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An experiment to make HiveQL typesafe and composable through Scala


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Making HiveQL testable, type-safe and composable by embedding/lifting it in to Scala.

This is a hacky work-in-progress. It is not well-structured, documented or usable and represents an exploration into various Scala and Hive APIs.

By adding the @SqlQuery annotation to an object, TypedSQL will generate a Parquet/Scrooge schema for the contained query.

@SqlQuery object TransactionSummary {
  def query(transactionType: String, year: Int)
           (transactions: DataSource[Transaction, Partitions.None],
            accounts:     DataSource[ProductAccount, Partitions.None],
            customers:    DataSource[Customer, Partitions.None]) =
      SELECT           as customer_id,
             MONTH(  as month,
             SUM(t.value)   as amount_spent,
             COUNT(    as transaction_count
      FROM ${transactions} t
        INNER JOIN ${accounts} a ON t.account_id =
        INNER JOIN ${customers} c ON a.primary_customer_id =
      WHERE t.type = ${transactionType} AND t.year = ${year}

The query is checked for validity at compile time (e.g. if you have a syntax error or reference an invalid source/parameter then it will be caught by the Scala compiler) and replaced with a function that returns a usable DataSource[Row, Partitions].

The parameters to the query method are either (note - multiple parameter groups are supported and they are treated equally):

  • Data Sources (any parameter of the type DataSource[T, P]): these represent the upstream tables used by the query.
  • Variables (all other parameters): these are variables that available in the body of the query.

The macro also adds a new case class to TransactionSummary called Row which represents the output schema of the query and looks something like (nb. field names are converted to Camel Case for ease of use):

case class Row(
  customerId:       Int,
  month:            Int,
  amountSpent:      Long,
  transactionCount: Long

The Row case class also has a companion object extending ThriftStructCodec3[Row] which allows it to be used like any other Scrooge generated class. The outputs of the query can be read from Parquet output using Scalding with Parquet support provided by Ebenezer.

val transactionSummaries: TypedPipe[TransactionSummary.Row] = ParquetScroogeSource[TransactionSummary.Row]("/my/table/location").map(row => {
  val customerId: Int = row.customerId
  val month: Int = row.month
  val amountSpent: Long = row.amountSpent
  val transactionCount: Long = row.transactionCount

If the query is changed and a field is removed or its type is changed then it will be caught by the Scala compiler if its referenced downstream directly. This also works across multiple queries (e.g. if the customerId field is changed to a String then this will result in a compile-time error).

Using DataSources

DataSource[T, P]s represent a query that can produce a dataset on HDFS (similar to Scalding's TypedPipe[T]s). There are two main ways to use a DataSource[T, P]:

  • DataSource#toTypedPipe(config): Execution[TypedPipe[T]]
  • DataSource#toHiveTable(config): Execution[MaterialisedHiveTable[T, P]]

The MaterialisedHiveTable provides access to the name of the output Hive table (hiveTable) which can then be accessed through normal means.

By default @SqlQuery adds a type alias DataSource to the generated object for ease of use. For example, the TransactionSummary data source can be referred to as TransactionSummary.DataSource.

Two type aliases are available for DataSource[_, _] if com.rouesnel.typedsql._ is imported:

  • Unpartitioned[T] => DataSource[T, Partitions.None]: helper to avoid having to type DataSource[T, Partitions.None]
  • Partitioned[T, P] => DataSource[T, P]: allows consistency when using Unpartitioned[T]

Sourcing Data from Existing Tables

Data from existing Hive tables can be used as input to TypedSQL queries by creating a MaterialisedHiveTable. For example:

val customersTable = MaterialisedHiveTable("/hive/view/warehouse/records/customers", "records.customers")

Persisting TypedSQL Results

TypedSQL results can be persisted to a Hive table by calling the .persist(<strategy>) function on the generated data source:

val persistedSummaries = TransactionSummary
  .query("CREDIT", 2016)(transactionsTable, accountsTable, customersTable)
  .persist(alwaysRefresh("summaries", "summaries.transactions", "/hive/view/warehouse/summaries/transactions"))

When this TypedSQL data source is evaluated (by calling toHiveTable(<config>): Execution[_] and running the execution) it will use the provided strategy to determine whether to execute the query and also where to store the output.

Five persistence strategies are provided:

  • alwaysRefresh(<name>, <tbl name>, <path on HDFS>): this strategy will drop any existing tables with the same name and recreate them by executing the query each time.
  • reuseExisting(<name>, <tbl name>, <path on HDFS>): this strategy will try and reuse an existing table if it exists (e.g. it won't execute the Hive query if the output is there) unless the table has a conflicting schema (in which case it will drop the existing table and re-execute the query).
  • forceReuseExisting(<name>, <tbl name>, <path on HDFS>): this strategy will try and reuse an existing table if it already exists (even if it has a different schema). Note this may cause runtime exceptions due to incompatible schemas.
  • appendToExisting(<name>, <tbl name>, <path on HDFS>, <recreateOnIncompatibleSchema>): this strategy will always execute the specified query (appending to any existing partitions) using INSERT INTO.
    • If the existing table has a conflicting schema and the recreateOnIncompatibleSchema flag is set to true (by default false) it will drop the existing table and recreate it before executing the query. If the flag is false it will throw an exception at runtime.
    • If the table does not exist, this strategy will create it.
  • overwritePartitions(<name>, <tbl name>, <path on HDFS>, <recreateOnIncompatibleSchema>): this strategy will always execute the specified query (overwriting any existing partitions) using INSERT OVERWRITE.
    • If the existing table has a conflicting schema and the recreateOnIncompatibleSchema flag is set to true (by default false) it will drop the existing table and recreate it before executing the query. If the flag is false it will throw an exception at runtime.
    • If the table does not exist, this strategy will create it.
  • flaggedReuse(<name>, <tbl name>, <path on HDFS>): this strategy looks for the --reuse-<name> command line argument. If set - it will behave the same as reuseExisting, if not set it will behave the same as alwaysRefresh.

