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The best way to use UIGesture



because tapGesture is only have one state,so it's only have method whenTapped

  view.nc_addTapGestureWithConfigClosure { (tapGestureRecognizer) -> () in
            // Configure gesture recognizer,like this:
        }.whenTapped {(tapGestureRecognizer) -> () in
  // or you can directly do something 
  view.nc_whenTapped {(tapGestureRecognizer) -> () in


if you want to cinfigure gesture,use this method:

  view.nc_addxxxxGestureWithConfigClosure({ (gestureRecognizer) -> () in
        //Configure gesture recognizer

if you needn't configure,use this method to start:


then,you can add hanlder function as you want:

       .whenBegan { (recognizer) -> Void in
       }.whenCancelled { (recognizer) -> Void in
       }.whenChanged { (recognizer) -> Void in
       }.whenEnded { (recognizer) -> Void in
       }.whenFailed { (recognizer) -> Void in

a convenient way to use SwipeGesture:

   view.nc_whenSwipedInDirection(.Down) { (gestureRecognizer) in

or if you want set one handler for many states,use whenStatesHappend:

lbState.nc_addPanGesture().whenStatesHappend([.Ended,.Changed]) { (gestureRecognizer) -> Void in


Custom gestureRecognizerHandler is retained by UIGestureRecognizer , UIGestureRecognizer is retained by target view, so if you're using self property remeber explicit [unowned self] to avoid retain cycle:

 lbState.nc_whenSwipedInDirection(.Down) {[unowned self]  (gestureRecognizer) in


###CocoaPods To integrate NiceGesture into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'NiceGesture'

###Manual Just copy the files which under NiceGesture folder to your project

###Carthage github "lacklock/NiceGesture"


Weibo : @没故事的卓同学


NiceGesture is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.