Prometheus exporter for 1-wire temperature sensors connected to a Raspberry PI
Name | Default | Description |
--version | Print version information | |
--listen-address | :9330 | Address on which to expose metrics. |
--path | /metrics | Path under which to expose metrics. |
--ignoreUnknown | true | Ignores sensors without a name |
--names | names.yaml | File mapping IDs to names" |
The names.yaml files contains the sensor id and name to use
28-0416506c85ff: temp_sensor_01
For gpio 4 append this to /boot/config.txt and reboot
You should now see your sensors with IDs in /sys/bus/w1/devices
# HELP onewire_temp Air temperature (in degrees C)
# TYPE onewire_temp gauge
onewire_temp{id="28-0416506c85ff",name="temp_sensor_01"} 28.187
I used DS18b20 1-wire sensors. For a long distance (50m worked fine) i used 5v power for the sensors and 3.3v with a 4.7k resistor as pull-up.