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Martin Hebnes Pedersen edited this page Apr 2, 2024 · 8 revisions

ARDOP comes in many flavors and versions, but the main stable implementations are:

These are the versions currently supported by Pat. ARDOP v2 appears to be abandoned.

Jason / KM4ACK has made a great video tutorial showing the basic setup on a Raspberry Pi.


To install and configure ARDOP, follow the instructions from the authors (links are at the top of this page).

Here is a short summary for the Raspberry Pi:

# Download and install ardopc (URL is for the Raspberry Pi version)
$ wget '' -O /tmp/ardopc
$ sudo install /tmp/ardopc /usr/local/bin/

# Find the correct sound card identifier (See video tutorial and John Wiseman's comments)
$ aplay -l

# Configure sound devices (You may need to change "plughw:1,0" depending on above aplay output)
$ echo 'pcm.ARDOP {type rate slave {pcm "plughw:1,0" rate 48000}}' > ~/.asoundrc

The default Pat config should be sufficient for standard deployments. Detailed information on each field is described here.

On Linux, it is recommended to install the ARDOPc binary to /usr/local/bin/ardopc.


First you'll need to find the node you want to connect with. Several options are available, but here is one:

# List all ARDOP stations with the LA prefix (nodes in Norway), sorted by distance
$ pat rmslist -s -m ardop LA
callsign  [gridsq] dist    Az mode(s)              dial freq    center freq url
LA1J      [JO28UP] 172    174 ARDOP 2000        3.601.50 MHz   3.603.00 MHz ardop:///LA1J?freq=3601.5

After starting the ARDOP application, you should be able to connect to a remote station by using the URL listed in the example above:

# Connect to a remote station (omit ?freq=... if you don't have/want rig control)
$ pat connect ardop:///LA1J?freq=3601.5

To allow inbound P2P connections, add the command line argument --listen while running ardop in the interactive mode:

$ pat --listen="ardop" interactive
2019/09/22 17:41:29 ARDOP TNC (ARDOP TNC_1.0.4.1i-BPQ) initialized
2016/09/22 17:41:29 Listening for incoming traffic (ardop)...
> _

...or using the web GUI:

$ pat --listen="ardop,winmor,ax25,telnet" http
2019/09/22 17:44:04 ARDOP TNC (ARDOP TNC_1.0.4.1i-BPQ) initialized
2019/09/22 17:44:04 WINMOR TNC v1.5.7.0 initialized
2019/09/22 17:44:04 Listening for incoming traffic (ardop,winmor,ax25,telnet)...
2019/09/22 17:44:04 Starting HTTP service (localhost:8080)...

Configuring ARDOPc to start on boot

The Pat .deb packages include a systemd unit file to manage ARDOPc as a background service.

This is recommended only for users with a functioning setup, as it makes debugging harder.

This will allow you to configure systemd to automatically start ARDOPc (and optionally Pat).

# Install the systemd unit file
# (the file assumes ardopc is installed at /usr/local/bin/ardopc)
sudo /usr/share/pat/ardopc/install-systemd-ardop-unit.bash

# Enable at boot time
sudo systemctl enable ardop@YOUR-LINUX-USERNAME

This method requires you to set up ~/.asoundrc with the correct audio device as pcm.ARDOP like this:

pcm.ARDOP {
	type rate
	slave {
		pcm "hw:0,0" // Change this to the correct value. E.g. "plughw:0,1".
		rate 48000