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Comfy Gems: Plugins Engines for Comfortable Mexican Sofa

Nick Gorbikoff edited this page Jul 22, 2013 · 2 revisions

This a list of plugins / gems / engines that add extended features to Comfortable Mexican Sofa - Comfy Gems. The purpose is to keep a list of all available plugins / gems in one place, however it is suggested to check each projects page / issues for the latest compatibility information, as plugins like in any big project tend to lag a version or 2 behind. Some projects have alternative page listed in cases where there is a fork that's more up to date and is worth check out.

Gem / Plugin & Project Page Goal / Purpose Alternative Page
ComfyBlog ComfyBlog is an simple blog management engine for Rails 3.1 apps. It also integrates with ComfortableMexicanSofa CMS Engine
ComfyGallery ComfyGallery is an image gallery engine for Rails 3.1 apps. Also it integrates with ComfortableMexicanSofa CMS Engine
ComfyPoll ComfyPoll is a poll engine for Rails 3.1 apps. Also it integrates with ComfortableMexicanSofa CMS Engine
ComfyCarousel This is a small engine that allows you to manage slideshows.
ComfyImprint This is what is commonly known as a "Contact Us" page, done as a mountable Rails 3 engine. It integrates with ComfortableMexicanSofa CMS Engine
ComfyAdminConstructor ComfyAdminConstructor allows you to quickly and easily build basic admin interfaces in ComfortableMexicanSofa
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