring arrays of an unspecified length. If you need a data structure which supports this sort of matching, the recommended approach is to use lists.

Another way is to use uncons or unsnoc to break an array into its first or last element and remaining elements:

import Data.Array (uncons, unsnoc)

uncons [1, 2, 3] -- Just {head: 1, tail: [2, 3]}
uncons [] -- Nothing

unsnoc [1, 2, 3] -- Just {init: [1, 2], last: 3}
unsnoc [] -- Nothing

case uncons myArray of
  Just { head: x, tail: xs } -> somethingWithXandXs
  Nothing -> somethingElse

Beware unsnoc is O(n) where n is the length of the array.


Be careful! The literal [1,2,3] has a type of List Int in Elm but Array Int in Purescript.

PureScript lists are linked lists. You can create them using the Cons infix alias : and Nil when there is no link to the next element (end of the list).

myList = 1 : 2 : 3 : Nil

myNewList = 1 : myList

Another way to create a list is from a Foldable structure (an Array in this case):

myList = List.fromFoldable [2,4,3]


case xs of
  Nil -> ... -- empty list
  x : rest -> ... -- head and tail


Data.Foldable contains common functions (sum, product, minimum, maximum etc.) for data structures which can be folded, such as Array and List.

Non empty arrays/lists

There is a Data.NotEmpty module that defines a generic NonEmpty data structure. :| is the infix alias for its constructor.

This quite useful to flatten cases as described in the famous "Parse, don’t validate" blog post:

import Data.NonEmpty (NonEmpty, (:|))

-- no Maybe when getting the head
arrayHead :: NonEmpty Array a -> a
arrayHead (x :| _) = x

Instead the generic Data.NonEmpty module, use specific modules when possible:

For convenience, Data.Array.NonEmpty.Internal provides the internal constructor NonEmptyArray. Beware you can create a NonEmptyArray that is actually empty with it so use this at your own risk when you know what you are doing.


Tuples are just a data type in Purescript. Use records when possible.

import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..), fst, snd)

coords2D :: Tuple Int Int
coords2D = Tuple 10 20

getX :: Tuple Int Int -> Int
getX coords = fst coords

getY :: Tuple Int Int -> Int
getY coords = snd coords

Nested tuples

You can use tuples that are not restricted to two elements with Data.Tuple.Nested. All nested tuple functions are numbered from 1 to 10:

import Data.Tuple.Nested (Tuple3, tuple3, get2)

coords3D :: Tuple3 Int Int Int
coords3D = tuple3 10 20 30

getY :: Tuple3 Int Int Int -> Int
getY coords = get2 coords

/\ is the infix alias for Tuple that allows nested tuples of arbitrary length (depth). The same alias exists for types. The previous example could be rewritten as:

import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\), get2)

coords3D :: Int /\ Int /\ Int
coords3D = 10 /\ 20 /\ 30

getY :: Int /\ Int /\ Int -> Int
getY coords = get2 coords


distance2D :: Tuple Int Int -> Int
distance2D (Tuple x y) =
  x * x + y * y

distance3D :: Int /\ Int /\ Int -> Int
distance3D (x /\ y /\ z) =
  x * x + y * y + z * z


type Person =
  { name :: String
  , age :: Int

myPerson :: Person
myPerson = { name: "Bob", age: 30 }

edited :: Person
edited = myPerson { age = 31 }

toPerson :: String -> Int -> Person
toPerson name age =
  { name: name, age: age }

toPerson2 :: String -> Int -> Person
toPerson2 name age =
  { name, age }

toPerson3 :: String -> Int -> Person
toPerson3 =
  { name: _, age: _ } -- equivalent to `\name age -> { name, age }` (types inferred by the signature)

Property accessors

In PureScript (_ + 5) is the same as (\n -> n + 5), so (_.prop) is the same as (\r -> r.prop).

