Really want to get things done? Don’t want to juggle with web based todo lists? Get your things done with command-line. No hassle, no distraction - Try out todo ruby gem.
Uses human readable YAML to store the todo lists (You could edit the todo list manually)
Supports project specific todo lists.
(Creates automatically a file '.todo.yml' in the project-directory you are using it)
Supports tagging
gem install todo
Here is a small sample on how to use todo gem #visit your project folder cd projects/newapp #add a task todo add "write the specs" - add tags : important, due:24/08/2014 #listing all tasks todo list #listing tasks tagged 'important' todo list --tag important #removing a task by his number (index) todo remove 1
Todo is very minimalistic by its nature. Feel free to try, fork and send PRs.