IoT Hub for things
this project is a multiroom echo server using websockets, you could have any sensor sending data to a room and have any other device join that room to read the data in realtime
This project requires Go to be installed. On OS X with Homebrew you can just run brew install go
Running it then should be as simple as:
$ make
$ ./bin/iothub
Running with -version will get you the current version and git commit hash for the binary
$ ./bin/iothub -version
IoT Hub uses environment variables for configuration all of them are prefixed with IOTHUB.
- IOTHUB_JSON_LOGS defaults to false, if true it will output log in json format.
- IOTHUB_LOGLEVEL defaults to debug
- IOTHUB_MODE this sets the gin mode, defaults to debug, other options are release and test
- IOTHUB_LISTEN_ADDRESS defaults to ":5000"
- IOTHUB_SECRET defaults to "887yff9898yfhuiew3489fy3hewfuig239f8ghew32yfh" it is higly recomended to change this
- IOTHUB_SECURE defaults to false (this will enable SSL and requires to have cert_file and key_files set)
- IOTHUB_READ_TIMEOUT defaults to 10 seconds "0m10s"
- IOTHUB_WRITE_TIMEOUT defaults to 10 seconds "0m10s"
- IOTHUB_MAX_HEADER_BYTES defaults to 1mb 1048576 bytes
when IOTHUB_SECRET is set to true the following is also required
- IOTHUB_CERT_FILE SSL certificate file path
- IOTHUB_KEY_FILE SSL Key file path
a note on logging, debug is very verbose as it outputs all the messages the server receives
you can generate your certificates using lego
$ openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout ssl/server.key -out ssl/server.crt
make test
- base project created with cookiecutter-golang
- Uses gin for http/s
- Uses melody for websockets
- Uses logrus for logging
- Uses viper for config