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Telegram Notifications Channel for Laravel

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This package makes it easy to send Telegram notification using Telegram Bot API with Laravel.



You can install the package via composer:

composer require laravel-notification-channels/telegram

Setting up your Telegram Bot

Talk to @BotFather and generate a Bot API Token.

Then, configure your Telegram Bot API Token:

# config/services.php

'telegram-bot-api' => [

Retrieving Chat ID

For us to send notifications to your Telegram Bot user/channel or group, we need to know their Chat ID.

This can be done by fetching the updates for your Bot using the getUpdates method as per Telegram Bot API docs.

An update is an object containing relevant fields based on the type of update it represents, some examples of an update object are message, callback_query, and poll. For a complete list of fields, see Telegram Bot API docs.

To make things easier, the library comes with a handy method that can be used to get the updates from which you can parse the relevant Chat ID.

Please keep in mind the user has to first interact with your bot for you to be able to obtain their Chat ID which you can then store in your database for future interactions or notifications.

Here's an example of fetching an update:

use NotificationChannels\Telegram\TelegramUpdates;

// Response is an array of updates.
$updates = TelegramUpdates::create()

    // (Optional). Get's the latest update.
    // NOTE: All previous updates will be forgotten using this method.
    // ->latest()

    // (Optional). Limit to 2 updates (By default, updates starting with the earliest unconfirmed update are returned).

    // (Optional). Add more params to the request.
        'timeout' => 0,

if($updates['ok']) {
    // Chat ID
    $chatId = $updates['result'][0]['message']['chat']['id'];


This method will not work if an outgoing webhook is set up.

For a complete list of available parameters for the options, see Telegram Bot API docs.

Using in Lumen

If you're using this notification channel in your Lumen project, you will have to add the below code in your bootstrap/app.php file.

# bootstrap/app.php

// Make sure to create a "config/services.php" file and add the config from the above step.

# Register the notification service providers.

Proxy or Bridge Support

You may not be able to send notifications if Telegram Bot API is not accessible in your country, you can either set a proxy by following the instructions here or use a web bridge by setting the base_uri config above with the bridge uri.

You can set HTTPS_PROXY in your .env file.


You can now use the channel in your via() method inside the Notification class.

Text Notification

use NotificationChannels\Telegram\TelegramMessage;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;

class InvoicePaid extends Notification
    public function via($notifiable)
        return ["telegram"];

    public function toTelegram($notifiable)
        $url = url('/invoice/' . $notifiable->invoice->id);

        return TelegramMessage::create()
            // Optional recipient user id.

            // Markdown supported.
            ->content("Hello there!")
            ->line("Your invoice has been *PAID*")
            ->lineIf($notifiable->amount > 0, "Amount paid: {$notifiable->amount}")
            ->line("Thank you!")

            // (Optional) Blade template for the content.
            // ->view('notification', ['url' => $url])

            // (Optional) Inline Buttons
            ->button('View Invoice', $url)
            ->button('Download Invoice', $url);

            // (Optional) Conditional notification.
            // Only send if amount is greater than 0. Otherwise, don't send.
            // ->sendWhen($notifiable->amount > 0)

            // (Optional) Inline Button with Web App
            // ->buttonWithWebApp('Open Web App', $url)

            // (Optional) Inline Button with callback. You can handle callback in your bot instance
            // ->buttonWithCallback('Confirm', 'confirm_invoice ' . $this->invoice->id)

Here's a screenshot preview of the above notification on Telegram Messenger:

Laravel Telegram Notification Example

Send with Keyboard

public function toTelegram($notifiable)
    return TelegramPoll::create()
        ->content('Choose an option:')
        ->keyboard('Button 1')
        ->keyboard('Button 2');
        // ->keyboard('Send your number', requestContact: true)
        // ->keyboard('Send your location', requestLocation: true);


Laravel Telegram Notification Keyboard

Send a Poll

public function toTelegram($notifiable)
    return TelegramPoll::create()
        ->question('What is your favorite programming language?')
        ->choices(['PHP', 'Python', 'JavaScript', 'Java', 'C#']);