_.age myPerson -- 30
_.address.street myPerson -- "Main Street"


personName :: Person -> String
personName { name } = name

bumpAge :: Person -> Person
bumpAge p@{ age } =
	p { age = age + 1 }

Pattern matching

ecoTitle {author: "Umberto Eco", title: t} = Just t
ecoTitle _ = Nothing

ecoTitle {title: "Foucault's pendulum", author: "Umberto Eco"} -- (Just "Foucault's pendulum")
ecoTitle {title: "The Quantum Thief", author: "Hannu Rajaniemi"} -- Nothing
-- ecoTitle requires both field to type check
ecoTitle {title: "The Quantum Thief"} -- Object lacks required property "author"

Row Polymorphism

Row Polymorphism is the equivalent of the extensible records concept in Elm.

-- Elm
getAge : { a | age : Int } -> Int
getAge { age } = age
-- PureScript
getAge :: forall r. { age :: Int | r } -> Int
getAge { age } = age

In the above example, the type variable r has kind Row Type (an unordered collection of named types, with duplicates).

where clause

The where clause is "syntactic sugar" for let bindings. Functions defined below the where keyword can be used in the function scope and in the where scope.

foo :: String -> String -> String
foo arg1 arg2 =
  bar arg1 arg2 "Welcome to PureScript!"

    bar :: String -> String -> String -> String
    bar s1 s2 s3 =
      (baz s1) <> (baz s2) <> s3

    baz :: String -> String
    baz s = "Hi " <> s <> "! "


Guards consist of lines starting with | followed by a predicate. They can be used to make function definitions more readable:

greater x y
  | x > y = true
  | otherwise = false

Exhaustibility of patterns is checked by the compiler. To be considered exhaustive, guards must clearly include a case that is always true. otherwise is a synonym for true and is commonly used in guards.

Guards may also be used within case expressions, which allow for inline expressions. For example, these are equivalent:

fb :: Int -> Effect Unit
fb = log <<< case _ of
    | 0 == mod n 15 -> "FizzBuzz"
    | 0 == mod n 3 -> "Fizz"
    | 0 == mod n 5 -> "Buzz"
    | otherwise -> show n
fb :: Int -> Effect Unit
fb n = log x
    | 0 == mod n 15 = "FizzBuzz"
    | 0 == mod n 3 = "Fizz"
    | 0 == mod n 5 = "Buzz"
    | otherwise = show n

Data types

Instead of Elm’s type, PureScript uses data. Instead of Elm’s type alias, PureScript uses type.

-- Elm
type Direction  = Up | Down
type alias Time = Int
-- PureScript
data Direction  = Up | Down
type Time       = Int


Instead of

fullName :: String -> String -> String
fullName firstName lastName =
  firstName <> " " <> lastName

fullName "Phillip" "Freeman" -- "Phillip Freeman"
fullName "Freeman" "Phillip" -- "Freeman Phillip" wrong order!

we could write more explicit types but that would not prevent arguments ordering errors:

type FirstName = String
type LastName = String
type FullName = String

fullName :: FirstName -> LastName -> FullName
fullName firstName lastName =
  firstName <> " " <> lastName

fullName "Phillip" "Freeman" -- "Phillip Freeman"
fullName "Freeman" "Phillip" -- "Freeman Phillip" still wrong order!

Instead can use single constructor data types and destructure them to ensure the right arguments are provided:

data FirstName = FirstName String
data LastName = LastName String
data FullName = FullName String

fullName :: FirstName -> LastName -> FullName
fullName (FirstName firstName) (LastName lastName) =
  firstName <> " " <> lastName

fullName (FirstName "Phillip") (LastName "Freeman") -- "Phillip Freeman"
fullName (LastName "Freeman") (FirstName "Phillip") -- compiler error!

