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Cardano CLI Ruby wrapper

A Ruby wrapper for the Cardano Node command line interface (CLI).

It aims to support most CLI commands. The intuitive API allows to easily call the CLI commands in a rubyish way.

Even though you can always just use the provided methods for triggering the commands on the cardano-cli, this library also adds some convienence layer on top of it possibly making your life easier.

Caution: This gem is under development! The API can change any time until version 1.0 is reached.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cardano-cli'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install cardano-cli


Cardano Node

You need to run a Cardano node and your Ruby application must have access to the cardano-cli binary.

There are different ways of setting up a node. An easy and straight forward way is to use a prepared docker image. The following command creates a new docker container.

docker run -d \
  --restart=unless-stopped \
  --name=relay \
  -e NODE_NAME="relay" \
  -e CARDANO_NETWORK="testnet" \
  -e CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH="/node-ipc/node.socket" \
  -v /node-ipc:/node-ipc \
  -v /config:/config \
  arradev/cardano-pool:latest --start

Note: Creating a new node means syncing with the blockchain. It can take several hours until its ready unless you bootstrap the database from some other node first.


The configuration options can be set by using the configure block

Cardano::CLI.configure do |config| = ENV.fetch('NETWORK')
  config.cli_path = ENV.fetch('CLI_PATH')
  config.root_path = ENV.fetch('ROOT_PATH')
  config.logger =

The following list shows available configuration options with their default values

config description default value
network The Cardano blockchain network to connect storing :testnet
cli_path The path to the cardano-cli binary nil
root_path The path for storing all relevant files and sub folders nil
logger A Logger instance$stdout)

1 Usage

After configuring the gem you create a new client instance

client =

then you can call the commands.

1.1 Query commands

Get the node’s current tip (slot number, hash, and block number)


Retrieves the node’s current UTxO, filtered by address


Retrieves the node’s current pool parameters


1.2 Wallets / Addresses

The current implementation supports a rudimentary concept of wallets and addresses. A set of public and private keys is what we call a wallet here.

It is on the roadmap to support a more sophisticated way of managing wallets, probably by pulling in cardano-wallet as another dependency.

Create keys

Create a new payment key-pair (aka wallet) and a first payment address

wallet = client.wallets.create("my-wallet")

Alternatively, if you only want to create the wallet keys but no payment address, you can pass the following keyword argument: without_payment_address: true

# returns Wallet
wallet = client.wallets.create("my-wallet", without_payment_address: true)


Instead of querying every single address yourself, you can use this shortcut to get all UTxO of all addresses belonging yo your wallet.

# returns [Cardano::Utxo]
utxos = wallet.utxos

Payment addresses

List all payment addresses objects belonging to a wallet

# returns [Address]
addresses = wallet.payment_addresses

Create a new payment addresses for a wallet

# returns Address
address = wallet.create_payment_address

Retrieve more information about an address

# returns Hash

Retrieve the hash for an address key

# returns String


You can either build a transaction manually as if you were using the cardano-cli, or you can make use of the provided methods sparing you some manual steps.

Creating transactions requires thinking about coin selection. This library implements the Random-Improve algorithm researched by Edsko de Vries and specified as CIP#2 by the cardano-wallet team.

Caution: Currently, the coin selection process is not thread safe and you should build and submit transactions sequentially.


# Transaction with only 1 output
tx = wallet.transactions.create(to: "addr1...", lovelace: 5_000_000)
# Transaction with multiple outputs
outputs = [
    { to: "addr1abc..", lovelace: 50_000_000 },
    { to: "addr1def..", lovelace: 10_000_000 },
    { to: "addr1ghi..", lovelace: 20_000_000 },
tx = wallet.transactions.create(outputs)
# Manual transaction with only 1 output
tx = wallet, to: "addr1..", lovelace: 5_000_000, ttl: 1200)
draft_file_path = tx.draft
fees = tx.calculate_fees
change = tx.calculate_change
raw_file_path =
signed_file_path = tx.sign



After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/cardano-cli.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Ruby wrapper for the cardano-cli







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