Laravel Telegram Poll Example

Attach a Contact

public function toTelegram($notifiable)
    return TelegramContact::create()
            ->to($notifiable->telegram_user_id) // Optional
            ->lastName('Doe') // Optional


Laravel Telegram Contact Example

Attach an Audio

public function toTelegram($notifiable)
    return TelegramFile::create()
            ->to($notifiable->telegram_user_id) // Optional
            ->content('Audio') // Optional Caption


Laravel Telegram Audio Notification Example

Attach a Photo

public function toTelegram($notifiable)
    return TelegramFile::create()
        ->to($notifiable->telegram_user_id) // Optional
        ->content('Awesome *bold* text and [inline URL](')
        ->file('/storage/archive/6029014.jpg', 'photo'); // local photo

        // OR using a helper method with or without a remote file.
        // ->photo('');


Laravel Telegram Photo Notification Example

Attach a Document

public function toTelegram($notifiable)
    return TelegramFile::create()
        ->to($notifiable->telegram_user_id) // Optional
        ->content('Did you know we can set a custom filename too?')
        ->document('', 'sample.pdf');


Laravel Telegram Document Notification Example

Attach a Location

public function toTelegram($notifiable)
    return TelegramLocation::create()


Laravel Telegram Location Notification Example

Attach a Video

public function toTelegram($notifiable)
    return TelegramFile::create()
        ->content('Sample *video* notification!')


Laravel Telegram Video Notification Example

Attach a GIF File

public function toTelegram($notifiable)
    return TelegramFile::create()
        ->content('Woot! We can send animated gif notifications too!')

        // Or local file
        // ->animation('/path/to/some/animated.gif');


Laravel Telegram Gif Notification Example

Routing a Message

You can either send the notification by providing with the chat ID of the recipient to the to($chatId) method like shown in the previous examples or add a routeNotificationForTelegram() method in your notifiable model:

 * Route notifications for the Telegram channel.
 * @return int
public function routeNotificationForTelegram()
    return $this->telegram_user_id;

Handling Response

You can make use of the notification events to handle the response from Telegram. On success, your event listener will receive a Message object with various fields as appropriate to the notification type.

For a complete list of response fields, please refer the Telegram Bot API's Message object docs.

Exception Handling

In case of failures, the package provides two ways to handle exceptions.

Using NotificationFailed Event

You can listen to the Illuminate\Notifications\Events\NotificationFailed event, which provides a $data array containing to, request, and exception keys.

Listener example:

use Illuminate\Notifications\Events\NotificationFailed;

class HandleNotificationFailure
    public function handle(NotificationFailed $event)
        // $event->notification: The notification instance.
        // $event->notifiable: The notifiable entity who received the notification.
        // $event->channel: The channel name.
        // $event->data: The data needed to process this failure.

        if ($event->channel !== 'telegram') {

        // Log the error / notify administrator or disable notification channel for the user, etc.
        \Log::error('Telegram notification failed', [
            'chat_id' => $event->data['to'],
            'error' => $event->data['exception']->getMessage(),
            'request' => $event->data['request']

Using onError Callback

You can handle exceptions for individual notifications using the onError method in your notification:

public function toTelegram($notifiable)
    return TelegramMessage::create()
        ->onError(function ($data) {
            \Log::error('Failed to send Telegram notification', [
                'chat_id' => $data['to'],
                'error' => $data['exception']->getMessage()

In both methods, the $data array contains the following keys:

  • to: The recipient's chat ID.
  • request: The payload sent to the Telegram Bot API.
  • exception: The exception object containing error details.

On-Demand Notifications

Sometimes you may need to send a notification to someone who is not stored as a "user" of your application. Using the Notification::route method, you may specify ad-hoc notification routing information before sending the notification. For more details, you can check out the on-demand notifications docs.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;

Notification::route('telegram', 'TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID')
            ->notify(new InvoicePaid($invoice));

Sending to Multiple Recipients

Using the notification facade you can send a notification to multiple recipients at once.


