Allows you to built forms in the cms admin area and add them to any streamfield in your site. You can create your own types of forms meaning an endless array of possibilities. Templates can be created which will then appear as choices when you build your form. Allowing you to display and submit a form however you want.
- Customise things like success and error messages, post submit redirects and more.
- Forms are processed via a
hook. Meaning there is no fuss like remembering to include a page mixin. - The hook can easily be disabled to provide the ability to create your own.
- Forms are catagorised by their class in the cms admin for easier navigation.
- Form submissions are also listed by their form which you can filter by date and are ordered by newest first.
- You can add site wide regex validators for use in regex fields.
- A form and it's fields can easily be copied to a new form.
- There is a template tag that can be used to render a form. Incase you want it to appear outside a streamfield.
- Recaptcha can be added to a form.
Can be found on readthedocs.
Clone the repo
$ git clone
Run the docker container
$ cd wagtailstreamforms
$ docker-compose up
Create yourself a superuser
$ docker exec -it <container_name> bash
$ python createsuperuser
Go to
Install dependencies
You will need pyenv installed see
Also tox needs to be installed
$ pip install tox
Install python versions in pyenv
$ pyenv install 3.4.4
$ pyenv install 3.5.3
$ pyenv install 3.6.2
Set local project versions
$ pyenv local 3.4.4 3.5.3 3.6.2
Run the tests
$ tox
or run for a single environment
$ tox -e py36-dj111-wt112