Acknowledgement and its name entities extraction from scholarly papers.
Copyright (c) 2020, Jian Wu, Pei Wang, Xin Wei
Covid-19Ground_truth: 100 covid-19 papers,each one has a JSON file (full paper in JSON format), a txt file(ackowledgment section) and an ann file (entities annotation), some also has a pdf file(full paper in PDF format).
SBSpaper200Ground_truth: 100 SBS(Social Behavior Science) papers,each one has a PDF file (full paper in PDF format), a txt file(ackowledgment section), a tei file(full paper in XML format generated by GROBID from PDF file) and an ann file (entities annotation), some also has a pdf file.
Testdata: testing data for evaluate NER tools, sentence segmentation tools and sentence classification tools.
Result: entities extracted from all covid-19 papers and some advanced analysis, all are csv files.
stanfoldNLP NER and Pragmatic Segmenter on JSON files.
stanfoldNLP NER and Pragmatic Segmenter on XML files.
Stanza NER and Stanza sentence segmenter on JSON files.
Stanza NER and Stanza sentence segmenter on XML files.
Stanza NER with word relation based filter and Stanza sentence segmenter on XML files.
Stanza NER with word relation based filter and Stanza sentence segmenter on JSON files.
This code works on Windows and Linux so far, it should work on Mac as well
Install StanfordNLP(,
Install Pragmatic Segmenter(,)
Install Grobid(,
Grobid 0.5.5 works better so far. go to grobid directory like C:\downloads\grobid-0.5.5\grobid-0.5.5 and run
gradlew clean install
Install Stanza(
Before importing stanfordcorenlp, make sure running stanfordnlp server at first:
and run
java -mx4g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 15000
and run
gradlew run
Check the code and comments for more details