For the compiler to optimize the output for this common pattern, it is even better to use the newtype keyword which is especially restricted to a single constructor which contains a single argument.

newtype FirstName = FirstName String
newtype LastName = LastName String
newtype FullName = FullName String

Newtypes are especially useful when dealing with raw data as you can write a "validation" function without exposing the type constructor itself in exports. This is known as the smart constructor pattern:

module Password
  ( Password -- not Password(..) to prevent exposing the Password constructor
  , toPassword
  ) where

newtype Password = Password String

toPassword :: String -> Either String Password
toPassword str =
  if length str >= 6 then
    Right (Password str)
    Left "Size should be at least 6"

myPassword = toPassword "123456"


Here is a full example shamelessly ripped off from the unmissable PureScript: Jordan's Reference:

module Syntax.Module.FullExample
  -- exports go here by just writing the name
  ( value

  , function, (>@>>>) -- aliases must be wrapped in parenthesis

  -- when exporting type classes, there are two rules:
  -- - you must precede the type class name with the keyword 'class'
  -- - you must also export the type class' function (or face compilation errors)
  , class TypeClass, tcFunction

  -- when exporting modules, you must precede the module name with
  -- the keyword 'module'
  , module ExportedModule

  -- The type is exported, but no one can create a value of it
  -- outside of this module
  , ExportDataType1_ButNotItsConstructors

  -- syntax sugar for 'all constructors'
  -- Either all or none of a type's constructors must be exported
  , ExportDataType2_AndAllOfItsConstructors(..)

  -- Type aliases can also be exported
  , ExportedTypeAlias

  -- When type aliases are aliased using infix notation, one must export
  -- both the type alias, and the infix notation where 'type' must precede
  -- the infix notation
  , ExportedTypeAlias_InfixNotation, type (<|<>|>)

  -- Data constructor alias; exporting the alias requires you
  -- to also export the constructor it aliases
  , ExportedDataType3_InfixNotation(Infix_Constructor), (<||||>)

  , ExportedKind
  , ExportedKindValue
  ) where

-- imports go here

-- imports just the module
import Module

-- import a submodule
import Module.SubModule.SubSubModule

-- import values from a module
import ModuleValues (value1, value2)

-- imports functions from a module
import ModuleFunctions (function1, function2)

-- imports function alias from a module
import ModuleFunctionAliases ((/=), (===), (>>**>>))

-- imports type class from the module
import ModuleTypeClass (class TypeClass)

-- import a type but none of its constructors
import ModuleDataType (DataType)

-- import a type and one of its constructors
import ModuleDataType (DataType(Constructor1))

-- import a type and some of its constructors
import ModuleDataType (DataType(Constructor1, Constructor2))

-- import a type and all of its constructors
import ModuleDataType (DataType(..))

-- resolve name conflicts using "hiding" keyword
import ModuleNameClash1 (sameFunctionName1)
import ModuleNameClash2 hiding (sameFunctionName1)

-- resolve name conflicts using module aliases
import ModuleNameClash1 as M1
import ModuleNameClash2 as M2

-- Re-export modules
import Module1 (anInt1) as Exports
import Module2 (anInt2) as Exports
import Module3 (anInt3) as Exports
import Module4.SubModule1 (someFunction) as Exports

import ModuleKind (ImportedKind, ImportedKindValue) as Exports

import Prelude

import ExportedModule

-- To prevent warnings from being emitted during compilation
-- the above imports have to either be used here or
-- re-exported (explained later in this folder).