If you're sending bulk notifications to multiple users, the Telegram Bot API will not allow more than 30 messages per second or so. Consider spreading out notifications over large intervals of 8—12 hours for best results.

Also note that your bot will not be able to send more than 20 messages per minute to the same group.

If you go over the limit, you'll start getting 429 errors. For more details, refer Telegram Bots FAQ.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;

// Recipients can be an array of chat IDs or collection of notifiable entities.
Notification::send($recipients, new InvoicePaid());

Available Methods

For more information on supported parameters, check out these docs.

Common Methods

These methods are optional and common across all the API methods.

  • to(int|string $chatId) - Set recipient's chat ID.
  • token(string $token) - Override default bot token.
  • parseMode(enum ParseMode $mode) - Set message parse mode (or normal() to unset). Default is ParseMode::Markdown.
  • keyboard(string $text, int $columns = 2, bool $requestContact = false, bool $requestLocation = false) - Add regular keyboard. You can add as many as you want, and they'll be placed 2 in a row by default.
  • button(string $text, string $url, int $columns = 2) - Add inline CTA button.
  • buttonWithCallback(string $text, string $callbackData, int $columns = 2) - Add inline button with callback.
  • buttonWithWebApp(string $text, string $url, int $columns = 2) - Add inline web app button.
  • disableNotification(bool $disableNotification = true) - Send silently (notification without sound).
  • options(array $options) - Add/override payload parameters.
  • sendWhen(bool $condition) - Set condition for sending. If the condition is true, the notification will be sent; otherwise, it will not.
  • onError(Closure $callback) - Set error handler (receives a data array with to, request, exception keys).
  • getPayloadValue(string $key) - Get specific payload value.

Telegram Message Methods

Telegram message notifications are used to send text messages to the user. Supports Telegram formatting options

  • content(string $content, int $limit = null) - Set message content with optional length limit. Supports markdown.
  • line(string $content) - Add new line of content.
  • lineIf(bool $condition, string $content) - Conditionally add new line.
  • escapedLine(string $content) - Add escaped content line (for Markdown).
  • view(string $view, array $data = [], array $mergeData = []) - Use Blade template with Telegram supported HTML or Markdown syntax content if you wish to use a view file instead of the content() method.
  • chunk(int $limit = 4096) - Split long messages (rate limited to 1/second).


Chunked messages will be rate limited to one message per second to comply with rate limitation requirements from Telegram.

Telegram Location Methods

Telegram location messages are used to share a geographical location with the user.

  • latitude(float|string $latitude) - Set location latitude.
  • longitude(float|string $longitude) - Set location longitude.

Telegram File Methods

Telegram file messages are used to share various types of files with the user.

  • content(string $content) - Set file caption. Supports markdown.
  • view(string $view, array $data = [], array $mergeData = []) - Use Blade template for caption.
  • file(string|resource|StreamInterface $file, string $type, string $filename = null) - Attach file by path/URL. Types: photo, audio, document, video, animation, voice, video_note. Use helper methods below for convenience. Filename is optional, ex: sample.pdf.

Helper Methods:

  • photo(string $file) - Send photo.
  • audio(string $file) - Send audio (MP3).
  • document(string $file, string $filename = null) - Send document or any file as document.
  • video(string $file) - Send video.
  • animation(string $file) - Send animated GIF.
  • voice(string $file) - Send voice note (OGG/OPUS).
  • videoNote(string $file) - Send video note (≤1min, rounded square video).

Telegram Contact Methods

Telegram contact messages are used to share contact information with the user.

  • phoneNumber(string $phone) - Set contact phone.
  • firstName(string $name) - Set contact first name.
  • lastName(string $name) - Set contact last name (optional).
  • vCard(string $vcard) - Set contact vCard (optional).

Telegram Poll Methods

Telegram polls are a type of interactive message that allows users to vote on a question. Polls can be used to gather feedback, make decisions, or even run contests.

  • question(string $question) - Set poll question.
  • choices(array $choices) - Set poll choices.


For advance usage, please consider using telegram-bot-sdk instead.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.