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Spring Batch Examples

Collection of Spring Batch Examples, covering the basics, readers, writers, listeners and complex usecases.


Spring Batch Examples exist, because i needed a central place to store the source code of my own examples collection. Instead of the usual private Subversion repository i wanted to give Github a try.


The Examples are described in each of the submodule README.


This repository uses git submodules to link to the individual example repositories on github. Right after the check-out you need to run: git submodule --init to get the submodule sources.

To get the latest commits for the submodules:

General Informations

All Spring Batch Examples:

  • are individual github repositories and maven projects, the pom.xml in this root directory is only for a convenient build all feature
  • are tested with:
    • Spring Batch 2.1.8.RELEASE
    • Spring Framework 3.1.0.RELEASE
  • are provided "as is", no guarantees :-)
  • work with in-memory database, but not with in-memory jobrepository, since the MapJobRepository is threadsafe i could use it, but why break a standard configuration ?

Overview for the project setup.

Maven Configuration

The pom.xml in this root directory contains just a simple parent pom wrapper project to provide a convenient "build all" feature, see Maven Pom project aggregation. Each individual project stands on its own and can be used as such, e.g. there are no maven configurations made in the parent pom.

The examples modules are:

  • spring batch examples parent, the mentioned "build all" parent module
    • complex, contains examples which use more than one of the core aspects of spring batch
    • listeners
    • playground, mostly for incubating new examples
    • readers
    • writers

Usable Systemproperties

  • -DreuseForks
    • run tests with individual and fresh JVM per test class or reuse JVM between tests
    • default is false
    • use true, if you want to run the tests with shared JVMs

Specific Build Configurations

For each project i added specific build configurations for the following build plugins:

Why isolated tests?

I use the reuseForks=false for the maven test configuration to get a new JVM for each test class. This configuration lowers the test run time by a signifikant amount. Why is that necessary?

While using the HSQLDB in-memory database i see sometimes thread problems.


Each project contains only the needed dependencies and i check regularly for version updates and the [dependencies licenses][license].

Directory Structure

The project follows the maven standard directory layout, only difference so far is a (md for markdown format) and a LICENSE file instead of both files ending with .txt.

Important /resources Directories and Files


# log4j configuration
# the job configurations    
# spring batch setup
# the used input files    
# test setup

For each project:

  • the is under src/main/resources/log4j/
    • logging level is WARN for all and DEBUG for the source package of the project
    • location might be changed soon to src/test...
  • the Spring Batch infrastructure setup is under src/main/resources/spring/batch/setup/...
    • job-context.xml contains JobRepository, StepScope etc. beans
    • job-database.xml contains the datasource and transactionmanager beans
  • the Spring Batch test infrastructure setup is under src/test/resources/spring/batch/setup/test/...

Code Structure

  • each example has its own package (test package has the same name), e.g. simplelist
    • not all examples have java source, some have only a job.xml and some tests
  • each example has its own job.xml, e.g. simple-list-job.xml
  • each example has a large test coverage, well what can i say, i am addicted to tests :-)


To simplify it, all work is under Apache 2.0 license, fork it, use it, bend it and if you find a bug or improvement, do not hesitate to push a patch.

Licenses of used Java libraries

last check: 29.04.2013

Problematic Dependencies

  • JUnit - Common Public License - v 1.0 (look for license.txt in the github repository)
    • just do not distribute your project with junit, should be easy
  • Truezip - Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0
    • if you distribute a project with truezip you need to include the license and a statement basically saying you did not change anything
    • if you change the source, ... well if you run a commercial product you are screwed :-)