value :: Int
value = 3

function :: String -> String
function x = x

infix 4 function as >@>>>

class TypeClass a where
  tcFunction :: a -> a -> a

-- now 'sameFunctionName1' refers to ModuleF1's function, not ModuleF2's function
myFunction1 :: Int -> Int
myFunction1 a = sameFunctionName1 a

myFunction2 :: Int -> Int
myFunction2 a = M1.sameFunctionName1 (M2.sameFunctionName1 a)

dataDifferences :: M1.SameDataName -> M2.SameDataName -> String
dataDifferences M1.Constructor M2.Constructor = "code works despite name clash"

data ExportDataType1_ButNotItsConstructors = Constructor1A

data ExportDataType2_AndAllOfItsConstructors
  = Constructor2A
  | Constructor2B
  | Constructor2C

type ExportedTypeAlias = Int

data ExportedDataType3_InfixNotation = Infix_Constructor Int Int

infixr 4 Infix_Constructor as <||||>

type ExportedTypeAlias_InfixNotation = String

infixr 4 type ExportedTypeAlias_InfixNotation as <|<>|>

data ExportedKind

foreign import data ExportedKindValue :: ExportedKind

Type classes

The show function takes a value and displays it as a string. show is defined by a type class in the Prelude module called Show, which is defined as follows:

class Show a where
  show :: a -> String

This code declares a new type class called Show, which is parameterized by the type variable a.

A type class instance contains implementations of the functions defined in a type class, specialized to a particular type. You can add any type to a class, as long as you define the required functions.

For example, here is the definition of the Show type class instance for Boolean values, taken from the Prelude. We say that the Boolean type belongs to the Show type class.

instance Show Boolean where
  show true = "true"
  show false = "false"

Instead of defining a different map for each type (Maybe, Result etc.) like in Elm, PureScript uses type classes.

For instance, map is defined once for all with the Functor type class. A Functor is a type constructor which supports a mapping operation map.

class Functor f where
  map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

Type class deriving

The compiler can derive type class instances to spare you the tedium of writing boilerplate. There are a few ways to do this depending on the specific type and class being derived.

Since PureScript version 0.15.0, giving class instances a name (for generated code readability) is optional. It it generated by the compiler if missing.

Classes with built-in compiler support

Some classes have special built-in support (such as Eq), and their instances can be derived from all types.

For example, if you you'd like to be able to remove duplicates from an array of an ADT using nub, you need an Eq and Ord instance. Rather than writing these manually, let the compiler do the work.

import Data.Array (nub)

data MyADT
  = Some
  | Arbitrary Int
  | Contents Number String

derive instance Eq MyADT
derive instance Ord MyADT

nub [Some, Arbitrary 1, Some, Some] == [Some, Arbitrary 1]

Currently (in PureScript version 0.15.12), instances for the following classes can be derived by the compiler:

Derive from newtype

If you would like your newtype to defer to the instance that the underlying type uses for a given class, then you can use newtype deriving via the derive newtype keywords.

For example, let's say you want to add two Score values using the Semiring instance of the wrapped Int.

newtype Score = Score Int

derive newtype instance Semiring Score

tenPoints :: Score
tenPoints = (Score 4) + (Score 6)

That derive line replaced all this code:

-- No need to write this
instance Semiring Score where
  zero = Score 0
  add (Score a) (Score b) = Score (a + b)
  mul (Score a) (Score b) = Score (a * b)
  one = Score 1

Data.Newtype provides useful functions via deriving newtypes instances:

import Data.Newtype (Newtype, un)

newtype Address = Address String
derive instance Newtype Address _

printAddress :: Address -> Eff _ Unit
printAddress address = Console.log (un Address address)

Deriving from Generic

For type classes without build-in support for deriving (such as Show) and for types other than newtypes where newtype deriving cannot be used, you can derive from Generic if the author of the type class library has implemented a generic version.

import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Effect.Console (logShow)

derive instance Generic MyADT _

instance Show MyADT where
  show = genericShow

-- logs `[Some,(Arbitrary 1),(Contents 2.0 "Three")]`
main = logShow [Some, Arbitrary 1, Contents 2.0 "Three"]

Type class constraints

Here is a type class constraint Eq a, separated from the rest of the type by a double arrow =>:

threeAreEqual :: forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> a -> Boolean
threeAreEqual a1 a2 a3 = a1 == a2 && a2 == a3

This type says that we can call threeAreEqual with any choice of type a, as long as there is an Eq instance available for a.

