Note: The code below will work for both iOS and OSX)
let (leftRect, rightRect) = frame.divide(atDelta: 0.5, fromEdge: .MinXEdge, margin: 10)
let start = Color.whiteColor()
let end = Color.blackColor()
let leftPath = BezierPath(rect: leftRect)
// fill the left rect with a 90º gradient
Draw.fillPath(leftPath, startColor: start, endColor: end, angleInDegrees: 90)
// draw some text, aligned to the right rect
"InkKit is so awesome!".drawAlignedTo(rightRect, horizontal: .Center, vertical: .Middle)
// create an image of a circle (with a radius of 5pt) and draw it 10) { (attributes) in
attributes.strokeColor = Color.blackColor()
attributes.fillColor = Color.redColor().colorWithAlphaComponent(0.5)
attributes.dashPattern = [1, 4]
attributes.lineWidth = 2
}.drawAtPoint(CGPointMake(0, 0))
InkKit provides many useful convenience methods for drawing and geometry calculations.
If the convenience methods below don't solve your needs, you can start by using the new methods added directly to CGContext
func draw(inRect:attributes:drawing:)
Which would look like this in usage:
UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()?.draw(inRect: rect, drawing: { (context, rect, attributes) in
This basically wraps getting the context, setting up its frame and save/restore calls. If you provide the additional DrawingAttributes block, it will also pre-configure your context with those options for you.
For drawing primitives, like lines, paths, fills, strokes and gradients:
static func strokeLine(startPoint:endPoint:startColor:endColor:angleInDegrees:attributes:)
static func strokeLine(startPoint:endPoint:color:attributes:)
static func strokePath(path:startColor:endColor:angleInDegrees:attributes:)
static func fillPath(path:startColor:endColor:angleInDegrees:attributes:)
static func drawGradientPath(path:startColor:endColor:angleInDegrees:stroke:attributes:)
Many of the drawing methods use the geometry additions below, but they can also be useful for your own projects:
func divide(atDelta:fromEdge:margin:) -> (slice, remainder)
func insetBy(edgeInsets:) -> CGRect
mutating func insetInPlace(edgeInsets:)
func alignedTo(rect:horizontal:vertical:) -> CGRect
func scaledTo(rect:scaleMode:) -> CGRect
func gradientPoints(forAngleInDegrees:) -> (start, end)
func scaledTo(size:scaleMode:) -> CGSize
func reversibleRect(fromPoint:toPoint:) -> CGRect
There are also additional draw methods for images:
func drawAlignedTo(rect:horizontal:vertical:blendMode:alpha:)
func drawScaledTo(rect:scaleMode:blendMode:alpha:)
static func circle(radius:attributes:) -> Image
static func draw(width:height:scale:attributes:drawing:) -> Image
static func draw(size:scale:attributes:drawing:) -> Image
Finally, we even have some easy draw methods for strings:
func drawAlignedTo(rect:horizontal:vertical:attributes:constrainedSize:)
func sizeWithAttributes(attributes:constrainedSize:) -> CGSize
func drawAtPoint(point:attributes:)
func drawInRect(rect:withAttributes)
To see it in action, checkout the included demo project which has some UI hooked up to show its usage.
InkKit only depends on CoreGraphics and has no other external dependencies.
InkKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'InkKit'
Alternatively you can simply drag the files into your iOS or OSX project.
InkKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.