Reusing Queries

The Row class generated on the object is usable directly in Scalding flows or by other TypedSQL queries.

@SqlQuery object WebClickTransactionAnalysis {
  def query(webClicks: DataSource[WebClick, Partitions.None])
           (transactionSummaries: TransactionSummary.DataSource) =
      SELECT    as customer_id,
             ts.month as month,
      FROM ${transactionSummaries} ts
        OUTER JOIN ${webClicks} wcs ON ts.customer_id = wcs.customer_id AND ts.month = wcs.month

Since the query method is a function it can be composed by regular means.

(TransactionSummary.query _).tupled andThen (WebClickTransactionAnalysis(wc) _)

Where multiple Hive queries are chained together, TypedSQL will attempt to use Hive views to compose them if possible at run time. This means that larger queries can be safely split into multiple objects without impacting performance as Hive is able to optimise across the views.

Note: TypedSQL cannot optimise across conversion to/from TypedPipe[T] which will result in the dataset being persisted to HDFS.

UDFs (experimental)

User-defined functions in Hive allow a query to execute a Java function as if it were built-in to SQL/Hive. TypedSQL provides an easy way to create and use UDFs in your HiveQL by annotating regular Scala functions inside the @SqlQuery object with the @UDF annotation.

@SqlQuery object TransactionAnalysis {
  @UDF convertTransactionId(id: String): String =
    "TRANS_" + id.split("\\.").last

  def query(transactions: DataSource[Transaction, Partitions.None],
            accounts:     DataSource[ProductAccount, Partitions.None]) =
      SELECT                       as customer_id,
             convertTransactionId( as normalized_id
      FROM ${transactions} t
        INNER JOIN ${accounts} a ON t.account_id =

The @UDF macro will generate a GenericUDF implementation for the Scala function behind the scenes and automatically register the function when executing the queries.

Partitioning (experimental)

Partitions are represented through the second type parameter of DataSource (e.g. DataSource[RowType, Partitions]).

The partitions type parameter can either be:

  • Partitions.None - represents an unpartitioned dataset, or
  • An anonymous class of the form { def year: String; def month: Int }. In this case there are two partition columns: year and month.

To partition the result of a @SqlQuery - simply add a type alias called Partitions to the class. For example:

@SqlQuery object MyPartitionedQuery {
  type Partitions = { def year: String; def month: String; def day: String }
  def query = """SELECT "2000" as year, "10" as month, "31" as day """

The partition columns will be checked at compile time for validity (i.e. to ensure that they exist in the query).

Note: partitioned columns are not persisted in the Parquet data on disk and instead only exist in the folder structure. Thus the partition columns are not present in the Row class.

WARNING: *due to the way Hive dynamic partitioning works, the order of the columns in the query that is actually run may be different to the order specified in the query as written. Any partition columns are re-arranged to be the last of the selected columns. *This may break any use of positional column offsets.


A number of examples are included in the examples sub-project (these are also used as test cases).

Some examples can be run on a real Hadoop cluster by executing ./sbt examples/assembly and then copying the jars in the examples/target/scala-2.11/*.jar to your cluster.

These can then be run using:

HADOOP_CLASSPATH=${HIVE_HOME}/conf:${HADOOP_CLASSPATH} hadoop jar typedsql-examples-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.rouesnel.typedsql.examples.App --hdfs -libjars ${RUN_DIRECTORY}/datanucleus-api-jdo-3.2.6.jar,${RUN_DIRECTORY}/datanucleus-core-3.2.10.jar,${RUN_DIRECTORY}/datanucleus-rdbms-3.2.9.jar

Release Guide

Releases are automatically handled by the TravisCI build using an approach similar to what the Guardian use.

On a successful build on master, sbt-sonatype is used to publish a signed build to Sonatype OSS, which is then released (using the same plugin). The releases are signed with a PGP key (included in the repository in an encrypted form).


Credentials are included in the repository in the following encrypted files:

  • credentials.sbt.enc: an encrypted sbt file that contains credentials for uploading to Sonatype OSS and the passphrase for the PGP keyring.
  • pubring.gpg.enc: an encrypted gpg public keyring.
  • secring.gpg.enc: an encrypted gpg private keyring.

During the build these files are decrypted using the ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD that has been encrypted in the .travis.yml file.


An experiment to make HiveQL typesafe and composable through Scala







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