Multiple constraints can be specified by using the => symbol multiple times:

showCompare :: forall a. Ord a => Show a => a -> a -> String
showCompare a1 a2
  | a1 < a2 = show a1 <> " is less than " <> show a2
  | a1 > a2 = show a1 <> " is greater than " <> show a2
  | otherwise = show a1 <> " is equal to " <> show a2

The implementation of type class instances can depend on other type class instances. Those instances should be grouped in parentheses and separated by commas on the left-hand side of the => symbol:

instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Either a b) where

The Warn type class

There is a type class in Prim called Warn. When the compiler solves a Warn constraint it will trivially solve the instance and print out the message as a user defined warning.

meaningOfLife :: Warn (Text "`meaningOfLife` result is hardcoded, for now.) => Int
meaningOfLife = 42


<$> is the infix alias of the map operator defined in the Functor type class.

class Functor f where
  map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

The two following lines are equivalent:

map (\n -> n + 1) (Just 5)
(\n -> n + 1) <$> (Just 5)


To lift a function means to turn it into a function that works with functor-wrapped arguments. Applicative functors are functors that allow lifting of functions.

<*> is the infix alias of the apply operator defined in the Apply type class (that extends Functor). <*> is equivalent to |> andMap in Elm (with andMap = Maybe.map2 (|>)).

The Applicative type class extends the Apply type class with a pure function that takes a value and returns that value lifted into the applicative functor. With Maybe, pure is the same as Just, and with Either, pure is the same as Right, but it is recommended to use pure in case of an eventual applicative functor change.

class Applicative f where
  pure :: a -> f a
  apply :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b -- "inherited" from the `Apply` type class

Applicative lets us perform N operations independently, then it aggregates the results for us. You are in an applicative context when using Decoder in Elm.

Applicative validation

Let’s lift the function fullName over a Maybe:

import Prelude
import Data.Maybe

fullName :: String -> String -> String -> String
fullName first middle last = last <> ", " <> first <> " " <> middle

fullName "Phillip" "A" "Freeman" -- "Freeman, Phillip A"

fullName <$> Just "Phillip" <*> Just "A" <*> Just "Freeman" -- Just ("Freeman, Phillip A")

fullName <$> Just "Phillip" <*> Nothing <*> Just "Freeman" -- Nothing

Just like with Maybe, if we lift fullName over Either String String, we get a unique error even if multiple errors occur:

import Test.Assert (assert)
import Data.Either (Either(..))

type Contact =
  { firstName :: String
  , lastName :: String
  , address :: Address

type Address =
  { street :: String
  , city :: String
  , country :: String

goodContact :: Contact
goodContact =
  { firstName: "John"
  , lastName: "Doe"
  , address:
      { street: "123 Main St."
      , city: "Springfield"
      , country: "USA"

badContact :: Contact
badContact = goodContact { firstName = "", lastName = "" }

nonEmptyEither :: String -> String -> Either String String
nonEmptyEither fieldName value
  | value == "" = Left $ "Field '" <> fieldName <> "' cannot be empty"
  | otherwise = Right value

validateContactEither :: Contact -> Either String Contact
validateContactEither c = { firstName: _, lastName: _, address: _ }
  <$> nonEmptyEither "First Name" c.firstName
  <*> nonEmptyEither "Last Name" c.lastName
  -- lifting the `c.address` value into `Either` (we could also have used `Right c.address`)
  <*> pure c.address

assert $ validateContactEither goodContact == Right goodContact
assert $ validateContactEither badContact ==  Left "Field 'First Name' cannot be empty"

To get an array of all the errors we can use the V functor of Data.Validation.Semigroup that it allows us to collect multiple errors using an arbitrary semigroup (such as Array String in the example below).

