Docker Rest API v1.16 implementation with C++11 using lambda functions for callbacks.
This library is hosted in Biicode C++ dependency manager.
Biicode block lasote/docker_client
Also in github repository
Also working with: Windows with MinGW >=4.8, OSx with Clang > 6.0
The project has many dependencies, we recommend you to use biicode to handle them:
Include this header in your source code file:
#include "lasote/docker_client/client.h"
Download the required dependencies:
bii find
Build the project:
bii cpp:build # to build the project
Take a look to the example:
DockerClient client("http://localhost:4243");
// Error callback for all examples
ERR_F error_cb = [] (int status, string desc) {
cout << "Error: " << status << endl << desc;
auto c5 = client.logs_container([] (string out) {
cout << "Response: " << out << endl;
}, error_cb, "c7ddced66641", true, true, true, true, "all");
auto c6 = client.list_containers([] ( jsonxx::Object ret) {
cout << "Containers: " << ret.json() << endl;
}, error_cb, false, 13);
auto c7 = client.list_images([] ( jsonxx::Object ret) {
cout << "Images: " << ret.json() << endl;
}, error_cb);
// Its based on libuv event loop, so, run all the requests