YarnGdx is a Libgdx library for creating interactive dialogue in games! YarnGdx is able to parse programs made with Yarn. Yarn's minimal syntax is very similar to that of Twine, so Twine users should be able to transition easily. If you don't know Twine or Yarn yet dont worry - It is super easy to learn the basics and get started. The Yarn language is used in several well known games like Night In The Woods.
There is a simple code example in the tests package that can be run like a normal libgdx project.
- First thing you want figure out is how you want to include YarnGdx in your project.
- Even though you could use any old text editor to create your dialogue files - I would recommend heading over and downloading the latest build of the Yarn Editor. It is very easy to understand and offers some useful features like color coding and node tags.
- Once you are all set up and are ready to get started implementing Yarn Dialogues into your game go ahead to the YarnGDX Wiki for an in depth guide.