import Data.Validation.Semigroup (V, invalid, isValid)

type ErrorMessages = Array String

nonEmptyV :: String -> String -> V ErrorMessages String
nonEmptyV fieldName value
  | value == "" = invalid [ "Field '" <> fieldName <> "' cannot be empty" ]
  | otherwise = pure value

validateContactV :: Contact -> V ErrorMessages Contact
validateContactV c = { firstName: _, lastName: _, address: _ }
  <$> nonEmptyV "First Name" c.firstName
  <*> nonEmptyV "Last Name" c.lastName
  <*> pure c.address

assert $ isValid $ validateContactV goodContact
assert $ not isValid $ validateContactV badContact
assert $ validateContactV badContact ==
    [ "Field 'First Name' cannot be empty"
    , "Field 'Last Name' cannot be empty"

Applicative do notation

With the ado keyword:

validateContactVAdo :: Contact -> V ErrorMessages Contact
validateContactVAdo c = ado
  fistName <- nonEmptyV "First Name" c.firstName
  lastName <- nonEmptyV "Last Name" c.lastName
  address <- pure c.address
  in { firstName, lastName, address }


>>= is the infix alias of the bind operator defined in the Bind type class (that extends Apply). >>= is equivalent to |> andThen in Elm.

The Monad type class combines the operations of the Bind and Applicative type classes. Therefore, Monad instances represent type constructors which support both sequential composition and function lifting.

class Monad m where
  bind :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

So, to define a monad we need to define the map, apply, pure and bind operations:

data Box a =
  Box a

instance Functor Box where
  map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> Box a -> Box  b
  map f (Box a) = Box (f a)

instance Apply Box where
  apply :: forall a b. Box (a -> b) -> Box a -> Box  b
  apply (Box f) (Box a) = Box (f a)

instance Applicative Box where
  pure :: forall a. a -> Box a
  pure a = Box a

instance Bind Box where
  bind :: forall a b. Box a -> (a -> Box b) -> Box b
  bind (Box a) f = f a

instance Monad Box

Monadic operations operate sequentially not concurrently. That’s great when we have a dependency between the operations e.g. lookup user_id based on email then fetch the inbox based on the user_id. But for independent operations monadic calls are very inefficient as they are inherently sequential. Monads fail fast which makes them poor for form validation and similar use cases. Once something "fails" the operation aborts. You are in a monadic context when using Task in Elm.

Monad do-notation

The do keyword is "syntactic sugar" for chained >>=. It removes the need for indentations.

foo :: Box Unit
foo =
  -- only call `(\x -> ...)` if `getMyInt` actually produces something
  getMyInt >>= (\x ->
      let y = x + 4
      in toString y >>= (\z ->
        print z

is the same as

foo :: Box Unit
foo = do
  x <- getMyInt
  let y = x + 4 -- `in` keyword not needed
  z <- toString y
  print z -- not `value <- computation` but just `computation`


The main function of PureScript programs uses the Effect monad for side effects:

import Effect.Random (random) -- random :: Effect Number

main :: Effect Unit
main =
  (log "Below is a random number between 0.0 and 1.0:") >>= (\_ ->
    random >>= (\n->
      log $ show n

and is more readable using the do-notation:

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  log "Below is a random number between 0.0 and 1.0:"
  n <- random
  log $ show n

The above example works because the last line has a log that returns Effect Unit. We can use the void function to ignore the type wrapped by a Functor and replace it with Unit:

void :: forall f a. Functor f => f a -> f Unit

That is useful when using the do-notation:

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  log "Generating random number..."
  void random

Asynchronous Effects (Aff)

Using asynchronous effects in PureScript is like using promises in JavaScript.

PureScript applications use the main function in the context of the Effect monad. To start the App monad context from the Effect context, we use the launchAff function (or launchAff_ which is void $ launchAff).

When we have an Effect-based computation that we want to run in some other monadic context, we can use liftEffect from Effect.Class if the target monad has an instance for MonadEffect:

class (Monad m)  MonadEffect m where
-- same as liftEffect :: forall a. Effect a -> m a
  liftEffect :: Effect ~> m

Aff has an instance for MonadEffect, so we can lift Effect-based computations (such as log) into an Aff monadic context:

import Prelude

import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Milliseconds(..), delay, launchAff_)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Effect.Timer (setTimeout, clearTimeout)

main :: Effect Unit
main = launchAff_ do
  timeoutID <- liftEffect $ setTimeout 1000 (log "This will run after 1 second")

  delay (Milliseconds 1300.0)

  liftEffect do
    log "Now cancelling timeout"
    clearTimeout timeoutID

We can run multiple computations concurrently with forkAff. Then, we'll use joinFiber to ensure all computations are finished before we do another computation.

import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Milliseconds(..), delay, forkAff, joinFiber, launchAff_)

main :: Effect Unit
main = launchAff_ do

  fiber1 <- forkAff do
    liftEffect $ log "Fiber 1: Waiting for 1 second until completion."
    delay $ Milliseconds 1000.0
    liftEffect $ log "Fiber 1: Finished computation."

  fiber2 <- forkAff do
    liftEffect $ log "Fiber 2: Computation 1 (takes 300 ms)."
    delay $ Milliseconds 300.0
    liftEffect $ log "Fiber 2: Computation 2 (takes 300 ms)."
    delay $ Milliseconds 300.0
    liftEffect $ log "Fiber 2: Computation 3 (takes 500 ms)."
    delay $ Milliseconds 500.0
    liftEffect $ log "Fiber 2: Finished computation."

  fiber3 <- forkAff do
    liftEffect $ log "Fiber 3: Nothing to do. Just return immediately."
    liftEffect $ log "Fiber 3: Finished computation."

  joinFiber fiber1
  liftEffect $ log "Fiber 1 has finished. Now joining on fiber 2"
  joinFiber fiber2
  liftEffect $ log "Fiber 3 has finished. Now joining on fiber 3"
  joinFiber fiber3
  liftEffect $ log "Fiber 3 has finished. All fibers have finished their computation."

If instead of forkAff we used suspendAff, then the fibers would not be run concurrently as soon as defined, but they would be suspended and ran sequentially one by one after their respective joinFiber.

Foreign Function Interface (FFI)

Calling PureScript from JavaScript

-- Purescript
module Tools where

import Prelude

-- find the greatest common divisor
gcd :: Int -> Int -> Int
gcd n m
  | n == 0 = m
  | m == 0 = n
  | n > m = gcd (n - m) m
  | otherwise = gcd (m - n) n

PureScript functions always get turned into Javascript functions of a single argument, so we need to apply its arguments one-by-one:

// JavaScript

import { gcd } from 'Tools'


Calling Javascript from PureScript

Foreign Modules

A foreign module is just an ES module which is associated with a PureScript module.

  • All the ES module exports must be of the form export const name = value or export function name() { ... }.
  • The PureScript module must have the same as the ES one but with the .purs extension. It contains the signatures of the exports.
Unary functions
// JavaScript (src/Interest.js)

export function calculateInterest(amount) {
  return amount * 0.1
-- PureScript (src/Interest.purs)

module Interest where

foreign import calculateInterest :: Number -> Number
Functions of Multiple Arguments

PureScript functions are curried by default, so Javascript functions of multiple arguments require special treatment.

// JavaScript

export function calculateInterest(amount, months) {
  return amount * Math.exp(0.1, months)
-- PureScript

module Interest where

-- available for function arities from 0 to 10
import Data.Function.Uncurried (Fn2)

foreign import calculateInterest :: Fn2 Number Number Number

We can write a curried wrapper function in PureScript which will allow partial application:

calculateInterestCurried :: Number -> Number -> Number
calculateInterestCurried = runFn2 calculateInterest

An alternative is to use curried functions in the native module, using multiple nested functions, each with a single argument:

// JavaScript

export const calculateInterest = amount => months => amount * Math.exp(0.1, months)

This time, we can assign the curried function type directly:

-- PureScript

foreign import calculateInterest :: Number -> Number -> Number


Promises in JavaScript translate directly to asynchronous effects in PureScript with the help of Promise.Aff.

In JavaScript, you need to wrap asynchronous functions in a PureScript Effect with a "thunk" () => so the function is not considered pure and is run every time:

// JavaScript

export const catBase64JS = text => fontSize =>
    async () => {
        const response = await fetch(`${text}?fontSize=${fontSize}&fontColor=red`)
        const array = await response.body.getReader().read()
        return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array.value))

Then in PureScript use the toAffE function:

-- PureScript

import Promise.Aff (Promise, toAffE)

foreign import catBase64JS :: String -> Int -> Effect (Promise String)

catBase64 :: String -> Int -> Aff String
catBase64 text fontSize = toAffE $ catBase64JS text fontSize

Sanitizing Foreign Data

It is important to sanitize data when working with values returned from Javascript functions using the FFI. For this we will use purescript-foreign-generic.

import Data.Foreign
import Data.Foreign.Generic
import Data.Foreign.JSON

purescript-foreign-generic has the following functions:

parseJSON :: String -> F Foreign
decodeJSON :: forall a. Decode a => String -> F a

F is a type alias:

type F = Except (NonEmptyList ForeignError)

Note: The usage of the F alias is now discouraged.

Except is an monad for handling exceptions, much like Either. We can convert a value in the F monad into a value in the Either monad by using the runExcept function.

import Control.Monad.Except

runExcept (decodeJSON "\"Testing\"" :: F String)
-- Right "Testing"

runExcept (decodeJSON "true" :: F Boolean)
-- Right true

runExcept (decodeJSON "[1, 2, 3]" :: F (Array Int))
-- Right [1, 2, 3]

runExcept (decodeJSON "[1, 2, true]" :: F (Array Int))
-- Left (NonEmptyList (NonEmpty (ErrorAtIndex 2 (TypeMismatch "Int" "Boolean")) Nil))

Real-world JSON documents contain null and undefined values, so we need to be able to handle those too.

purescript-foreign-generic defines a type constructors which solves this problem: NullOrUndefined. It uses the Maybe type constructor internally to represent missing values.

The module also provides a function unNullOrUndefined to unwrap the inner value. We can lift the appropriate function over the decodeJSON action to parse JSON documents which permit null values:

import Data.Foreign.NullOrUndefined

runExcept (unNullOrUndefined <$> decodeJSON "42" :: F (NullOrUndefined Int))
-- Right (Just 42)

runExcept (unNullOrUndefined <$> decodeJSON "null" :: F (NullOrUndefined Int))
-- Right Nothing

To parse arrays of integers where each element might be null, we can lift the function map unNullOrUndefined over the decodeJSON action:

runExcept (map unNullOrUndefined <$> decodeJSON "[1, 2, null]" :: F (Array (NullOrUndefined Int)))
-- Right [(Just 1),(Just 2),Nothing]

Front-end frameworks

In The state of PureScript 2023 survey results, at page 24, you can see a chart of the most used front-end frameworks:

PureScript frameworks usage chart for 2023

Flame example

This repo contains a minimal Flame example with a counter increment/decrement buttons, random number generation, synchronous and asynchronous FFI calls, subscription and decoding of a JSON object.


npm i

Vite setup notes

  • When using PureScript IDE for VS code the project is built every time you save a file. There is no need for a special Vite plugin. output/Main/index.js is simply imported in the JavasScript entry file.
  • Terser is used for better compression results.

Go further

We only covered the basics of PureScript here. If you want to learn more, check out the following resources:



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Stargazers repo roster for @laurentpayot/purescript-for-elm-developers